Friday Filler: This One's Dedicated to EMZ

When I was all nestled up in my couch last night indulging in blogs, I read EMZ's post on why she blogs. (which btw, if you haven't read ya should, and if ya don't follwer her, you must;-) Anyways, she noted a reader told her 'she thought she was a real runner, but guess not if you have so many filler posts'-maybe not in those exact words, but that was general gist.

Now, I think we all know...what's the point of our blogs with out SOME sort of filling? The other juicy sweet stuff that makes up the majority of our life? I mean really? And I read Barefoot Angie Bee's comment to her post 'The best part of a jelly donut is the filling' YES.

So in honor of all the filling I absolutely *heart* out there on your blogs, I'm dedicating Friday to Friday Filler Posts;-) I already sorta do it anyway, so why not? 

So here's Four Filler Facts to Feast From (can ya tell I'm an alliteration junkie...)

1. My two running groups for 5wk to 5k are rockin
2. We have zero commitments this weekend and it's gonna be SUNNY here (mid-east coasters don't kill me!)
3. I am digging Steven Tyler WAY more on AI than I thought I would
4. I made a foot doc appt for next week.

Okay, so yah a few of these are running/training related...but still! Now, I know I asked for 3 things yesterday, but give me more! What are your Friday Filler Facts to share? Okay, it can be just 1 or 4 - you choose! Would love to know! Happiest Friday Friends. 

Oh, and have I mentioned how good it feels to be 'back' on the radar??;-) 


Friday filler for me is that free coffee never taste as good as bought coffee
Christi said…
My Friday filler is that I had the best chicken bruscetti last night!
adena said…
My Friday filler is that I'm going to the MEC store today for more shopping fun.
Unknown said…
<3 IT!! Filler Friday :D

My four:
I love to read and have not read a single book for pleasure since having Lola (I am not counting books on training and nutrition here. Those I have read plenty of in the last 2 years)

I love to cook--especially on snowy days like this. It makes me feel comfort and homey.

I need to make a hair appt-BAD. It's been since Sept since I had my hair done.

I love cuddling up with my daughter and reading her a book or just watching toons. She is a snuggle bug and I would not want it any other way. Soneday when she is older she won't want to snuggle with me :(
Clair said…
Isn't this sunshine FABULOUS? My Friday filler is that I'm going to spend as much time outside as possible before the rain returns. Enjoy your weekend, and I'm so glad you got your blog disaster all worked out!
Heather said…
Friday Filler Posts dedicated to EMZ! Great idea!
1. I am so glad that it's finally Friday and I don't have to work tomorrow.
2. I love going to the movies but don't even remember the last time I saw one, it was that long ago :(
3. The other day I asked my son who the president was and he said, "George Washington?" that made me laugh.
4. Our family loves to tell knock, knock jokes...the boys love making up their own.
Aimee said…
Hmm...Friday fillers...
1. I am procrastinating going to Costco today. I just don't feel like going and dealing with all the people!
2. I think my bronchitis is coming back and I am so upset about it!
Unknown said…
Loved your Friday filler, my friday filler is I love a bit of trash tv! Currently watching Come Dine With Me.. do you guys have that? The sarcastic narrator makes it for me!
Unknown said…
filler friday is a fab idea!! Im glad you liked my comment. Its so easy to be honest commenting on EMZ's stuff. She writes honestly and it puts one in the mood to do the same :)
I like the same about you. Its real.

Friday filler...I am making potatoes with onions, turkey and nutritional yeast while listening to The Decemberists.
Have a lovely friday :)
XLMIC said…
I love your idea of Filler Solidarity! I love EMZ's blog and, honestly, because I am NOT a serious runner, I am all about 'filler.' lol (probably why I don't have a super popular blog ;-) )

You are one of the bestest of the best, AM! Here's my Friday Filler: no vomiting kids since yesterday noon... yay! All the towels from first the toilet extravaganza and then the pukefest are now all clean, dry and put away... extra yay! Pamela's Pancake Mix... best banana pancakes EVER! Can't wait to watch my fifth episode of the day of Dora the Explorer! So happy to live here in NorCal... especially when the weather is this awesome!

Have a great weekend, everybody!
Jennifer said…
Friday Filler; I ran my whole 6.5 mile run this morning with my reading glasses perched on top of my head. Who knew?

Love the post.
Emz said…


I must agree Angie B's comment . . .

I Love this.

I'm so glad your running groups are rocking!!!

I love your post and also read EMZ. I find blogs are more "reade friendly" if the bloggers let us into their lives!!

Friday Filler: I am goig to enjoy this weekend with my husband because now until mid-June, baseball will completely occupy it! :(
Unknown said…
EMZ cracks me up. how does she post like that?
So good to hear about your run groups. thats awesome. But steven tyler, I just get annoyed by him. NOt sure why. ha!
Jill said…
Filler blogs are really fun...I like yours. YAY to no commitments this weekend!
Christina said…
Friday Fillers: I received a gift package in the mail today. It's Friday. I'm planning on sleeping in and wearing PJs all Saturday!

Love filler blogs.
Emz is the best. I'm pretty sure I'd skin a bobcat to have her abs.
Alison said…
I cooked with some vegan cheese tonight that my friend bought me. It made me so happy: both that it tasted good, and that she'd thought of me when she saw it :-)

Oh, and I submitted a draft chapter of my thesis today that I've been sitting on for about a month!
Melissa said…
1. I think of Emz's abs when I am on that damn ab cruncher at the gym

2. Now I want a jelly donut

3. Alpha and Omega was way cuter than I expected

4. vanilla ice cream mixed with peanut butter rocks.

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