What's Working (and not so much) Wednesday: Glue, a Shoe and Bein' a MOO!!

What's Working:

1. Workshop Prep: I'm seriously channeling my Inner Teacher/Counselor with these lil' glue stick reminders I made for some workshops I'm presenting this week. And I'll tell ya...it was fun! As cheesy as they may look and sound 'Can't wait to Glue and Groove with YOU!' I loved playing with sparkle pipe cleaners and glue.

2. The folks at onlineshoes.com gave me the opportunity a while back to try out their site and order a pair of shoes. Well...I'm never one to pass up a great deal so I happily obliged. I picked these LIGHT saucony shoes for my track work sessions and both onlineshoes.com and the shoe did not disappoint. The shoe was a perfect fit for my tapered track work session leading up to my half marathon. They are very light but with ZERO arch support, so I had to wait to use them for a smaller speed workout which was this week. The ordering/shipping process from onlineshoes.com was spot on. I received my shoes only 2 days after my order! My one wish for the site would be to give the weight of every run shoe- while they had some, I had to do the research myself and I would have liked the option to compare wts on run shoes straight from their site. But overall, I was very happy with the process and product!

And now...Not so Much:

1. Folks, I'm eating like I don't even have a race this Sunday. It's almost humorous. A few handful of M&M's here, an extra serving there; it's comical I tell you. You can just call me Ms. MOO over here:)   But I better not have any negativity about this out on race day. No no no AM.

So that's what's pretty much working and not so much for me over here. Now...I'd LOVE to know what's happening in your neighborhood! What's makin' or breakin' YOUR week. Would love to know! Talk to moi, talk to moi!


Christi said…
What's working for me is that I launched a website for my client today. Woo Hoo! That is my second client for my new company.

What's not working for me, the work I need to do for my next client and it is a big one!
XLMIC said…
My husband is working for me! Lots of putting kids to bed so I can go work out :) My new core workout is working…after ONE time! Gotta be ready for that high school reunion :P

Not working…still having major sleep issues :(

Sleeping in and listening to my body (aka allowing myself to rest!)

Finding music that works for my yoga practicum! :-) (still need to add it all together and get a few more songs...and not think too much!)

60% off custom framing at Michael's allowed me to save over $90 to get a piece framed that will be donated and used as an American Cancer Society auction piece :-)

Needs Improving:

Um, cleaning my home.. just because it's summer doesn't mean I can slack on this!

Patience during WWC games with the USWNT... dear heavens! :-)

Oh... here's a recipe I made yesterday...

Pumpkin Granola Bars (I made without the cinnamon chips)


De-lic-ious!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Beth said…
Love the title! I have also been doing some mooing. :) Glad the shoes worked out and good luck this weekend!
Christina said…
What's breaking? Jet-lag. Thirteen hours time difference does some damage to my sleep schedule.

What's working? I ran a 5K on the treadmill after a month's of inconsistent running and after 1 week of completely no running. Not too shabby. :)

And being back here means I will be fully and totally technologically connected to blogs. Can't wait to read about your goals for the week!
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