thank YOU friend!

make new friends
but keep the old
one is silver
and the other gold

Ancient Girl Scout Proverb
ok, really... circa ~1930

This is the time of year for me to take in all that I'm thankful for in this lil' thing we call life, so I wanted to take a brief moment to thank YOU all as my friends.

I actively started blogging this year, and through the past ~11 months I feel like I've made a lot of new friends. Like real legit friends. I get teary eyed at your race reports, your personal training struggles, family trials and tribulations, and so on, and I consider you all straight up friends. Funny how the internet/blogging world can let you feel this way.

And as I go along in my life, I'm reminded to continue making new friends and also keep the old...those sacred, seminal relationships that have been with you since the beginning of all the different journeys in life.  So thank YOU for being a part of my blogging journey;-)
Now go on and have a fabulous Thanksgiving week (all you USA folks) with family and friends! And I'll see ya Sunday for GFTW ;-0


Emz said…
I love this post.

I love my old friends but the new ones are sweet too.

And blogging friends there are a whole new and own version of fabulous.

Thank YOU my friend. Happy T-day!!
ShutUpandRun said…
couldn't agree more. I adore the old ones and welcome the new. Each one has something to teach me.
thank you! happy thanksgiving!
Heather said…
Happy Thanksgiving to you! I am thankful for friends both old and new too!
Anne-Marie said…
Great post - thank YOU for finding my blog and reaching out to me! Following your blog has really helped me to become more goal-oriented in the last 6 months!

Hope you and your fam have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Unknown said…
You sure did. I love how we all became friends in the blog world. Very thankful!
"a circle is round,
it has no ends ,
that's how long I want to be your friend!"

I was a girlscout too, haha! Happy Thanksgiving!!
misszippy said…
Right back at you! Love your blog and following along with all your inspirational goals. One of these days we'll meet in the real world! Happy Thanksgiving!
Unknown said…
You too girlie girl. Thank you for the advice you gave me about building my blog. As I work through it I feel like it's helping... and I too feel like I've made some wonderful connections as a result... over just the last 2 or 3 months! It's a big world out there and this makes it feel just a bit smaller!

Happy Turkey day Lady! Give that big fur ball of yours a pat and the fam damily a hug! That's what it's all about right? :D
Anonymous said…
Totally agree.

I'll be talking about a friend and the person I'm with asks how I know them and then looks at me weird when I say "oh, we follow each other's blogs". Too funny.
Nicely said. I feel like I've already made some real connections through blogging...people tease me about it but I really have enjoyed getting to know some of you through your words and the parts of your life you share. :)
Raquelita said…
Beautifully put! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Aimee said…
I love this post!! While I love my old friends, I also love making new friends!! My bloggy friends have been a godsend for me this year!
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving day! :)
XLMIC said…
sweet post! thank YOU, too!

see you tomorrow!
Unknown said…
Such a lovely post! Happy Thanksgiving x
Marci said…
Love Love the post! Happy Turkey Day!
LMC said…
I agree! I also thank you for sharing your insight with us every week. I love your blog and am grateful that I found it. Happy turkey day to you too!
Unknown said…
I hope you and your family have a WONDERFUL holiday, I really appreciate your blog and all of your inspiration!
Beth said…
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
The Merry said…
I enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for posting, and I hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving!
Sherri said…
I love the blog world...and I love the running community the best! Right now it comes second to home schooling my crew..and yet, the "friends" that I have me get through every week! I love it! It has changed my life!
I am Thankful for our friendship too! =)

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