COOLMAX® EcoMade Socks Giveaway Extravaganza!

Ho Ho Ho! The holidays are here and what better way to celebrate in bloggyville, than with a fabulous COOLMAX® EcoMade Socks Giveaway! And folks, this giveaway ain't just for one pair of socks, but for a whole slew of them valuing over $100! That's right folks...

Over $100 worth of super COOLMAX® EcoMade Socks!

Now before I get to the EZ ways to enter for a chance to win, let me explain a lil' more why all these socks are extra special (adapted from their press release):
COOLMAX® EcoMade socks, are made with fiber containing 97% recycled resources such as plastic water bottles, have been steadily expanding into the legwear market. Performance and lifestyle brands including DeFeet, Injinji, Dansko, Fox River, Sports Tuff and outdoor retailer REI, are injecting the best of style, comfort and moisture management into COOLMAX® EcoMade socks for everything from high-performance sports like cycling and long-distance running to everyday comfort.
COOLMAX® EcoMade socks are an INVISTA apparel product innovation that have been designed and engineered to incorporate recycled raw materials that have been diverted from landfills. Tests show that COOLMAX® EcoMade socks have wicking performance just as well as their virgin resource counterpart, making them ideal for a variety of uses.
 “With COOLMAX® EcoMade socks, consumers do not have to sacrifice style or performance standards in order to wear apparel manufactured from recycled resources. There are now literally hundreds of styles of COOLMAX® EcoMade socks available nationwide in almost every color and design for both men and women,” says INVISTA Global Legwear Director Denise Sakuma. “To have such a diverse list of brands using COOLMAX® EcoMade socks is a testament to the importance of products with environmental benefits in the legwear market.”
So, how cool is all that? Great wicking socks made from recycled raw materials from landfills!  Here are a few more shots of all the different styles out there to win:
 Sah-weet Eco running socks!

 Funky cool rainbow Injinji performance toesocks

and more! Now, let's get this party started! I'm keepin' it EZ, breezy, because it's the holidays and that's the way I roll in my ECO socks;-)

Three Different Ways to Enter:
1. Leave a comment letting me know you're a Brady Bunch Crew member ('follower') or read GFTW via an RSS feed.

2. Leave a comment telling me, if you've ever worn COOLMAX® EcoMade socks? If so, how did you like them? 

3. Post this giveaway on your blog, or tweet, or FB the giveaway. Leave a comment letting me know you did so.

There ya have it! Now, I'm gonna run this giveaway through next Thursday the 16th. Winner will be announced on Friday the 17th.

Good luck everyone!!


Emz said…
I follow!!
AND I NEED these sweet socks.
Emz said…
never worn them before.
Kris said…
I follow already!
ShutUpandRun said…
Never worn them before.
Kris said…
Nope, never worn them, but would love to try them out...especially the injinji toesocks.
Jul said…
hey there, I'm a follower
Kris said…
Posted on my blog. Thx!
ShutUpandRun said…
Follower and I love the brady bunch.
Unknown said…
this is so cool. he he
nice pun huh??
follower :D
Unknown said…
I have never worn them but would love to try 'em out :D
Unknown said…
will link on my blog sidebar :D
Sarah said…
i follow via google reader.
Sarah said…
I've never worn them but love to try them.
Laura said…
I'm a follower! I've not tried to EcoMade socks, but they sound awesome!
I follow but I have not worn the socks before.
giraffy said…
I've never tried these socks...
giraffy said…
posted to my blog (
Kimberly said…
I don't think I've worn these socks but who knows.
Jill said…
I'm a follower :)
Those are the cutest socks EVER!
Jill said…
Never wore the eco of that brand, but I have worn eco (bamboo) of another brand and LOVE them. They feel sooo soft!
Anonymous said…
I follow....
Anonymous said…
I have never worn these ECO socks before..... thanks for the chance!
Pahla said…
Of course I'm a follower!!
Pahla said…
Posted this great giveaway on my sidebar!
*~*~* Tracy said…
Never worn them before, but would love to!
*~*~* Tracy said…
I linked this on my sidebar
Beth said…
I follow you and love coolmax socks!
Christi said…
I am part of the Bunch and I really need new songs!
Laura said…
I already follow!
Laura said…
I've worn coolmax but not the eco ones...but I so want the Injiji ones...
Aimee said…
You know I'm a follower! :)
Aimee said…
I've never worn the Eco ones, but they sound awesome!!! I would love a pair of those!!
Carla said…
I'm a GFTW reader!
Carla said…
I have the Funky Cool Rainbow INJINJI Performance Toesocks which I bought at the Chicago Marathon Expo. I love them!
Carla said…
I posted the giveaway on my blog.
Anonymous said…
Definitely a follower, and I desperately need socks.
Anonymous said…
Never worn them before.
Anonymous said…
adding a link on my blog!!!
Teamarcia said…
How adorable are those? and the contest ends on someone's birthday. How perfect would that be?
Teamarcia said…
I have never tried these socks. Hopefully that will change soon!
Teamarcia said…
Linky poo on the blog
Jeffrey said…
I have worn Injinji socks (LOVE THEM), but never the EcoMade...curious to find out how well they hold up!
misszippy said…
Have not worn them but would love to!
Jeffrey said…
Posted a link on the sidebar over at
And I've never worn the socks before, but I love all they styles you blogged about.
Stacey said…
I have never worn Coolmax socks, so I would love to try them.
Anne said…
I am a follower!
Anne said…
I don't think I've worn them before...
Unknown said…
it was 17 degrees on my run today. Two things exposed.. face and ankles. Must COVER ankles! I've never warn the eco socks.
Unknown said…
tweeted this bad boy!
Tri-James said…
I have worn COOLMAX but not these eco ones.
Tri-James said…
I posted your contest on my blog sidebar.
Anne said…
I tweeted! (@IllinoisHawkeye)
Catey said…
HAve not worn Coolmax, would love to though... :)
Molly said…
I'm part of the Brady Bunch crew!
Molly said…
I've never tried coolmax socks before, but I do have toesocks!!
don't think i've worn the coolmax but would love to try the injinji
Melissa Bitton said…
I've worn Cool Max, but never Eco socks! Didn't even know they existed! I need them!
JC said…
I'm a follower! hehehe I could really use those socks!
Jen said…
I AM a follower.
Jen said…
Never worn a pair, but would LOVE to.
Jen said…
Facebookes it... at

