Happy 01/01/11! Now...Let's Create Some Goals!

Happy New Year Everyone!
So, I sorta drool over this time of year. Because it's when I whip out my art pad and conjour up what I'd like to be doing in 201 in all my roles: Mom, Wife, Athlete, Personal Growth, Health, Friend, Career, Finance, Home, and Community. 
And I'm adding a new one this year that I can't believe I haven't had before. Really, I feel sorta silly I didn't think of it til now. Ya ready?..it's Me!
So, I've been using this lil' notepad above now since 2008, and it's where I take my ideas and list em' out. And it's from these 2011 ideas that I create my (drum roll please....) Goals for the Week!
So... I thought I'd take a minute to share two ideas on my goal making process. (I mean c'mon appease me;-)
First, with my year goals: I try and think about what really excites me? What gets me goin, my juices flowin, and amped up! I journal/brainstorm in my gold notebook (the other notebook behind my lil' white notepad). From that I usually see ~2 gems that really excite me for each role. Those ideas are what I list for my 2011 Goals (what you see above).
And for my Goals each Week, here are a few of my ideas on how I create them.  Ya ready? (again, just nod your head like this stuff is genius!;-) 

1. I try to make my weekly goals specific and measurable.
Instead of saying "I'll run more", which is broad and loosey goosey, say "I'll run 3 times a week for 20 minutes". That gives me something concrete to shoot for and it's not too crazy.
2. I try and frame my goals in the positive.
Again, using the word 'Don't' is already setting me up for failure. It's so absolute. "Don't eat ice cream after 10pm"- does that excite/motivate me?...not so much. But "Have ice cream after dinner and if I still want more, have a sugar free pudding or tea" keeps me in the game.

3. I try to focus on the replacement behavior vs. the undesired behavior.
If I write "Don't have candy for snacks" that leaves me thinking only on what I shouldn't be doing. It's not giving me any direction on what I want to be doing instead. It's like the old saying "Don't think of pink elephants"...what are ya thinking about right now?
So I try and think about the behavior I want to be doing to replace the the undesired one. 'Have carrots/hummus or other veggies for snacks' is what I'd attempt to write.

Those are my thoughts. And how I basically fuel my ideas for my year and week goals. And it's all a work in process right? I mean c'mon...I just added 'ME' as a role. How didn't I think about that sooner? And so life goes;-)

Now..I'd love to hear how YOU go about creating your goals for 2011? What's in your lil' notepad? Talk to me, talk to me!


misszippy said…
Now we know your secrets! Great, concrete way to set and meet your goals! Good luck with the plans.

Mine? To get over my injury and stay uninjured; to become better at how I mete out my time, which includes a weekly list!; to find small ways each week to do something fun with each child.

Happy new year AM!
Unknown said…
I put my running goals on my blog. This will be a BIG year as I will run at least 2 races (10M and 1/2M) and I am looking for another in the fall when it's not so hot anymore! Good luck with yours!

I do mine very similiarly, except I like colors!

Each of your categories- when I do it- has a specific color!

Why? I think it motivates me more to make it a reality.

Oh, I have some black/white goal guide sheets, but I like colors! :-)

I've also stacked them on paper plates. Like, take "mom" or "wife" ...and then I'd put that on a plate, and expand the goals beyond it...

The plate idea came about when I was too lazy to get the computer paper out of the closet. I had paper plates in the kitchen out- plus they stack very nicely!

My co-workers think I'm nuts- colored goals on paper plates, but it works for me. :-)

I have one bright sheet on my fridge. I keep other goals in specific locations (e.g. wallet, under pillow, on mirror).

I could go on and on.... but I'll stop here, as my tummy is craving rice crackers and hummus after the run. :-)

Happy 2011 to all!!!!!
AM! said…
STS- Love the color idea, and on paper plate! cool. very teacheresque too;-)
Marci said…
Now if I did my goals like you did... I'd have no worries! Happy New Year!
Christi said…
Well, I really like your idea for coming up with goals. I think I may incorporate some of your ideas into my process!

