Some Saturday Sidenotes

1. Today was the last soccer game for the kids. And I gotta admit, I'm a lil' sad. It's been a way more rewarding experience than expected, as I've seen them each gain so much from the experience. And it's been so sweet to have them on the same team. 

Here's lil' A practice kicking:
And my lil' Dude has sprouted to be one lil' speedy player. Yes, I am now one of those mama's who's secretly proud to have a pretty athletic guy. Here he's showing 'FIVE' b/c he had just scored his fifth goal of the game. Where'd that act of show boating come from? It was like he took on the spirit of Lance in his (fifth) Tour de France Victory or somethin'....

2. Super Yummy Giveaway! If you haven't entered yet, click here to enter my LUNA Protein Bars Giveaway. Winner announced Monday night!

3. Super Good Luck to all Racers on Sunday! If you're running New York, or any other race  Sunday...go out there, show boat, and kick some A!;-) Lemme know if you're racin' this weekend!


Lisa said…
cute pics of your little soccer stars!
Dang! You gotta prospect there! 5 goals!
Jill said…
I remember the days when my twinsies played soccer - sooo cute, and FUN, to watch them. Your little guys are just so dang precious!
Alison said…
Haha, your lil' man made me laugh! That's a pro soccer player in the making right there with that kind of attitude! And why be secretly proud? You put a lot of hard work into your kids; wear it on your sleeve! :-)
Anne-Marie said…
Love the pics! 5 goals? Sounds like you definitely have a future sports star on your hands! :)
Christi said…
You have gorgeous little soccer stars!
Melissa said…
They are so cute! 5 goals! That's awesome!
Raquelita said…
Holy crap! 5 goals?!?! Athleticism must run in your family!
Katherine said…
Stopping by from Karen's. You sure have passed on some pretty athletic genes to your kids.
Aimee said…
Awww...your two kiddos are so cute! That picture of your little guy showing "five" totally cracked me up!
You don't need to be secretly proud! Those little kid soccer games bring out the competitor in all of us I think.
They are so cute! My nephew is 5 and playing soccer right now. He loves it!
Julie said…
Your little ones are so cute Anne Marie! I remember when Kay was in soccer. I loved watching her play:)

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