GFTW 2: Let's Get this Party Started..I Mean OVER!

I don't mean to sound like Ms. Buzzkill over here, but the above pic has sorta been my life the past few weeks. Coupled with this:
And this:
Oh, and this!:
Don't get me wrong, it's all very sweet: It's so fun having my two lil' ones turn The BIG FIVE on Dec 30th with a family party, and whole second 15 kid drop off party yesterday. But I'm now sooo happy the cake party fest is OVER! Woo-hoo! I can now truly set my sights on the New Year, gain a lil' control of my life, and know I don't need to plan and bake for a family birthday for 12 mo's!
So...let's get those parties over, and dance into week numero dos of the year! I feel like I have so much more mental time now. Yes, so with that here are my Goals for the Week:

Athlete: I'm so excited to finally write this...create my training time line working backwards from my 'A' race happening on July 30th. This year I'm going sans a coach and  the DH is going to help me with my training assessments and figure out my plan. You know I'll be writing more about this...;-)

Mom: And now I can't believe I'm writing this as it'll be round three in less than 2 weeks: Have kids write thank you notes. I feel like a factory over here...;-)

Health: It doesn't even need to be written b/c I am SOOO ready: normalcy in my daily intakes and sleep.

Home: My computer is acting funky chicken weird. Too weird and I finally need to call the MAC guy and get it looked like. 

ME: Indulge in a new line of skin care. Let's face it folks...I ain't gettin' any younger and I treat my skin horribly! I have a friend who is a consultant of a new skin line she swears by. So I'm gonna check it out and be nice to my face;-)

Wife: Have our first 2011 Date Night! (for xmas I gave him a pouch full of cash and restaurant gift certificates, to get us outta the house more and have no excuses). So it's on!

As always, I write these down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and attempt to review it each morning as I chug my coffee and plan my day. That's what I've got goin on for me over here. Now YOU- what's on your radar for the week? Talk to me!

Also, I want to say how great it is to see new Brady Bunch Crew members on board GFTW! Yeah! Thank you, thank you, thank you for hopping on board, and I hope to see your blog too in the next few weeks.

Peace out friends!


Unknown said…
are you doing Barbs? i signed up for it already :)
AM! said…
yes! I am! we must comnect!
Christina said…
I'm gonna get 1 speed workout in this week, cook my meals instead of eating out most of this week, give the puppy a bath.
Melissa said…
As always, great weekly goals! Love the pics. Those cupcakes look delish!
Silvergirl said…
Can't wait to hear about how you like the new skin care line you are going to try out this week-that sounds like a good goal for me to do as well! I am definitely on the lookout for some good skincare products, as I , too, definitely don't treat my skin the way I should at nearing the big 4-0!
BTW- love the barbie cake!!
Unknown said…
Thank goodness the sugar fest won't be around for another year, right?!
I need to try some new skin care products as well. It seems like every few years my skin changes and now with swimming, I've got to try something else!
Have a super week, big hugs!
XLMIC said…
Ooooo…can't wait to hear about the skin care line! I am so not kind to my skin with the hand lotion I've been using as moisturizer :P

Did a good job on my "wife" goals last week ;-) hoping to continue on that track.

Want to step it up a bit on my "mom" goals and put in still more time and patience with the kids.

Conquer the laundry inertia…"home" goal.

Quit whining in my own head about my piddly "speed" workout and replace it with words of excited anticipation … that is my "athlete" goal.

And, as always, my "health" goal is SLEEP!

I love your GFTW always!
Ewa said…
Looking at those cupcakes first thing in the morning is probably not a good idea. They look sooo tempting.
This week I am beginning house de-cluttering project. Call it spring cleaning. Yes, I know it is January but I think this is how long it is going to take to finish.
Unknown said…
i hear ya on the bday thing! Thankfully my kids are 6 mos for the holidays so we get a little reprieve!

Skin care: I'm on the same page as you, but takin' it old school! Doing some sugar scrubs (olive oil, honey, brown sugar) and putting olive oil and aloe on my face for bed. It's actually got my skin looking a little less dull. I just started a few weeks ago. :) I had some gnarly dry patches and lines (lovely) and they are gone! :) just FYI! Let us know how you like the skin care products!
Laura said…
I started the week (yesterday) with an un-fun 18km run so I am hoping the week's running/training gets better...It was a tough one.
AM! said…
an 18k sounds not too fun myself! good job though!

& Laura love the o oil approach. I always say I'm gonna try it & chicken out. maybe a post for u to do on how ya do it??;)
Christi said…
You are rawkin' it and I love the pics!
Heather said…
That does look like a lot of cake and cupcakes! looks yummy, but totally understand why you want it to be over. I felt like that over the holidays too.
My goal for the week is to ride my bike more!! I miss it. I'd like to bike on the days I'm not running. I also want to do some core workouts every other day.
Anne-Marie said…
Congrats on surviving the kiddos' party! :)

My goals:

Athlete: Focus on nutrition & getting enough sleep. I slacked off during my off-season.

Personal Development/Career: Spend some time researching my ideas for a possible career change.

Organization: Clean out drawers & closets and take everything I don't use/haven't worn in the last year to a thrift store.
This week my main goals are yoga (at least three times!) and organizing my workout clothes.
Velma said…
Sounds like great goals - I need to step off the holiday eating as well!!!

My plan for the week is to continue with flexibility training.
Rae said…
Happy Birthday to your twins!
Overall- Stay true to who I am while growing into who I need to be :-)

Writer- put forth the time to enjoy the journey... just do it and trust! :-)

Athlete- integrate yoga.. (Sunday= joy!)

Teacher- Challenge them, challenge them, and support them too

Teacher 2- Learn and reflect on how to more effectively communicate with the "I think my child is perfect. I can tell you how to do your job." set of parents...

[Really, if I had a file of complaints, that'd be one thing, but my file is beyond exemplary. Trust that I know what's going on in MY classroom. Thanks!]

[Any advice is welcome! Send an e-mail pls!]

Teacher 3- Be more confident in what I do... or, as the asst. boss lady said at the end of the day, "You do a great job, but you don't believe in yourself. Stop being SOOO hard on yourself!"

[I love a boss lady who sees to the core! :-)]

Family Member- Write a letter to grandma... old fashioned in-the-mail letter :-)

Me- Love myself more.. (aka "don't be sooo hard on myself!")... Appreciate who I am, strengths, etc.

Food- Walk during lunch (@ school) and eat during planning (back-to-back). [Goal= alleviate stress of 1st 4 classes and then eat when I'm relaxed.. :-)]

Personal Growth- Stay true to who I am.... Trust what I know.. and deal with conflicts in the best way possible ... even if that means just ignoring who's talking.. and nodding along!

Happy Journeys to all!

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