Killer Filler Friday: A Space to Call My Own!

Hi All! I haven't been able to post all week, but with good reason my friends. I am very happy to present to you....(drum roll please...) my new, all to myself, office play/work space! It's so fun to even type those words: office space! I haven't had a true space to call all my own for probably almost ten years. And until 2 days ago, I only had a nook in the dining room and a table in the side studio to set my computer/binders. But this space above is ALL for MOI. It's a pretty powerful feeling to bite the bullet and go for it. 

And my cute lil' play space is located in the heart of the plaza: next to a rare used book store, a trattoria, a coffee shop, and art museum. How freakin' cool is that? In fact the window to the right opens up to the back patio of an Italian Trattoria and I can hear it's fountain and smell it's warm baked focaccia bread. I feel so European. 

Oh! It's also a stone's throw to the park and bike path where I can coach clients on the fitness side as well.

I haven't had a blank slate like this for quite some time- so I hope to take a lil' time to set it up right.  But in the interim I've borrowed a card table and a dining room chair:
This has been my week. A space to call my own. And as I was unloading the first few bags into the office, my son's toy sparkle key chain fell out.  When it dropped onto the floor, I knew it was meant for my new sparkle space: 
A perfect fit. Just like me and my new office space. Now...have any cool office/play space ideas you can throw my way? Would love to hear em'! Happiest Friday Friends! 


Look at you! Your life dreams unfolding! I'm sure you have had this put out there in the universe for some time just waiting for it to happen and now look! And it couldn't be any better from the way you described it!! So wonderful! and the key chain is PERFECT!
Raquelita said…
Congratulations on the new space! I can't wait to see how you fill it with things and dreams!
Leah F said…
Fantastic! Have fun in your new playground!
That's so exciting! What a great space!
Christina said…
AWESOME space! I bet you are excited!

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