GFTW 40: Talents

Hi! I think the above shot is pretty cool. Actually, it's SUPER cool in my eyes because my dad took it ~two miles from his house. My own dad, the stead fast nuclear engineer for over 40 years, who has now immersed himself in the photography world since retirement. And he keeps upping the ante with each of his works. Who knew he had this passion and talent for creating something like this?

And it makes me feel the possibility of my own hidden talents. Lil' ones that will keep swirling around and hopefully unfold as I let go and try them out in the world. 

So with this image in my head, here's what I've got swirling around for my Goals for the Week:

Athlete: I'm doing a half marathon in 2 weeks. A pretty special one that I just got into last minute through a friend. Wanna try and guess which one? Two hints: it's in California and you get a necklace....

oh, but my goal is to design a mental race day map for it.

Health: Sprinkle chia seeds into my shakes, salads and dessert. 

Personal Growth: Try out a shamanic journey for ~20 minutes. I read a book on it, and I'm curious to try it out. Put on the drumming CD, set my intention and give it a go...

Wife: Date Lunch and/or dinner (just actually had it today...why my post is late!;-)

Mom: Treasure hunt walk with kids after dinner a few times this week. It can be in the rain too...

Home: Look into new carpet for living room and new hall runner. Gonna make a difference I think.

ME!: Lighten UP!! Just laugh a little more for gawd's sake and catch myself breathing and relaxing.

Finance: Call the hospital re: a few bills and figure it out. (just do it AM!)

As always, I write these down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and review them each morning as part of my morning routine. And that's what I've got on my radar for the week. about YOU? Would love, love, love to know what you've got goin' on in your piece of the sky? Talk to me, talk to me!

And... thanks again Dad:)


XLMIC said…
Journeying is so cool. I have done it a few times. Really prophetic and healing and guiding and ... lots of stuff. Well, for me it was!

My athlete goal is sitting front and center right now and I am getting spazzy... so my goal is to psyche myself UP for my half this weekend and not OUT. lol I can hit my time goal if I run smart and relaxed. Now I just need to do it :)
Anonymous said…
It's gotta be the Nike 1/2!! Congrats--I got in last minute last year too. Good luck :)
That picture is gorgeous!
Alison said…
What a cool photo, and good luck with the half marathon!

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