GFTW 32: Better Late than Never eh?

Hi All! Yah, I know. You've been gripping the ends of your seats in eager anticipation for my GFTW post eh? Well, it's here and better late than never right? Thing is, I just got back from my five day sojourn that included a lil' bit of this:

and this:
and this:

coupled with a bit of this:
oh! can't forget some of this:
All with my two best friends. 

And in the end, when I returned home this morning...I was greeted with a lil' bit of this:
A string of balloons to help ring in my 'Big' B-day coming this week. Yah, I know, can NOT complain one bitty bitty bit. Well, other than my lil' dude caught the strep from lil' A while I was gone, and let's just say you could tell he really hadn't slept for a few days. aw, dude.

But my trip really did include a plane, train, and automobile rides, and it has awakened my desire to keep up the adventures for me, my kids, and hubs. And good thing- as we have a vacation coming up on the horizon.

So in the spirit of adventure and carving out space to ensure it happens, here is my Goal for the Week:

Mom, Wife, Personal Growth, ME, and Athlete: Unplug-from blogging and internet.  I want to be fully present on our vacation- and really soak up my kids, hubs, and friends. Because at the end of the day, all the other stuff can wait right? I mean it'll be right there when I get back. But my kids, and being 5 1/2, and the memories made from traveling and a vacation- yah...I wanna be there. Fully.

So that's my goal for the week. And as always, I write it in a bookmark in my organizer and review it each morning as part of my morning routine. That's what's going on for me. about you? I'd still love to hear from you...even though I won't be on my computer I still *heart* reading all the comments on my phone!;-) 


XLMIC said…
So's I don't miss it... happy early birthday! Looks like you and your friends sure had a lot of fun! Hope the little ones are all feeling well again! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead :)
teacherwoman said…
Sounds like you had fun! Love the photos! Have fun on your fam vacay!
Christina said…
Cute pictures!
I especially love the first one!
Looks like you had fun!
Unknown said…
That first pic is awesome! You look so cute!!
Beth said…
Nice vacation! Looks like you had a great time. I hope you have a very happy birthday!

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