GFTW 29: It's All About Play!

Hi! The picture above sorta sums up my goal I set out for my Half Marathon race today; to attempt to take in Joy and rub cheeks with all the possibility present and around me. Since I hopped on board for this run really ~4 weeks ago, I didn't have the quantity to produce a quality run (a PR). But I've actually been working a lot lately with the spiritual side of things, so I came into this race with a new outlook on running, my feet, and the journey. And with this new mindset and race under my belt, I'm excited to give myself the quantity to attempt a potential PR run in the Fall.

But Fall is Fall...down the road. And right now I'm just so giddy for the next five weeks. As it's all about PLAY. To really go in and just play around in all areas of my life actually. As that's where the fun stuff happens. And what better time than now? It's Summer, I just wrapped up my current 12 week run group, presented my 2 new workshops, finished my own half marathon race, and now have these five care free and fancy weeks.

And what will my play look like? Who knows?! I'm just applying the disciplined approach to ensure space is carved out for it to happen. Because it means the world to me.
So...drum roll fun fun fun in the sun Goals for the Week:

Athlete: Play around with ideas to create my fitness program up thru Fall

Mom: Swim, swim, swim. Be in SUMMER with them. Take kids swimming every day

Home: Move some things around, add something new and tidy up for ~30 min a few days this week.

Wife: Create a date night- write it in the books!

Personal Growth: Provide myself a space of around an hour- twice this week to play and create.

ME!: Intuitive consultant session 

As always, I write these on a bookmarker I keep in my organizer and review them each morning as part of my AM routine. And that's what I've got in the books for me this week. about YOU?? What do you have on your radar this week? Would love to know! Talk to me, talk to me!


Marci said…
I like the whole idea with playing around with all areas of life!

This week... I register for a USATriathlon Coaches Clinic set to take place in Oct!
Unknown said…
Are you still planning to do Barb's Race? If so, then it would be cool to meet up.
Anonymous said…
Hey girl. I hope you enjoy these next five weeks of fun! I've thought a lot about you and your past e-mails blogs about balance...I know mentioned before about only taking a certain amount of time to blogs and e-mail and then moving on with your day. I'm finding myself overwhelmed with e-mail, responding to blog comments, this new blog, etc. and realizing that I can't do it all and need to limit my time or it will consume me. So my goal this week is to set up a schedule for myself so that I give a certain amount of time to this stuff and then I am present with my kids, etc. Oh, and my mom totally had The Artists Way along with hundreds of others books that I am certain you've either heard of or you'd love! A mecca of spiritual growth, self growth, yoga, name it/up your alley books. :) So, I've started The Artists Way. Happy Week to you!
Laura said…
Playing!!! I love this idea.
I am back into full training mode which I am good gives me a break from the kookiness that is my work life right now.
AM! said…
@ runninghood- yeah for Artists Way!;) it's my current love
Christi said…
Play, is a great word and a great goal. have fun with that!
Teamarcia said…
Love the new stuff going on around here! I'm playing in the pool too! Only with one kiddo these days as the other is away on herself!
Solo parenting this week means mill training but that's ok cuz we're sweltering hot here.
Have a great week!
Velma said…
I love the goals as always! I have been working on spiritual balance as well, and it is so helpful.
Unknown said…
Get back to the gym and detox from the crap food and alcohol I had last week o holiday!

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