GFTW 4: Control, TRX, and More!

First, can I just say how glad I am to have this past week over? I hate to say it, but It was a doozy friends. Why? Because I got a big ol' dose of 'You DON'T have control over everything-AM!' And that was hard for me to sit with. So while most things are now 'back in control', it was a lesson on figuring out how to just BE when I have no control. 
And speaking of lack of control, that's how my body feels when I use my TRX bands above. All my lil' muscles quiver and I feel like an unbalanced fool. But that's why they work- they make you more stable and strong. So I guess my TRX moves can be a good metaphor for how to embrace the outta control variables in life. They suck while going thru the motions, but ultimately make you a stronger person.

So...speaking becoming stronger, here's what I have lined up for my Goals for the Week:

Athlete: Get my 3 days of ST and ~2 Days of TRX in this week. Finish my 2011 Training Game plan 

Mom: Dinner together ~3 days this week (sun, mon, thurs)

Home: Choose My Own Adventure: Clean either the back playroom closet, my car, or the living room hutch. They're all disasters!

Health: Meditate on the following: Be an appreciator in my life. Look at that which is valuable rather than worthless

As always, I write these down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and attempt to review them each morning as I chug my coffee. And that's what I have lined up over here. Now...tell me...What do YOU have lined up for this week? Would LOVE to know. Talk to me, talk to me!


JC said…
I totally love the "Choose your own adventure". I started doing 1 thing per week around the house from smal to big and I have noticed how great it feels. The other week it was cleaning the light above the kitchen table. It only took about 10 minutes, but made a world of difference. Can't wait to see the plans for 2011!
A Prelude To... said…
I really like your "health" goal!!
Clair said…
It's great that you can spend so much time with your mom! One of my big goals for this week is to get back to spin class on Friday after a few weeks haitus. It's gonna hurt.
The TRX is awesome! I have fun with it.
I don't think I realized you wrote these on your bookmark! What a wonderful visual cue/reminder!

I am beginning training for marathon #2 this week! And, cleaning up my eating at the same time. They go hand-in-hand, don't they?!

Your Home goal is such a great idea too! "adventure"!
Teamarcia said…
Oh I love/hate the TRX--it hurts so good!
Christina said…
Adventure? There are lots of adventures in my home all right.
Gee! Let me work on getting my closet cleaned out.

Feel better / get over this crud I have.

Run my long run next weekend!
Overall: Relax and Focus on What's Important!

Athlete- get in all work outs and provide the consistency (and variety) that is needed.

Health- continue to eat "real" food (aka making all if possible..mmmm :-)

Health 2- maintain or increase water intake

Teacher 1- Steady with mid-terms then celebrate completion! :-)

Teacher 2- Pending time, clean out the top file cabinet drawer (eegads on what I found on Friday!)

Personal Growth- Daily self Reiki treatments

Home- Clean the coffee and dr table

Family Mem- send an e-card to the aunt and letter to grandma :-)

Volunteer- Enjoy each moment with the Cancer Support Crew

Vol 2- Search options for BRR and find out what's needed

Writer- Hash out topics for a certain piece... let it develop organically! :-)

PG/Writer 2- Given time identify 3 articles to translate for a friend's website and e-mail her.
Caratunk Girl said…
I want to try TRX.

Hugs to you. Hope things get better.

My big plans for this week? Heading to Baxter State Park for a 5 day back country ski trip!! YAY.
Lisa said…
I've never tried TRX, definitely sounds intense and like a great workout.

This week I'm going to work at being more patient - especially on the subway on my way to/from work!
Maggs said…
Painting. Painting. And then more painting. Hope to have it done by the weekend. Then I get to put in new floors. UGH.
Alison said…
I've never used a TRX, but I know a lot of people swear by them.

I'm also someone who likes a good, firm handle on everything in my life. And I struggle a lot when things don't go my way. Like, sulking child, over-consumption of coffee and alcohol struggling. It's great to be reminded that we can learn to live with those feelings without freaking out.

My main goal this week is work: approach my upcoming thesis supervision with pragmatism and positivity.

Here's hoping!
Raquelita said…
I really like your goal to be more appreciative of the valuable things! I can easily get distracted by the negative stuff.

I need to make some decisions about presentations this week. I also really need to take some items to be dry cleaned!
my hubby is deployed and took our trx with him :( love it! my goals are to not miss one workout and to meet up with a new team that i'm on. a little nervous about that!
Kris said…
Ooh, I want to try trx. They just started offering it at my gym.
I am interested in this TRX, though 200 is a bit much when I need to replace some race gear this season

I just have more base training, indoors, being cranky because the windchill makes it feel like -19
Jessie said…
I know how you feel. Trying to balance being a Mom, wife, and training is so hard. I feel guilty about letting anything slide. Im a clean freak and relaxing about that is about killing me. I have taken to LIVING by my note book size planner! lol BTW I found your blog on cafemom and thought Id stop by and say hi!
Flo said…
What a BRILLIANT blog!! When I set up a blogroll this is going at the top! What a brilliant idea to set continuous goals...I kind of do the same thing by writing a "To Do" list every week but GOALS sounds so much better! lol

PS your children look adorable. high five for being an inspiration to them and others :)
AM! said…
Hi all;-)

And that's a comment that'll make a girl's day! thx!;-)
LOVE TRX! Started it with a trainer about 6 weeks ago, 2-3x a week. It's amazing how strong you become so quickly.
This week for me, 2x swimming, 2x trx, 3x bike, 3x run, and hopefully some yoga, to calm my body and mind.
Love the Choose your own Adventure!
Beth said…
I've seen the TRX straps at the gym but never tried them. Thanks for sharing- I'll try them out!
Aimee said…
You have a TRX?? I'm sooo jealous!! I want one so bad!

I love the "choose your own adventure" goal..that just sounds like so much fun!
Hello! :)
I love my TRX too and have a trainer 2x/week for it! Kills me!
My goal this week is to remain balanced between work and my kids' activities and Morgan's broken arm appointments! and my training! :)

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