Jennifer Farren Green
Rae said…
I haven't tried coolmax socks before, but I'd love to!
Rae said…
I linked your giveaway on my blog side bar!
XLMIC said…
Following you because you are SUPER COOL!
XLMIC said…
I haven't worn EcoMade socks but they look so cute!
XLMIC said…
Setting up a sidebar link on my blog!
Kris said…
I am a follower.
Kris said…
I haven't worn these before but I would love to try them!
Kris said…
I added a link on my blog.
Caratunk Girl said…
I follow I follow Pick me pick me!

Caratunk Girl said…
I have never worn them. But I really want to.
Unknown said…
I am an RSS feed follower!!! Love your blog!
Unknown said…
I love coolmax socks!! They are nice and thick but my feet can still breathe!
bobbie said…
Never tried em' out before hope I WIN some!
bobbie said…
Posting to my blog
Anonymous said…
I'm a follower
Anonymous said…
I've never worn these before but I've heard great things
Anonymous said…
I posted a link to this giveaway on my blog
Anonymous said…
I tweeted this giveaway
Anonymous said…
I posted this giveaway on facebook
Ashley said…
I'm a follower.

hewella1 at gmail dot com
Ashley said…
I've never worn these socks before.

hewella1 at gmail dot com
Anne said…
Definitely a follower!!
Anne said…
I've never worn them...would LOVE to try them :) :)
Anne said…
POsting this giveaway on my blog right now.
Trish said…
I've never worn them before, but, you see, I have this thing about socks... so dang girl, now I'll have to try a pair! (I have an itsy witsy sock fetish)
Courtney said…
I have never worn them before, but am always up for trying socks!
Heather said…
I have one pair. I dig em. I got them as swag in a race.
Anonymous said…
I have a few pair, but could surely use some more for my new year's running! :) Thanks Anne Marie!


Canadian runner said…
I have never worn them, but would love to try the Injinji socks
Canadian runner said…
Linked your giveaway to my blog sidebar.
Love injinji socks, would love to try other types!
Julie said…
Yay, a sock giveaway! I am in need:)

