Killer Filler Friday: Calling All Favorite Run, Tri, Fitness Books!

Yesterday, (or maybe it was Weds..) I had a friend ask me the following: 

'Hey, I'm in charge of the book buying now (for her company) and I wanted to know if you had any book suggestions?'

I looked around to ensure it was indeed me she was asking. Space was clear so yah guess so. Wow. Book ideas on women's run, sport, yoga, tri, fitness, and health? My mouth started salivating. This is sooo up my alley! And I was stoked she asked moi. But  my answer sorta fell flat, as I realized I end up mainly reading fitness journals, articles, and blogs;-) So I told her about Run Less Run Faster and spaced out from there...

But then in the middle of the night I had an a-ha moment. I knew where I could turn for some great book suggestions...YOU all!

So question to you: 

What is the #1 run, tri, swim, yoga, fitness, or health book you'd recommend for active, sporty women?

And no pressure, no pressure. There's no judging here. Just lookin' for honesty and ideas! 
Talk to me, talk to me bloggy friends!

(Oh...and btw...the book pic above are not my books. I'm not that cool yet. They're my DH's, and someday I'll get to em'...)


You want to research "Your Best Triathlon" by Joe Friel for me?

A book, that in my opinion, is a must read for anyone in our sport, especially newbies is "The Slow Fat Triathlete" by Jayne Williams, the book is a riot and is serious at the same time
misszippy said…
The Big Book of Endurance Training and RAcing, but Phil Maffetone--a true bible on the subject matter!
AM! said…
OOOH! these are awesome! Thanks so much!
RunToTheFinish said…
oh my gosh there are so many books I've read to even pick on seems pretty much impossible
Pahla said…
"Becoming an Ironman" was one of the most inspirational books I've ever read. Dean's first book, "Ultra Marathon Man" was also very good. And "Run Like a Mother," of course.
Tri-James said…
The Lore Of Running.
adena said…
I agree with BDD, if not for the Slow, Fat Triathlete I would never have set foot anywhere near triathlon. I would have said "I'm not ready" forever.

Can't wait to come back and read the comments here so I can make a list of books to buy.
Leah F said…
Sorry, can't help. I have never read a book about running or fitness.

But if you need some good fiction recommendations, I'm your girl!
XLMIC said…
The only book on running that I have ever used is Galloway's Book on Running (is that what it's called?). It worked fine for me.
Raquelita said…
I don't have any recommendations either, as I have a bout 15 min/day for pleasure reading aside from blogs and that usually goes to novels or magazines.
AM! said…
Hey all!
thx so much for the rec's. Keep em' comin. I think I'll plan to make a recommended books link somewhere on my blog with this info!
Catey said…
Run Like a Mother is probably my favorite running book. :)
Also, for women who have overcome great challenges through running I love the book Running with Angels. Not so much a technical running book, but a great story of a woman who overcame some amazing things through running.
mjcaron said…
I use "The Triathlete's Training Bible" by Joe Friel as a steady reference for my over all plan. It's awesome. I heard that it should be used in conjuction with his other book "Your Best Triathlon" for more specific workouts.

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