To Co-Sleep ( with Twins!) or Not
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After watching this (humorous) video and reading the latest NY Times article on the subject, I felt compelled to jump on the band wagon and share my side of the subject.
First and foremost, this is what I believe to be true: Whatever you decide, IS what's best for your kids, and THAT'S the way it's supposed to happen. period
For me, this is my story: We were blessed with twins and because I was mainly pumping and not doing a lot of breast feeding, co-sleeping wasn't needed for that purpose. However for bonding's sake, we attempted to co-sleep maybe two times, and the results? Uh... not good:
2 adults, + 2 one week old babies in 1 bed= 2 whacked out, stressed parents who laid in the supine position all night in fear of waking up (or rolling onto) one of the babies. After the 2nd attempt, I realized in order to be the best mom I could be, I needed to get some SLEEP (and recover from an emergency c-section) .
That being said, I believe it was WAY easier for me to be away from them at night because I knew they always had each other. I never worried if they were lonely because they've been together since the womb! They've slept in the same crib til' 8 mo's, and they still sleep together in the same room today.
Now, don't get me wrong, at least weekly one will climb in our beds at 2 am for a snuggle fix, and we LOVE it. Then a half hour later we whisper that we're bringing them back to their bed, and they willingly go. I think they enjoy their own bed space too.
So this is my story, and I would LOVE to hear yours (either here or at juiceboxjungle) b/c I KNOW you have one!