I Just Made Forty Bucks!

Well... that's not 100% true. But I did just SAVE ~$40 by cutting my own kids' hair this afternoon. I've been doing so since they were one, and despite having a semi-imperfect cut, with random strands and patches of hair sticking out at times, I think it's been a success so far. Hey, and isn't tassled/bed head 'in' anyway? So far my kids haven't complained, and no one has said 'Eewww, what's wrong with your child's hair?'.

They're 3 now, so I feel like I'm getting the hang of it, plus... they're only three! They'd look cute even if I accidently gave them a hardcore mullet (which has happened!), so that ideology is always nice to fall back on.

Now I just need to get my OWN hair cut/colored for under ~$150! Aye, aye, aye! I really want to figure that one out, or at least find some way to feel okay spending that kinda money on hair. It's a conundrum I tell ya! Any suggestions?


Anonymous said…
Wow! Cutting 2 three year olds' hair! I am totally impressed. My kids would never sit still for that.

As for the second part (our own hair), I have no advice. This is why I have stuck with long and straight in and out of style all these decades...my one venture out was an ill-fated Dorothy Hamill oh so long ago!
AM! said…
The kids sit, not still, but still enough to get the job (mostly) done.
Dorothy Hamill- awesome!
sarah said…
adorable. you're hired for my kids too.
Anonymous said…
When you come to LA you can have my Korean hairdresser cut, color and blow dry for 80 bucks! Since I don't speak korean, I just show her the celebrity from Star magazine that I most want my haircut to emulate. Then she does the rest!
AM! said…
I like your thinking!! I'm there!...now I just have to figure out who I want to emulate in the hollywood world...!
Anonymous said…
sometimes beauty colleges offer discounted cuts and coloring to try their skills on "clients". If it's too much of a risk just get someone whose about to graduate!!
3 Ring Cycles said…
Not to brag but I'm actually a pretty decent haircutter(my own excepted!), and have done Brad and the kids since day 1!...I can do yours for free...ok maybe you don't want me doing yours!! haha. Well I have my career chosen if the bike thing doesn't work out anyway:} Just noticed your link to Jaimie Whitmore.com is mispelled, I just heard about her yesterday so this is great to know about her blog. What an incredible story. I'm going to stop whining about my own life now!

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