What's Working (and also workin) Wednesday: Journeys

What's Working:
1. Yup, that's right folks...I got in last minute to the San Francisco Nike Women's Half. It's in 2 weeks and I'm fired up. I've ran it 2 other times, and both were meaningful. My first was back in 2007 and it was my first half. But what made it an emotional journey was that only a few weeks prior, both my own lil' A and my only sister were hospitalized for an illness and head injury respectively. It was a very emotional time so I ran it with my heart and gut. It was a very healing experience as I just kept thinking two things: 1. 'if my lil' A and sister can handle pain/sickness, than surely I can handle this half. 2. How lucky are we to all be healthy again.'

And also workin':

1. Attempting a Shamanic Journey: I found this book at a thrift store a while back and only started reading it a few weeks ago. I took the plunge this week and attempted a ~20 min journey to meet my Power Animal. I really didn't know what to expect and I definitely had the questions of  am I doing it 'right', will I meet my animal?, am I making this up?, yada, yada, yada. Well....I can report to you that I was empowered and surprised by my experience. I did meet my Power Animal (at least I think I did) and I'm  excited to play with this a lil' more in my life. I feel like I've been introduced to another empowering tool for growth and healing.

And I'm smiling as I just made the 'a-ha' on how both of these experiences are very similar in channeling growth and healing: One journey is in our normal 'reality', the other plays with 'other' realities/worlds out there in life. Huh! Fancy that.

So that's what's working and also workin' over here for me;-). Now...how about you? Few questions? Who's doing the Nike Half? And/or have YOU ever shamanic journeyed? I would LOVE to know!! Maybe we can journey at the Nike half together...HA!;-)


Aimee said…
How fun that you got in! You're going to do great!!!
What's working: my IMAZ training! I'm feeling strong and am getting excited!
What's not working: My house is a MESS. I need to clean and get organized again...ugh!
Teamarcia said…
I think I need a power animal around here!
Nike WOmen's is on my bucket list....one of these years. Enjoy it!
Christi said…
Have a great time at the Nikes race!
Laura said…
I'll be at the Nike event, but I'm doing the full. Save me a Tiffany necklace at the finish! Have fun at the race.
justme said…
i want to know more about this power animal ???
XLMIC said…
So glad you posted this today…i needed to reflect on my past journeying experiences…some fabulous insights in them, valuable lessons to remember. I was super surprised by my spirit guide/power animal! Was yours in any way what you had anticipated? Hoping to spectate effectively at Nike! I need some lessons in that arena :P
Lisa said…
Congrats on getting into the race! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Nike should be a lot of fun! I would love to run it one day. Congrats on finding your animal, too! No idea what that means, but congrats nonetheless!
I can't imagine running a half at this point, but I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I'm running a 5k in 8 weeks. I know I did a 5k earlier this year, but I plan on actually running this one and I'm nervous!

And good luck with your journey. Sounds intriguing!

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