What's Working (and not so much...) Wednesday: 5 K Related!

What's Workin'
1. My 5k trail run group and Newton Trail Shoes: Look how cute we all are? And...my new Newton Trail Running shoes are the bomb! Here we are at the summit of our run. Can't wait to do a full review of this shoe...

2. Our Nike Half (5k x ~5!) Marathon Group lottery Registration: We've got 12 so far and the lottery for registration ends Friday night. If you're thinking of running this race- hop on board our group. Our ID # R1935Y. And we either ALL get in...or not.

3. Learning More About 501's and K's: Okay, so this one isn't about the running K, but the $ K's. It's been a battle goal of mine to embrace finances and money more in life, so I'm reading this lil' 'How To' book at the moment.

Now... Not So Much:

1.Gotta love race finish photos. Especially ones where I look like I just ran an ULTRA- not a 5k. These photos make me look like I'm in complete distress. Oy! Well, the good news is I got proof I pushed myself. The bad news is that's how I look at a race finish. Ignorance is bliss I tell ya...

And that's what's workin' and not so much for me over here. Now... How about YOU? Would love, love, love to know! I'll be in a dressing room for the next 2 days (yes, really) so would LOVE to hear from ya!


Teamarcia said…
I am tempted by those trail shoes by the Nike Womens Half!
Can you tell me anything about the Athleta bike skirt with chamois? Looks so cute! May have to indulge.
AM! said…
Hey Teamarcia!

The Athleta bike skirt is very cute, functional and great for a ride less than 1.5-2 hrs.
San Fran is working for me! Gorgeous! Fantastic city! Lots lot working for me...blogged about it. Redirecting myself as a parent and reminding myself of my goals that I always come back to. I think it so cool that you get to try on cool clothes all day! I always look awful in race photos..I agree...ignorance is bliss...I always think I look way hotter than I really am! Ha!
Carin@MRD said…
What's working for me: Getting back in my running groove again! I don't know if it's race season or just everything's clicking, but loving my runs lately!

Love those new Nikes!
Kate said…
We have a group registration for Nike too if you want to join in. So far we have about 150 people. The group code is 21KVQC.

AM! said…
@K- GOOD LORD! 150 Ps!!! Holy moly!! that's amazing!

Aimee said…
Your 5k trail group sounds so fun!!
Yeah..you gotta love race photos! I think in all my years of racing, I've only had a handful of ones I've really liked!!

What's working: I'm running again pain free! Woohoo!

What's not: we still haven't found a house..booo!
Unknown said…
hehe I'm pretty sure I look like I've run an ultra after 800m sometimes! It's 'cause we put so much effort in!
Tricia said…
the trail group sounds great, love the shoes!
Alison said…
If only they'd let you redo finisher photos, after you've had a chance to freshen up a bit! :) Perhaps a special post-finish chute for the photo.
RunToTheFinish said…
love your race pictures, I mean they make it look like you just busted your rump
The Nike Women;s run looks amazing! SF! I am running a half the very same weekend in Vancouver WA "Girlfriends" must be an estrogen weekend all around!

Your phots look great--you are so fit!!!!! Rocking the Athleta gear!
Audrey said…
I Love love love my Newtons, I can't wait to read your review!
Jill said…
To me there is no race more agonyzing than running a 5K, sucks the lungs right out of me - so I'm certain I'd be looking like pure vomit in a 5K race pic. You looked like you worked it hard :).

I'm loving those Newton Trail shoes, what a fantastic color!!
JC said…
Those are the pics you should purchase - or at least keep the one around that you posted - a constant reminder on race day to push really hard!
Good for you on the $ thing! It's never fun learning that stuff, but the more info you have the better (or at least more educated) your decissions are in the future!
P.S. I think it was 7 celcius on the weekend here - I just have REALLY bad circulation!
I really need new shoes. That's going to make a huge difference in my running, I know. Of course, I can't run right now, but when I get back on track, that will help a lot!
Anne-Marie said…
I totally hear you on the race/finish line photos! I feel like I can never get a good candid action shot. Either I'm cheesin' and wavin' to the camera, or I look like totally miserable!

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