Is It So Bad...?

Oh yeah, another post-run studio shot of yours truly. This time it's to show off a few race day get up ideas. First...I'm mixin' up my hair and wearing a poof on the front of my head with two low ponytails sans a visor. This is the longest my hair has ever been (I realize I've been saying this now for over a year, but I keep letting it grow) and I wanna feel cute dang it! So I tried out the ponytails and I'm giving them the green light. it so bad that I'm not wearing a lick of Nike for the 10,000+ women's Nike Half Marathon on Sunday? I'm wearing an old Zoot tri top, Athleta shorts, and my fav Newton shoes. I have a lot of pink/red going on. Oh, did I mention I wanna feel cute? 

But let's get to what really is bad-I realize how much of monkey brain I've got going on at the moment. It keeps telling me 'You're not that in shape', 'You're not svelte like a year ago', 'You haven't trained to run well on Sunday', blah, blah, blah. It just won't quiet down. But then I look at the pic above and shake my head at the disconnect between my brain and body. When I look at picture- I think I look just fine. Heck, I even think I look CUTE! But somehow my monkey brain discredits any and all validity of my current physical situation. So monkey brain- stop trying to ruin my parade- go climb a tree and stuff it with bananas.

And bananas is what I'll be stuffing this Sunday morning- post race at hopefully around ~8:40 ish am. That's my wish anyway. 

Happy Friday Friends! Good luck with any and all races, and if you're racing the Nike- here's to long ponytails, cute get ups and KNOWING we all look awesome out there...;-) 


Jennifer said…
You look amazing, love the pony tails! No Nike? Ha, that's OK it's good to be a revolutionary!
misszippy said…
You look adorable and don't forget it! I am familiar with that voice--I always feel like I was fitter the season before. What's up with us and that?

Good luck on Sunday--rock it!
I think its great your not waering Nike, I am extremely anti nike.

Have fun on Sunday, its my Bday
Kris said…
You look great! Love the outfit!
Aimee said…
You look awesome and totally cute!! Good luck in your race!
Teamarcia said…
yes stuff a banana in that monkey's mouth and tell him to stifle the negative thoughts. You look hawt!
good luck and have fun!
Clair said…
Good luck this weekend! Your outfit is adorable, but you may want a hat. I rode part of the course this morning, and it was really bright.
Anne-Marie said…
You look super fit and toned! I'd say to wear what you look/feel comfortable and cute in and don't worry about trying to include Nike.

Good luck and have fun!!
GM said…
Good luck on your race. Have fun.
Anne said…
Good look super cute and you'll do great!
XLMIC said…
I totally tried to spectate and root friends on... missed every single one of them! But if you were between miles 9 and 10 anywhere around 1:12 and 1:27 into the race, I probably whooped and hollered at you :)

Hope you had a great time in SF this morning... it seemed like an awesome morning for a long run :)

Are you doing your Turkey Trot again next month? Please?
You look fabulous! And I know I'm a little behind so I can't wait to hear how it went yesterday!

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