Running with Ben

Ask and It is Given

It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of Dr. Wayne Dyer. Subsequently, I'll read any book with a forward written by the man. So when I serendipitously stumbled upon 'Ask and it is Given' with Wayne's Forward leading the way, I gave it a go.
And I'm glad I did.
Part of the book has a series of 'processes', or exercises, or games if you will, that help release all of the resistance we've built up around attracting that which we really want in our lives. There are 22 different processes and you choose one according to what just feels right for you at that moment. Well the Wallet Process #15 was right up my alley.
Because without realizing it most of the time, I'm focused more on the lack of money in my experience rather than the presence of money. So even when I'm sending out thoughts of wanting more money into my life, it's coming from a source of feeling my lack of money. So this process helps offer a vibration that is compatible with receiving money instead of pushing it away.

The Wallet Process #15

The process begins with you obtaining $100 bill and keeping it with you al all times. As you do so, you should feel pleased that it's there and remind yourself of the security it brings you. Then as you move through out your day, start to take note of all the things you could purchase with that $100 and mentally spend that $100 on all of those things: a cute dress, the pillow and sheets, the great smelling food, theatre tickets, fancy soaps, and remind yourself that, if you really wanted, you could purchase any because you have $100.

My Experience

For me, the act of holding the $100 in my hand and visualizing myself buying all of these things as I strolled though my day was pretty amazing. I could honestly feel a different hold and exchange of the way I perceived myself to receive money. By mentally spending the $100 multiple times in a day I really began to feel the advantage of having money flow more easily into my life.

Running with Ben

And part of my day included my long run. So I thought- let's play with this process further. Let's run with the $100 in my hand. I felt funny yet excited about the idea.
So I did.

AM Sebastiani Running with Ben
I ran with Ben here for 50 minutes on my long country road run. Having the $100 in my hand the entire time was energetic experience. I realized the value of my runs is on a different energy continuum than money. Like you can't compare $100 to a run. Running outdoors is outside of the realm of money energy. It's deeper, broader, more expansive. So with this revelation, I wanted to bring more of my running energy into the way I receive and play with money.


I began this Process and modified Running with Ben last Thursday and I believe I've felt pretty cool results. Like the following:
1. I came home from my run and my husband had cleaned the entire house, moved out our old dining room which was cluttering up our entire living room for weeks- it become the kid's new art table, and hung new mirrors.
2. Have had  fabulous afternoon naps every day
3. Received a new client
4. Felt an added sense of security.
5. Went on a lunch date, party date and coffee date with my husband
6. My kids are being incredibly loving.
7. New living room book cases and entertainment system set up- which I wasn't expecting at all
8. New summer outfits for the entire family at prices almost like they were giving the clothes away
9. Found a whole bunch of my 'nicer' necklaces that I love and feel like I have a new wardrobe
Ultimately what I'm beginning to feel is that you do not have to actually be abundant in order to attract abundance, but you do have to feel abundant. So by spending this $100 again and again, I am practicing the vibration of abundance and the good ol' Universe responds to the vibration you have achieved by matching I with manifested abundance.

My Challenge to You

So that's where I am with this Process. Now how about you? Have you ever done this exercise? And if not- why not try this process for yourself! Go get a new crisp $100 bill, carry it around with you- heck do your workout with it and feel all of the energy that comes up with the experience.
And I would love to know how your experiment goes $


XLMIC said…
I love this challenge! I've done it before. My husband likes Wayne, too :) I do believe it's time to do it again.
Alison said…
What an interesting idea... I must try it!
Christi said…
I am in the middle of reading "The Secret" right now so this post is very timely.

I am trying very hard at putting the principles to use but after years of negative thinking, positive thinking is interesting. I know that I am in a perfect place in my life to make all the changes I need. I am laid off which I believe I asked the universe to bring about. Now I must recognize what I truly want and begin the process of asking, gratitude and believing. So in all my wordiness, I guess if you have any more great advice it would be greatly appreciated!
AM! said…

I would say- and i know it's ear for me on the outside- but you are at the perfect place in your life. Trust yourself and the process.

continue practicing the art of allowing in your life:)
Anne-Marie said…
Wow - very cool! I actually have this book because my doctor recommended it for me... but to be honest, I couldn't get through the first few chapters. I don't think I even made it to any of the 'process' descriptions you mentioned, but this is encouraging that I should pick it up again and give it another try. The $100 bill experiment is interesting - I've been feeling stressed financially because of student loans and property tax increases, so this might be just what I need to do! Thanks! :)
AM! said…
@A-M- I sorta skipped/skimmed the first part of the book as well. The processes are the real gems and if you can allow yourself to go w/it and try it out...will be awesome
RunToTheFinish said…
i adore louise haye and have read all of their books and love all of the little ideas they have!! I carry a $100 in my wallet, but ohh love the idea of running with it.

i say everyday some of the affirmations from her other books (or for me audiobooks that i listen to while running) and it just makes me feel good if nothing else

Wayne Dwyer is great too. I always feel a little like schmuck talking about it because other think it's too "granola".

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