Yes, I am a Brady Bunch follower:)
Julie said…
Unfortunately, I have not worn COOLMAX socks vut would love to try them.
brenda said…
I have not worn COOLMAX socks before
Laura said…
Ouuuu, i need new socks. found some vents in my current running socks=no good. I Follow, keep it up
KovasP said…
Never worn these before, but have tried Coolmax socks and love them
Elizabeth said…
Never worn this before
Elizabeth said…
Added your giveaway to my blog sidebar
I've worn the eco socks - they're great. I like that they're a little bit higher than my other pairs. Super-comfy!
Q said…
Cool! I am a brady bunch crew member!
Q said…
Never worn them, but hope to!
Q said…
Linked to the contest in my giveaway section!
Jul said…
Also, I've never worn these socks before!
Leah F said…
I've never worn these socks before. Would love to try them!
Leah F said…
Linked this giveaway on my blog's sidebar.
TZel said…
I am your follower as bridgestranslation
Thank you for this kind giveaway!
bridgestranslation at yahoo dot com
TZel said…
I have never used these socks but they sound like just what I need! Thank you!
bridgestranslation at yahoo dot com
RunningWhit said…
I've worn Injini socks before and have begged my running store owner to bring in the striped ones. They are super fun and would just make my feet smile!
Awesome giveaway! I'm a follower
never bought coolmax sox! Can't wait to try them. Sound awesome
Anonymous said…
hey there - I'm a sock fan...and a GFTW the best XMas fan!
Unknown said…
I'm a follower :-) Have you entered my CSN giveaway? It's on until the 15th if you're interested!
Anonymous said…
I'm a follower! :)
Anonymous said…
I have never worn coolmax socks. They look great and I would love to try them! :)
Anonymous said…
Reposted giveaway to my facebook page. :)
Anne-Marie said…
Brady Bunch follower :)
Anne-Marie said…
I own several pair of CoolMax socks and really like them! The Injinji toe socks are the best!
Unknown said…
I follow Goals for the week on my Google Reader!
Unknown said…
I have never tried to CoolMax socks, but would LOVE TO!
Unknown said…
posted on Facebook! under punkin4675
RunToTheFinish said…
never tried the ecomade socks, always wondered about the crazy toe socks
Darlene said…
I've never worn them but I will when I WIN!!!
Darlene said…
Your giveaway is posted on my blog
Unknown said…
I am loving those rainbow Injinis!!
Now that I have been wearing water shoes since its so cold out, I would love to win some socks to go with them :)
Unknown said…
I posted a link to my blogs sidebar!
I am a long time follower
In my Team Roll kit, we have Coolmax team sox, and I love them, sooooo confortable and keep my feet dry, which is great
VegetariRun said…
I have not worn these socks before... and let me tell you, I REALLY need new socks in the worst way... I'm down to 3 pairs which means a lot of sink-washings between runs :\ This would be the best of all possible giveaways for me to win! haha.
VegetariRun said…
Just posted your giveaway on my blog :)
Katie said…
Never tried them before
Kristen L said…
I have not tried these type of socks before. I would definitely like a bunch of new socks though!
I read your blog via google reader! Oh yeah.
I've never worn the Ecomade line, but I do own a pair of Coolmax running socks. They're not nearly as cute as the pictures here, but they are fantastic for running.
I have a blog post all queued up for tomorrow at 9am, pimping this contest.

The link won't work until tomorrow, though.
Heather said…
Brady bunch crew memeber here!
Heather said…
I've never worn COOLMAX® EcoMade socks, but I'd love to try them! I love the ones with the Christmas lights!
I've never worn COOLMAX EcoMade socks, but I have the hardest time finding decent socks for working out. I'd really love to try these!
Oh, and I'm happy to be following you!
Amanda said…
super cute running socks - I've never tried them - but I'd love to!!
Amanda said…
I posted your link on my FB - thanks!! :)
Melissa said…
I've never tried these, but I'd love to! They are cute!
EricaH said…
never tried them but would love to win em.
Velma said…
I have never worn the socks, but I want the striped ones!!
LMC said…
I am a follower!
LMC said…
I linked this giveaway on my blog!
LMC said…
I've never worn these socks, but they sure are cute!!
Helen said…
I've never worn Coolmax EcoMade socks, but I'd like to wear them so I can tell you how I like them.
Dana said…
I follow. Nice blog! :D
Dana said…
I've never worn Coolmax socks...but I've heard the toe socks are AMAZING. :D
Dana said…
Tweeted and shared on FaceBook.
:D I'll post on my blog if I can stop reading long enough to make a post of my own! :D
Sandra said…
I love socks, especially warm ones that look cool.

I posted your giveaway on facebook.
Sandra said…
I read Goals for the Week....and I need to make some more myself......
Allison said…
I've never worn coolmax ecomade - but would LOVE TO - I NEED SOCKS BAD!!!
Allison said…
Posting on my blog now!
Stacie said…
I'm a follower!!! How in the world did I not see this before? I'm in desperate need of socks.
Stacie said…
I've never worn Coolmax socks before but they sound great. I'm always looking for good socks.
Stacie said…
I posted the giveaway on my blog.

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