GFTW 4: Control, TRX, and More!
And speaking of lack of control, that's how my body feels when I use my TRX bands above. All my lil' muscles quiver and I feel like an unbalanced fool. But that's why they work- they make you more stable and strong. So I guess my TRX moves can be a good metaphor for how to embrace the outta control variables in life. They suck while going thru the motions, but ultimately make you a stronger person.
So...speaking becoming stronger, here's what I have lined up for my Goals for the Week:
Athlete: Get my 3 days of ST and ~2 Days of TRX in this week. Finish my 2011 Training Game plan
Mom: Dinner together ~3 days this week (sun, mon, thurs)
Home: Choose My Own Adventure: Clean either the back playroom closet, my car, or the living room hutch. They're all disasters!
Health: Meditate on the following: Be an appreciator in my life. Look at that which is valuable rather than worthless
As always, I write these down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and attempt to review them each morning as I chug my coffee. And that's what I have lined up over here. Now...tell me...What do YOU have lined up for this week? Would LOVE to know. Talk to me, talk to me!
I am beginning training for marathon #2 this week! And, cleaning up my eating at the same time. They go hand-in-hand, don't they?!
Your Home goal is such a great idea too! "adventure"!
Gee! Let me work on getting my closet cleaned out.
Feel better / get over this crud I have.
Run my long run next weekend!
Athlete- get in all work outs and provide the consistency (and variety) that is needed.
Health- continue to eat "real" food (aka making all if possible..mmmm :-)
Health 2- maintain or increase water intake
Teacher 1- Steady with mid-terms then celebrate completion! :-)
Teacher 2- Pending time, clean out the top file cabinet drawer (eegads on what I found on Friday!)
Personal Growth- Daily self Reiki treatments
Home- Clean the coffee and dr table
Family Mem- send an e-card to the aunt and letter to grandma :-)
Volunteer- Enjoy each moment with the Cancer Support Crew
Vol 2- Search options for BRR and find out what's needed
Writer- Hash out topics for a certain piece... let it develop organically! :-)
PG/Writer 2- Given time identify 3 articles to translate for a friend's website and e-mail her.
Hugs to you. Hope things get better.
My big plans for this week? Heading to Baxter State Park for a 5 day back country ski trip!! YAY.
This week I'm going to work at being more patient - especially on the subway on my way to/from work!
I'm also someone who likes a good, firm handle on everything in my life. And I struggle a lot when things don't go my way. Like, sulking child, over-consumption of coffee and alcohol struggling. It's great to be reminded that we can learn to live with those feelings without freaking out.
My main goal this week is work: approach my upcoming thesis supervision with pragmatism and positivity.
Here's hoping!
I need to make some decisions about presentations this week. I also really need to take some items to be dry cleaned!
I just have more base training, indoors, being cranky because the windchill makes it feel like -19
PS your children look adorable. high five for being an inspiration to them and others :)
And that's a comment that'll make a girl's day! thx!;-)
This week for me, 2x swimming, 2x trx, 3x bike, 3x run, and hopefully some yoga, to calm my body and mind.
Love the Choose your own Adventure!
I love the "choose your own adventure" goal..that just sounds like so much fun!
I love my TRX too and have a trainer 2x/week for it! Kills me!
My goal this week is to remain balanced between work and my kids' activities and Morgan's broken arm appointments! and my training! :)