FYI, I also love the song "Firecracker!"
Anne-Marie said…
Happy New Year AM!

Thanks for this post... I am going to have to borrow some of your ideas to brainstorm out some goals for 2011. I think right now, the "athlete" category is the only one with well-defined goals for me.
Raquelita said…
Happy New Year! I loved reading this post and think we have some similar approaches to goal setting! I tried to frame all of my 2011 goals in positive terms. What I will do, rather than what I won't do. I then try to break them down into monthly and shorter term steps.
Happy New Year!

I use some of the same strategies when creating my goals for the year.

I really hope you'll link up this post on Monday when we launch Project 52!
Ewa said…
I am working on my training schedule right now. I guess, I can call this goal setting. Maybe this time I will not let my life take over and be able to follow a more structured plan.
Happy New Year!
When I started thinking about 2011 goals/resolutions, I thought about what the natural progression of my athletic successes would be.

That, and a long long time totally unachievable design became achievable, when a 24 hour ultra marathon was planned in my city for the first time. Holy scary awesome crap!

Other than that, all my goals were about doing what I'm doing, only better.
Sherri said…
These are great goal tips!
After reviewing last year goals, I have found I am in need of tips!=)
Loved the Christmas card!
So much fun...you are beautiful..and your family is equally adorable!

Alison said…
This is really great advice, thanks for the reminder! I will especially take 3 to heart -- I think replacement behaviour is the key to changing out old habits for new ones.

Most importantly though, you've made the idea of brainstorming goals sound really exciting -- I am definitely going to get on that tomorrow!

Thanks - and happy new year to you and the fam :-)
Anonymous said…
Love the positive spin. Another thing is I try to keep them realistic and achievable... dreams are good, but I don't want to be disappointed at the end of the year because I laid out ridiculous goals!

Ready to take on 2011!
Beth said…
Love your goals and how much thought you put into them. I love making goals too, I have yearly, monthly and just recently started doing weekly goals (thanks to you!).
Sounds like great 2011 goals! I need to come up with mine ;)
Lisa said…
I love these goals - so smart! Happy 2011!
Unknown said…
LOVE your new swimsuits ! My hubby got me the funniest swim cap, you'd love it. I think those new suits would scream, "HEY, I know what I'm doing in the pool." So, I wouldn't wear them quite yet. I'm wearing a black suit. It screams, "Hey, I'm getting out here and TRYING my best , so cheer me on, darn it!" JK, I will eventually graduate to a tri bikini. That's my #2 swimming goal. Thanks to you.
Speaking of goals,
I'm starting with the big picture this year and working all the way down to the most important, live in the present. That's why it's called, "THE PRESENT." It's the greatest gift. I just read that on someone's car when I was running. Seriously though, I love the way you form your goals for the week from your big ideas. I'm definitely going to work on that this year.
Thanks for helping us all get our New Year off to a great start.
Sorry for rambling :) .
Anne said…
I have no structure to my goal setting...something just seems exciting and I decide it's going to be a goal. Then I do it :)

Happy New Year Anne-Marie!
I should have know your BLOG would outline the way to make some resolutions--hence the bloggy title! :)

You have broken down the process to something manageable that we can all do!

ONe goal I have to keep running "fun" and not "forced"! But, what does that look like behaviour wise? :)
Christina said…
You read my goals on my blog post already. And how I create my goals ... well ... I'm going to keep it a suspense. Will let u know next week.
Leah F said…
Great goals! I love the way a simple change of phrasing makes everything so much more positive. Best of luck in 2011!

My number 1 goal is getting healthy and running again.
Wendy said…
Hope 2011 is a great year for you!
Unknown said…
I've not written my goals down yet.. so late and so unlike me, I love my lists! Hope 2011 is a great year for you!

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