Killah Fillah Fwiday...

She is beyond excited. The pride beaming on her face as she exclaimed 'Look mommy! My tooth is loose!' is truly one of those priceless moments for all moms. It also sorta creeps up on you unexpectedly.

And as her mom I can't help but bask in her 'coming of adult tooth' age. Yet it's also a bit bittersweet to witness my lil' baby really growin' up. As she should be. I can't make her do otherwise. And here's the proof. 

She's going to grow up and become an adult whether I like it or not. And of course I like it. Heck, I love it. But it's still bittersweet to see the passing of babyhood to pure girlhood and beyond right in front of my eyes.

I'll love ya forever my lil' A, you'll always be my baby...;-)


Teamarcia said…
Oh gosh I know time flies! It's all so precious and sweet you just wanna freeze time for a bit....but it's all good and more to come!
have a wonderful weekend with your sweeties!
XLMIC said…
Awww…it is bittersweet for sure :)
My 6-yr old has been waiting forever for a loose tooth. Will you play 'tooth fairy'?
Aimee said…
Awww...I know exactly what you mean! My boys will be 4 and 6 in a couple of months and they are getting so big...where did the years go??
Raquelita said…
Awww! I'm not a mom, but I'm sure that must be such a bittersweet feeling.
AWWWWW!!! Thats all, have a great weekend
Unknown said…
I so hear you on this one. My daughter is 7 now and it seems just yesterday I had her! :(
Awww, precious! My Daughter lost her first tooth at the very beginning of early. I remember feeling the same things.
Alicia said…
Sounds like your little one is about the same age as mine. He's 5 and I keep telling him to stop growing up! It is so bittersweet...

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