What's Working (...and not so much) Wednesday: Art, Art, my Heart, and the Dessert Cart!

What's Working:
1. ART: As I shared in my GFTW, it's all about play for me these next five weeks, and that includes creating art with the kids. Like these leaf print pages they started whipping out on their own yesterday. So I had to hop in and color some myself. And have you colored leaf prints lately? Sounds funny, but if not...I say give it a go. You feel like you're creating magic when the crayon unfolds the veins and lines of the leaf. Oh, and I love their sprinkle of fireworks around em'...;)

2. More ART!: I shared  the Inner Athlete collage  process I do for different areas of my life. Well, I figured it would be a great activity to do with my own lil' kids- have em' get to rip out images they like and glue em' down. And here's what lil' A came up with above, and lil' N below:

And now...not so much:

1. My Heart: The heart is fine, I'm just really wanting to allow myself to let go of the feeling that I should be doing something or 'working' all the time. I'm aiming to provide myself the true space to just BE and play in all areas of my life. I'm doing a pretty good job- but I'm holding my heart back a bit in fully letting go and taking it in...;)

2. Sorta sounding like a broken record over here, I know. But, I just can't get enough desert each nite! I love the stuff! Dryers light ice cream, sunflower butter, YUMMMMMMM!;)

So that's what's working and not so much over in my neck of the Summer Forest. Now...how about YOU? What are you rakin' and not so much over in your neck of the woods? Would love to know! Talk to me, talk to me!


again, you speak to my heart. ON that note, off this thing and on to meeting my goals today...I will cook a meal..put some art into it. And I will try to just BE with my kids and enjoy simply enjoying them without feeling like I have to be looking at a to-do list and go go going. Thanks for sharing your heart and art. And you deserve the Dessert Cart!
Raquelita said…
I'm not usually a big sweets person, but dessert has been my downfall this summer....

Working: Progress on writing projects and marathon training in spite of the heat.
Aimee said…
What's not working: We had a new frozen yogurt place open up close to us and I swear, we cannot get enough of that place! It is soooo good!!
Marci said…
I love art drawings and the collages you and your kids have made!
Anne-Marie said…
I remember making those leaf rub pics when I was little! I remember trying it with flower petals but it didn't work so well ;)

What's working- racing! Tomorrow is my 5th consecutive weekend of racing and I'm having a blast.


What isn't working- the lack of me time/free time weekend racing leaves for me.

I need to work on the 'just be' thing too!

have a great weekend :)
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