GFTW 27: New Header, Headliner, Headshot...and Head o' Hair!

Hi! So.....did you happen to notice my new header? I changed it Friday, along with the name and it initially looked like this:

But a few hours later I received our family photo proof sheet and fell smack in love with the photo below:

I mean really. 

It's my sweet lil' A doing what she does best, and the picture hits me right where it counts. So I threw it in the header mix and came up with the new one up top.

And while I was feeling crafty, I decided to throw in a new profile pic, because, well...I had some new shots so why not?  Don't know if I'll keep it or something else...decisions decisions right? I can't believe how much I've deliberated over this small lil' Brady Bunch photo. And I'm STILL not done! Could I be any more vain?

Well, let's bring me outta my vanity bubble, and talk about head lice, and the fact we've been contending with this now for a nit, I mean bit. But I can happily report with the help of a few bloggy links, my lil' A's head is looking good and we're coming outta the nit forest. But we still have to be diligent with it for a good 2 more weeks. Woo-hoo. But I'll do anything to keep this thing at Bay.

And it's 4th of July tomorrow?! Holy Heck. Which reminds me of last year when I was in the THICK of my Vineman HIM training. Training for a half ironman is serious business folks. It took up a large chunk of my time and I am very proud of the accomplishment, but I gotta say I don't currently miss the serious training it requires. This year I'm hitting oh..maybe ~5-6 hours of training a week. Last year? ~11-12 hrs easily. And that's just the actual training. Then there's the whole pre/post prep that goes into those hours. Like bike prep, swim prep, getting to your outdoor 2.5 hr bike trail, bike maintenance, etc etc. Tack on an extra ~1.5-2 hrs easily for that 

So why am I bringing all this up? Hmm.. not sure other than the 4th has me reflecting on last year. And I'm thankful this year I don't have to wake up at 6am to get my 2.5 hr bike ride/45 min run in before the parade. Things like that.

Which leads to my Goals for the Week. I really only have 2 or 3 as I'm seeing this next week as a vacation for me. But these are good juicy goals. I'm excited:)

Athlete: 3 key runs, and 3 other types of exercise training. 2 weeks til Napa/Sonoma half marathon so allow that to be my focus.

Health: 2 weeks til' half marathon. Two weeks to get myself to feel svelte for race day. Less weight makes it easier to race eh?

Friend: Embrace my time w/my BFF while she's here visiting.

Personal Growth: Do the following activity: If I had faith or money, what are five desires I would try. Write these 5 desires down and this week be alert for images of these desires. When I see em', collect a snapshot of it somehow. Draw it, take a pic of it from my phone, whatever! Just start collecting and start a file of these desires...(Taken from the book The Artist's Way)

As always, I write these down on a bookmark and keep them in my organizer to review in the AM as part of my morning routine. And so far it's been working for me. Now, I'd love, love, love to hear what you've got sizzlin' on your BBQ this week. Any 4th of July races to contend with? Would love to know. Talk to me, talk to me!


Pahla said…
Love, love, L O V E the new header photo!!!!! And the new profile pic, you're looking mighty glamorous mama! :)
Writer- make it a daily reality (even the journal counts!)

Me- visualize goals completed

Food- continue to eat really well! Maybe even put more veggies into the body!

Yoga- daily asana practice (with whatever time I have!)

Yoga 2- plan the asana part of my practicum... yep, must do! :-)

Athlete- run when I can.. hike when I want to.. enjoy each freeing step!

New header photo is spot on amazing! :-)
justme said…
love the photo
LOVE the new header! It's so playful and joyous!

And you've got some good goals. I need to get back into running. I haven't done it since my accident. A good excuse, yes, but I'm afraid I'm in danger of letting myself get into the habit of not working out.
Can't wait to be back here in a bit to read and savor this post as I always enjoy your words. Love the new header and look to your blog!
Okay, that's it, I'm writing down The Artist's Way and ordering it ASAP! We've never had lice but I know that day isn't far away when we have to start watching out for just starting school. I remember when our neighbors got it and it was sooo hard to get rid of. Good luck!
XLMIC said…
So glad I was able to help with the lice deal. It is such a drag!

Love that twirly girl pic. LOVE. IT. And really love your profile pic :)

I am going to focus this week on learning how to fuel for runs properly :P And hydrate. Today was a disaster!

Fireworks are starting... gotta run! Happy 4th!
Laura said…
LOVE the new pic!
Us Canadians had our day on I am back to work today. :(
Raquelita said…
The new heater is just incredible, and I love the new profile pic, too!

I think I might have to plagiarize your personal growth goal. This week: finish organizing my new office on campus, finish three sections of an article I'm working on, and start marathon training!
Unknown said…
Cute Header Photo!!! Love your goals!!
Jennifer said…
No BBQ for me, but I do get to spend the whole day uninterrupted making art in the studio! Great new pictures, you look like a fashion model in that new profile pic! Love it!
misszippy said…
Love the entire new package! Way to go with change. You look awesome.

glad you are at peace with the drop in training from one year to the next. That's not always easy to do.

I'm at the shore loving every minute of it!
Catey said…
LOVE that photo! It is priceless!
AM! said…
Hi Everyone!

I just had to say thank you so much for the support for the header and new look. so glad you like it as much as I do:)

Love the header picture, perfect!
I was wondering "who is this feet in motion in my reader?" I like the new name and header as well
Anonymous said…
I love that new header picture too. It's so summer-y.
Beth said…
Love the goals and the new header, beautiful picture. It reminds me that when we are little we all love to run and I try to remember and keep that feeling in my heart when I start to feel like running is a chore. I am currently in the thick of training for my second HIM, still loving it……so far.
Unknown said…
I'm a bit late but hope you had a good 4th of July!

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