Three Things Thursday: Time Related...

1. An early Christmas gift from Santa arrived this week! And just in time. That's my old TIMEX on the left. Yah... the one with the cut wrist strap b/c the 'keeper' loop ripped off. It was lookin' pretty bad. But my cool new TIMEX is awesome! It has a harder case around the watch face so I don't think it's gonna start falling apart in 2 months like all my other ones. 
2. Look at all the years on the DH's birthday cake! And it's still ~3 candles short of his true age. Lemme just say my face was HOT when I lit em' all!
3. Today's the last day to enter the COOLMAX® EcoMade Socks Giveaway Extravaganza! Winner announced Friday. And I just have to say...I'm pretty jealous with this giveaway. All the socks look and sound amazing...and just in time for Christmas. 

That's more or less it for me...well other than I have less time this week to read blogs (wah), but I think next week will be more mellow. Or am I just kiddin' myself? Aw well, we'll see. Now how about you? What time related things do you have to share? Would LOVE, LOVE to hear it!


Maggs said…
Stay away from lane lines with your timex (yes I wear my watch when I swim because we don't always have pace clocks). I ripped my new one (like your new one) apart by getting it stuck in the lane line as I swam. I guess it's better than ripping my arm apart.
Christi said…
I love my timex but they are pretty fragile. Good thing they are not too expensive!
Beth said…
I have the same watch in purple =) Oh and I need MORE time right now, MORE!
Unknown said…
Had to giggle about your hot face lighting the candles! Good job getting them all on and lit, I think I would have given up halfway through!
teacherwoman said…
Love the new watch! Say happy birthday to the DH from me!
New running stuff is always nice!
EricaH said…
yay for early christmas gifts, pretty snazzy watch you got there. :)
Caratunk Girl said…
Love early christmas gifts!!
Raquelita said…
I love the new TIMEX! I sadly think my time related thing this week is the lack of time to fit in much training.
Thanking Mother Nature and our Superintendent and his staff for TIME to be Free...

That combo netted me 1-hour early release yesterday


Code Red Day today!

Ah... time to relax, swim long (pool classes cancelled on No School days= 2 people in pool for 1.5 hours!), bake up some almond-coconut granola, write, nap, etc.

Looks like our Dazzling Combo might kick into gear next week, too!

Yes, we teachers and school staff do need this Time to get away... and take care of ourselves beyond the walls of students. :-)
Jill said…
That cake is freaking awesome - love the icing :).

Happy Weekend, girl!!

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