I Got a Shoe Problem...

So, yah... It's not the type of hot stiletto shoe problem  EMZ possess. No, no, no. Mine is of another ilk. I just got my...drum roll please!...second pair of custom made $500 $145 (my insurance is good for something!) orthotics! Ain't they a beaute?! Just look at em'!
Okay, I know it's hard to tell. But these have a full spongy layer that make em' feel goooood. Like 'ahhh!'. And I've been runnin' in em. And walkin' in em'. And pretty much everything else in em' (outside of standing in the shower and drifting to bed in em).

So what do I do with all the other inserts that occupied my shoes? Uh....I put em' in here:
Can all you PF Party People out there relate?  Seriously, I have 2 boxes of my Formerly Known as Inserts waiting to be used. Some day. But I'm not gonna go there right now as I have 2 pair of orthotics to keep me rollin'...

And my eyes now have a different lens on what shoes are hawt!... or not. 

Hawt = I can get my orthotics in em'. Not = eh...not gonna happen.

So that's my current state of PF, orthotics, and what not. Now...my question to YOU! If you have PF, what shoe do you wear out and about and feel hawt? Talk to me, talk to me. Cuz as it stands, I really only have ~2 pair (of non running shoes) that stand up to the orthotics fit in em' test!


A Prelude To... said…
"Hawt = I can get my orthotics in em'. Not = eh...not gonna happen."

That's too funny! I feel the same way. Whenever I look in the mirror, I think, "does my outfit look good with my Nike Frees?"
Well, if it doesn't, so sorry...'cause that's what feels good to wear and all of a sudden I've become my grandma - it's all about comfort.

Some day (hopefully soon) my achilles will completely heal, but until then, call me Grams.
I am lucky enough that I can wear Super Feet, I have 9 pairs of different running shoes, 3 pairs of non running shoes, I am a guy, so its either black or brown day, pretty easy for me
Leah F said…
Shoes that can make us feel hawt? I know not these mythical things you speak of.
Emz said…
holy freaking cow.

That's a lot of $$ that no one gets to see. ;)

Maybe heels are the hidden cure? OK, probably not but . . . .it's worth a try?! ;)
I have super "flat feet" aka lazy ligaments, so I can relate!

I was fortunate enough to have parents who made me get custom orthotics- even when it meant standing on burning pieces of some artificial material, only to wait 4-6 weeks to have them returned.

So, while I haven't been down that path in .. oh.. 20 or so years, I wish you the best! It's not fun when orthotics dictate the shoes you can wear.

My only choice as a 6 year old was saddle shoes... but now that might actually be cool. :-)

Good Luck!!
I have PF and don't wear my overpriced horrible orthotics. I just wear my running shoes all.the.time. But I found this blog that might help with the shoe situation: http://www.barkingdogshoes.com/newshoe/ Also footsmart.com might help too.
mjcaron said…
I can't comment. Don't want to jinx myself. :)
Born To Endure said…
Well good luck with all of those!
XLMIC said…
I have no advice... I just hope that PF issue resolves itself SOON!
Clair said…
I've struggled with this all year! The solution, for me anyway, is to shop for shoes a size bigger than I'd normally wear. Sometimes, the orthotics fit in those, but yeah, I've definitely got less cute shoe options than I used to.
I do just fine in heels, but I have serious problems with flats. Especially my running shoes. I know I need orthotics, but I just can't wrap my mind around that if it inhibits the shoe styles I can wear!

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