GFTW 47: Feliz Semana de Accion de Gracias!

 I'm already giddy thinking about this week! I've got a lot on my radar ( flash to self...don't we ALL?;-), but I've got my sis' birthday, Thanksgiving food prep, our family fun community Turkey Trot, Thanksgiving Day/dinner, my mom's birthday, Union Square with my LA BFF and kidz, possible karaoke night, and so on.

And simply said, I'm just feeling thankful for having all this in my life right now. Having my family, friends, and community all healthy and together.  And so this is one of those weeks were I just want to sit back, enjoy the ride, and take in all that I'm thankful for.

So speaking of taking it all in, here's what I've got for my Goals for the Week:

Mom: Laminate these placemats they made, and let them help make the dressing or other food. Tell them each one (or more) thing I'm thankful for with them

Daughter: Make my mom a big cupcake, cards and think of a unique lil' gift for her. Tell her one (or more)  thing I'm thankful for her.

Sister: Have kids make cupcakes, and tell her one thing (or more) I'm thankful for.

(are ya sensing a trend yet...;-)

Friend: Celebrate my friends, old and new. Each day tell one friend (or more) something I'm thankful for

Wife: Be a dutiful assistant cook on T-day, support him supporting his family, and be sure to tell him one thing (or more) I'm thankful for

Life: Each morning before I get out of bed, give myself a few minutes to visualize how I want my day to be. Start from the end of the day and work backwards. What do I want to do? How do I want to feel? How will I best take in each moment?

As always, I write these down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and attempt to review it each morning as I chug my coffee. So that's my focus for me this week. Now...I'd LOVE to hear what you've got tee'd up for this week!  Are you cooking? Going away? Going to play? Talk to me, talk to me!;-)


Self- Return to Healthy Mindset (already started- this means NO snacking on *&^% @ school, etc.!)

Sister- Ask the Big Sis what she wants for Christmas for HER... (and what her kid needs/wants, too :-)

Teacher- Respect that they are tired and need a break, and find ways to challenge them for the 2.5 days that we have

Colleague- Keep a positive attitude at all times... no matter WHAT is being said in meetings :-)

Health- Print and find recipes for veggie stock, veggie chili, and veg soup.... make next week and freeze :-)

Daughter- Enjoy the time with the folks at T-G

Volunteer- Night with Kids with Cancer & their Families on Tues.

YrBk Adviser- Do what needs to be done, and refocus for post TG

Soccer Supporter- Watch the US-Italy game on Sat. and cheer the USWNT to the WWC! :-)

Home- Donate 5 not-used things to Goodwill/other such place.

Write- Send TG poem/essay to all ... refocus a few pieces... make decisions on other pieces..

Personal Growth- Visualization, Meditation, and more... :-)

Athlete- Keep it consistent, fun, and well...toss the leaves around and see what happens :-)

Happy Thanks-Giving to All :-)
Raquelita said…
I love it! I'm sure your family members will appreciate all the love and thankfulness in your goals!

A friend of ours from grad school invited my hubs and I to join him, his SO, and his parents and sister for Thanksgiving. I'm sure I'll make at least one thing to bring.
Christi said…
I love your goals and one of this is actually in line with one of my goals this week. I too am going to visualize making my day better.! Isn't that awesome that we are on the same wavelength!

Happy Thanksgiving and oh yea, I am thankful for your great blog!
Clair said…
Happy Thanksgiving! I did my cooking for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner yesterday, and it all went really well. I'm leaving Wednesday to surprise my family for Thanksgiving, and I am so excited!
Unknown said…
lots of cupcake love! I think its great to be thankful for all this. It can be overwhelming if we look at it any other way. Cheers!
Anne-Marie said…
mmmm cupcakes! love it!

here is what's on my radar...

daughter: be a good kitchen assistant to my mom on T-day

relative: take the time to chat with each relative on T-day. Sometimes there's so much going on, I don't realize til the next day that I missed saying more then 'hello' to someone

athlete: my off-season starts one week from today, so I need to start thinking about some good projects and activities to keep my mind off the fact that I won't be swimming/biking/running for 2-3 weeks

overall health/well-being: Sort of copying yours here... work on visualizing what I want to get out of each day and how I want things to go, AND not sweat the small stuff when things don't go as planne... Sort of part of an overall goal to work on reducing stress/anxiety in my life.
AM! said…
Hi Everyone!
oooh, Anne-Marie- good one/reminder in making a conscious point to check in and talk w/each relative on T-day!

Aimee said…
It sounds like you are going to be crazy busy this week, but they are all super fun and exciting things!!
heather said…
Love your goal to tell your loved ones something you are thankful for and your visualization on how you want the day to go. I'm going to borrow these goals this week.

In addition, we are visiting my folks this week, I'm cooking T-day dinner and I have to finish an online course by tomorrow. I'm nowhere near finished, so the pressure is ON!

Have a great week and Happy Thanksgiving if I don't get to come back before then!
Laura said…
I have a crazy Monday/Tuesday so to offset them:
-run tomorrow EARLY in order to my run it
-run Wed
-run Thursday
YOGA Friday to restore myself from the craziness of work
that's the plan and I am sticking to it...
Caratunk Girl said…
Hey I want a cupcake too!! :)

I love your goals, they are always inspiring and get me thinking about my week to come.
Sherri said…
These goals are beautiful!!!!
I love the them!!
Sounds like you are going to have the best Thanksgiving EVER!!!
Jill said…
Busy lady!!! All of it sounds awesome, though....have a VERY happy Thanksgiving and a joyful week!!! YAY, it's almost here!
Christina said…
As usual, these are very good goals and very apt for this Thanksgiving holiday.
Happy staying busy and Happy Thanksgiving!
ShutUpandRun said…
Yes, I am seeing a gratitude pattern!!

I am grateful for you and how you inspire us all to be better. To want more ourselves and our lives.

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