Training Tuesday: The Body and MIND!

Hi! You all recommended the above 2 books a few weeks ago to help train the mind as much as the body: Mind Gym: An Athlete's Guide to Inner Excellence and Body, Mind, Mastery: Training for Sport and Life. I've perused each nightly for a good 30 minutes. And I'm liking em' okay.

But now I'll be totally honest. When ordering Dan Millman's book, a list of his others popped up on the screen, including this one:
 (okay, yah the pic is lookin' a bit too 70's with the shaggy brown carpet and all, but stay with me...).
Apparently it's a huge best selling book from the early 90's and it's about the Life-Purpose System. I started it last night and I LOVE it! Why? Because it really is sorta like a Choose Your Own Adventure for grown ups. Although the choice in life purpose has already been made for you according to your birthdate. Yup, your birthdate.
You simply add all the digits that make up your birthdate, then add those two digits together to get your Birth Number. 
Here I'll show ya mine: August 9, 1971= 0+8+0+9+1+9+7+1= 35
3+5= 8
8 is my Birth Number. So with this new number you get the ideas of your life purpose. Mine is to achieve and use abundance and power for higher purpose. How rockin' is THAT? Here are the life purpose ideas for the other numbers:

1s manifest their creativity and confidence
2s become consummate and balanced diplomats
3s uplift with their expression and sensitivity
4s master the step-by-step process to reach their goals 
5s find inner freedom through discipline
6s see the bigger picture and accept the innate perfection of the world
7s open up to a point of faith in themselves and others
8s achieve and use abundance and power for higher purpose
9s lead by their inspiring example of integrity and higher wisdom

Now, I swear I haven't gone off the deep end. promise. I'm just sorta into this kind of stuff. It's like knowing my Leo sign. And these life purpose ideas above are just the tip of the iceberg to this book. From there each number gets a few chapters to read more about yourself. And who doesn't like to read cool stuff about yourself??

So that's my MIND training over here for the moment. question for YOU? Have you read this book and What is YOUR life purpose number? Talk to me, talk to me!


Heather said…
This is a great post, I love this stuff too. I haven't read this book, but I have read another book by Dan Millman called "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" and loved it. This book sounds pretty interesting. I've read a bit about numerology before and found it to be intriguing. I might have to check this book out! I'm a 7.
chris mcpeake said…
cool post. will have to check that book out
misszippy said…
I think it's great that you are doing all this "exploring." Wow, don't know my life purpose yet! Something to ponder, for sure!
Anonymous said…
Very cool! I am a 9..and I would like to think it's true! ;-) Well, so I have been told so I will take it! Very interesting stuff indeed!
I will add this book to my list..thanks!
Velma said…
Huh -I have never heard of this, but it is fun. I am a number 07. I guess I need to be open :)

Sounds silly, but I find that yoga really helps with with these issues.
Christi said…
I have not read the book but I am a 9. Now I am curious!
Hmm, I am an 11?? (12/19/1969 = 38) LOL, no wonder my life has no purpose, ha ha ha.
I'll be back after I go spend some time at preschool with my kiddos but I love this stuff too. I'm going to have to put some of these books on my list. So much brain based/mind things I want to look into. Have you read Running Within? It has been years but it is a book I used to love in college. Unfortunately, it never worked for me then but would now. :) I'll be back to find my number.
Beth said…
I'm an 8 too, what do I need to know about me?
XLMIC said…
I love this kind of stuff. I will NEED to check this book out. My number is 3.
I had to save this, get some caffenine in me before I start playing with math, I am a 6, I can see that, I might borrow this from you on mine, is that ok?
AM! said…
Kristin- and all others who have two life numbers, I think you just have 2 life numbers.

so 11 is double 1!;-)
Aimee said…
Interesting book! That's cool to think about what your birth number means! But, I got 37 (3+7=10) would I be a 1 then??
Jessie said…
Mine is 6! I am with you I love reading on my sign. I am on the cusp of taurus and gemini. I have a book called Birthdays and it pins your personality down to the day you were born and how your personality falls in line with where you fall on what side of the zodiac. I wouldnt believe in it if it were not so right on! lol Im not a horoscope reader, but I do love the astrology side!
Nutrition Gal said…
ALl of Dan Millman's books are terrific!
Unknown said…
So interesting!! I am definitely going to check these books out during spring break! So cool, so fun!!
Anne-Marie said…
Thanks for posting these titles... I'm definitely going to check these out. I went to a multisport expo last weekend and one of the talks was about the mental aspect of sports. The presenter asked: "what percentage of a triathlon do you think is mental?" and the audience was yelling out numbers ranging from 50%-90%. And then she asked: "And what percentage of your training time do you devote to mental training?" Audience was silent - I think the point hit home! These books sound like they'd be good for that.

I am a 4 - and I think that fits me! Your comment about the 70's cover cracked me up :)
Wendy said…
This quote sums it up for me.

"God calls us to pray and think and dream and plan and work not to be made much of, but to make much of Him in every part of our lives."

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