GFTW 16: Practice What Ya Preach...

Naw, I'm not having a moment with my iphone. I took this shot to show off my lil' tresita's (braids) b/c I wanted to capture an 'a-ha' moment. Ya see, I was all set to coach my triathlon group for a bike/run session...then it dawned on me I should be modeling what I preach on practicing in your race day gear. So I whipped up my 'race day' braids, threw on a tri outfit, and put into practice what I was teaching. I was going talk about this the week of the race but really you should give enough time to switch any thing up that doesn't work.'s a cool t-shirt from fellow blogger slash artist slash triathlete Regina from Chui on This. Talk about putting into practice the preaching of Giving. She created this logo and is donating 100% of all sales made from her apparel to Red Cross. Click here to find more

And while I'm still on the 'Practice what ya Preach' thread..let's just get to my Goals for the Week. I'm a b.i.g believer in putting out there what I wanna be living into on a weekly, monthly, yearly and beyond level and my weekly goals attempt to keep me fastened to my Big Life Preaching:

Athlete: Mon, Fri, Sat- 2hr wkout, T, Th- 1.5 wk out. Make it happen...

Mom: Easter time! Dye eggs, decorate baskets, make some cards, bring Spring in our lives!

Wife: Create schedule for week together and be on same page for timing, home, meals, etc (It's a much busier week than usual with my work, kids games, etc)

Health: WATER

Personal Growth: At least once a day, practice the art of thinking 'What's the outcome I want from (fill in the blank with the experience)

ME!: It's Pedicure time baby!;-)

As always, I write these down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and attempt to review them each morning as I imbibe on my morning coffee. And that's what's going on for me over here. about YOU? Would love, love, love to know what's going on in your neck of the woods! Talk to me, talk to me. 

And also...a big ol' Good Luck to all you fantastic Boston Runners out there Monday! Woo-hoo! Can't wait to stalk you online!


misszippy said…
You look adorable in your braids! I'll bet your coachees love the guidance. And didn't know about Regina's shirt, but now I'm going to check it out!
Overall: Rest. Relax. Rejuvenate.

Teacher: Gratitude for Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-)

Daughter: Enjoy Early Easter and Hang Out Time with the parents!

Relative: Make and send Easter cards!

Yoga Teacher Training: Read a bit, reflect lots, daily self practice, all of the gentle stuff. Recharge for the next 8 weeks!

Me: Daily Reiki time, pure relaxation and re-charge time!

Athlete: Whatever/as much as I feel like on a rejuvenation week (early morning swims- cool! mid-afternoon trail runs- rock on!)!

Health: increase water, listen to body, plan and make healthy meals and snacks.

Writer: Play with the yoga teacher training stories... see what works!

Me 2: visualize results... let go of the "hows" and "whens" and focus on the journey... or rather... the end point. It will come together!
Alison said…
I love the practice what you preach theme.

On which note, I am going to practice what I have been preaching to others recently about stress: get to bed at a regular time!
XLMIC said…
Love those braids on you! I remember the last time you modeled them for us :)

GFTW in my camp:

Mother: patience and compassion. And thanks for the Easter reminder ;-) gotta get going on that once we get back.
Wife: acknowledgement and space. Support so he can do what he needs to do to get back on track when we return.
Health: sleep and water. More of both.
Athlete: don't stress about the past 2 weeks, just get back into the groove on Thurs w/ running 3x/week. Core work 2x/week
Guest: clean up WELL. thank you card before we leave AND one when we arrive at home.
Me: self-acknowledgement. Patience with myself. Chill out in general... nothing is so important to get twisted about it right now :)
Lisa said…
cute braids. I agree, best to have a few weeks to work out the kinks of race day gear.

my goal for the week as a wife: do my best not to lay all my injury stress on my husband.

and like A World of Gratitude, send Easter cards out to family.
Ewa said…
Regina's shirt, I will have to check it out.
You look very cute in braids.
My goals for the week are overwhelming me. I think I will set just one: prioritize!
I love your braids, they suit you!
Aimee said…
Love the braids!
I cannot believe that Easter is next weekend! I am so slacking on the spring/Easter stuff this year!
I love that you are rockin the braids. They look so cute!

That is a great t-shirt.

And I need to refocus on my water intake too!
Caratunk Girl said…
Love the braids!! I think I want to try that too.
Raquelita said…
I love the braids and am with you on water! I just got home from a day of flying and I feel parched.
My goals this week:

Run, at least 3 times, work out with my new trainer twice and once in the gym on my own.

Wife: Be nice and then enjoy our anniversary and spending time together as a couple not as parents.

Eat more often, but make good choices.
Sherri said…
I have missed reading your blog! Your always such an inspiration!
I love those t shirts...what a great idea!
Your adorable in braids1

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