GFTW 9: This Week is Gonna be Fine!
And I'll just start off this week with a shot of my fine lookin' new run pants (a few of you asked for it)! Just what the doctor ordered. And I love how I match my TRX bands- sooo intentional...HA! And how about the grease infested rag on the floor from changing the cassette on my bike for a 20 min all out bike time trial (I'll report on that later!).
I'm at my swimmer BFF's house tomorrow to imbibe on Oscar frenzy, so I'm getting all my ducks in a row now. I know! How uber organized? GFTW created and posted by Saturday? huh?
But I feel good. Balanced I guess you'd say. Which I haven't felt for weeks. ahh.....
So without further adieu, here are my Goals for the Week:
Athlete: 1.5 hr workouts 5 days, 1 hr wrkout 1 day= 6 days total. Do it.
Health: Balanced intakes. Dessert no later than 9:30 pm
Mom: Look at new desks for the kids back play room
Friend: Reach out to a new and old friend for a visit
House: So simple, but vacuum 2x' this week.
Personal Growth: Inspired by MissZippy's post, be mindful of my feet. Allow them to be barefoot in the house and stretch em' often daily.
ME!: Choose my own adventure...pedicure or eye brow wax! Choose away AM!
As always, I write these down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and attempt to review em' each morning as I chug my coffee. And that's what's going on with me. about YOU? Would love to know what's on your radar for the week! Talk to me!
Also...stay tuned as I'm tee'd up to do a fun review/giveaway on a product I mentioned a few posts ago...I'll give you O.N.E clue. There... that was it;-)
I was thinking of you as I did mile repeats last night and realized that if I'm ever going to break 20 minutes in the 5k and start running some 18's and 19's then I will need a good 5k program. When that time comes, I'll be here to pick your brain. ;)
Wow... the Oscars... that sounds like a fun get-together for sure :) Love checking out your goals, as always, and taking true inspiration from them.
My week... athlete: tomorrow do either an 8-mile hilly run or 9-mile flat. Run a 5K time trial on Tuesday as part of a virtual race shooting for 26 min and knowing it IS possible ;-) Force myself to stay slow and easy for the third run of the week on Thurs or Fri. Mom: stay calm, stay patient, remember that the little crap does NOT matter. House: I'll take that vacuuming one from you :) Health: follow new supplement regimen to a T and get in bed before 11 every night. Me: read a book for fun.
Thanks for providing the structure for this, AM. You are such a fixture in my blog-reading life :)
Personal Growth- Edit the essays for an application (MAJOR life change application!)
Teacher- Hang on and guide 'em! (Wild Ride of skits this week... :-)
YrBk- Mass produce and be patient... :-)
Athlete- Steady, push on, and maybe sneak in an extra swim! :-)
Fam Mem- Send Gma a card, call sis?, something for someone..
Health- More water daily; more mindful eating
Finances- Be patient with IRS... be patient with IRS... be responsible at all times... seek creative solutions :-)
ME- Love myself fully each day..
ME 2- Visualize daily what I need for the future..
Above all... be Grateful for all that was, is, and will be! :-)
As the last line said... "Above Grateful..."
Thank YOU IRS! Thank YOU IRS! Thank YOU IRS! :-)
(I might even love you IRS, but I'm not 100% sure!)
Have a great time tomorrow enjoying Oscar-mania!
Great goals as always. You're sounding quite on top of things. I hope that means things are settling for you a bit..
Me: workout 5 days (maybe 6). And stop eating so much sugar. Again!
The last few weeks I feel like I've become less goal-oriented and have just been trying to keep my head above water, so this was a good post to pop up to remind me to focus on a few things!
Athlete: At least 7 hours of sleep/night. Gotta cut out the late night distractions!
Bike Mommy: Give the road bike a bath. After 3-4 rides outside on wet/slushy roads, it's pretty sad looking :(
Employee: Make a task list when I get in every day of what I need to accomplish before leaving. Feel like I haven't been as productive lately as I should be.
Home owner: de-clutter and find homes for the stuff that has been inhabiting my dining room table & side table.
Me: Relax. Focus on doing what's important to me.
Have a great week AM!