Killer Filler Friday: To Tweet or Not to Tweet..

Hi all! First, yah...I know it's April Fools, and I thought about doing a gag post, but I'm just not into April Fools' jokes. I think because I'm just too gullible, and I'll fall for anything. But I digress..Lately, I don't know what my hang up has been with Twitter, but I've had a lot of resistance to it all- and I created an account ~1 year ago. I mean, I was lucky if I tweeted once every six months. I figured why the heck is anyone gonna care if I'm standing in line at Target? 

But lately (okay, in last 3 days) something has made me want to give Twitter a second shot. And actually put some energy into it this round. So I've done a few things: A) I put that Twitter badge on the side of my blog, and B) I'm starting to follow people who list their account. Okay...again people, it's only been 3 days, but still. I'm curious to see how/if I like the likes of Twitter.

And the cool thing is since I've started (in the last 3 days), I've had about ~10 new followers, including....I can't believe it myself...Chris MACCA and Chrissie Wellington! Amazing! Well...I guess me standing in line is newsworthy after all...

Now, I have a few questions for YOU! 

1. Do you Tweet? If so, what's been the best/worst thing about it?
2. If you don't use Twitter how come?
3. And...tell me your twitter account already!

Talk to me, talk to me! And Happy Friday folks! 

(Oh, btw...April Fool's with Macca and Wellington. I knew I somethin' in me...;)


Christi said…
I have a twitter account but I don't tweet too often. I try not to tweet things like "I am in line at target!" If you are interested by twitter handle is @christikeiser
- I thought about a gag post, but its friday, Weekly Ramblings day, people would see right through it

- I tweet, you already know that, we are now tweeting buddies

- Tweeting is fun, sometimes a little fun trash talking goes on, over all its an ok thing to have
Velma said…
I am following you :)
runkatie said…
I do have a twitter, but I barely ever use it. Maybe I should give it a second shot too!
Stacey said…
I too have aTwitter account...I don't get it, but whatever. runnergrlstacey
Have a great weekend.
Heather said…
I've had a twitter account for awhile now but don't tweet much...I haven't really figured it all out yet. My dailymile is set up to tweet my workouts so in a way I kind of do tweet once a day. I'm following you. I'm @wonderfeather.
Lisa said…
I tweet, but the amount of time that I spend tweeting depends on my life. I have found out about some great events and interesting articles and blog posts through twitter. I have also 'met' a lot of new people and have been exposed to stuff I wouldn't have been otherwise.

If you decide to get back into it, my handle is @earlymorningrun
Clair said…
Twitter is an awesome community. It's like having all your blogging friends around all the time - but only if you're on your computer a lot or if you can access your feed from a phone.
I have a personal twitter account, but mostly so I can follow my friends. I don't how how people have blogger twitter accounts. too complicated.
Raquelita said…
I do tweet. I use it mostly for my style blog, but some for my running blog.

I'm here:!/LHdModa
Quinton J said…
lol...I don't tweet. my blog and my facebook account are all I can barely handle.
Laura said…
I do 'twitter' but it still feels weird sometimes like I am back in high school wanting to hang with the cool kids.
I am so over April Fools...
Leah F said…
My boyfriend set up a twitter account for Chasing Atalanta, but I haven't done anything with it yet. I don't even know what the password is and I doubt he remembers it. Like you, I've been resistant to the whole twitter thing, but maybe I'll give it a shot one of these days.
Beth said…
I just can't do twitter, between triathlon, working and blogging I can’t keep up with facebook anymore!
Maggs said…
I saw you tweeted about paint this AM. I like twitter more than blogging now. MMinHawaii
XLMIC said…
I've been kicking around the idea of tweeting... and I am not sure why I'm considering it OR what my feet-dragging is about :P I do get worried that I would disappear into the black hole of my smartphone.
Anne said…
I tweet - when I can. Mostly I read others' tweets.

I am also not a April Fools type of person! No I don't tweet. The last thing I need is to spend more time on the computer ;)
Caratunk Girl said…
I tweet @caratunkgirl and have fun tweeting some, I just don't let it get out of hand. But it is fun to trash talk with BDD & the blogger crew. That sounds like a band
Marci said…
I love tweeting and love it most because I get to go inside the lifeof my friends and of course my fave pros. You need to definitely tweet... I am untpawgal02 on twitter!
Anne-Marie said…
So cool Macca and Chrissie are following you!

I've never jumped on the twitter bandwagon... I feel like facebooking and blogging take up enough of my time... and the other part of me doesn't think I really have anything too interesting to tweet about.

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