GFTW 36: Get That XTraining in the Mix!

Three day weekends always throw me off with my GFTW. I just don't get around to thinking about them til' Sunday afternoon, when normally I've got ideas swirlin' in my head by mid Friday. 
And this week, I'm scheduled to work WAY more than usual (~3 full days vs. 1 half day), so that just makes me table a lot. It's hard for me to focus on the other roles, when I know I'm working so much. (And it makes me double, super appreciate all the moms out there who work full time!). But it's these times when my goals become my anchor to really stay grounded through out the week.

Athlete: Start my full court press xtraining. I have an all women's sprint Tri in 5 weeks, and I want to focus on more than just my 3 runs for my half marathon. My plan so far (I'm writing my own training program this round) is 3 swims, bikes, and runs this week w/2 functional training sessions. I have it mapped out to 7.5 hrs this week. (oh, and I'm gettin' that DRATW splish suit...and just might wear it to the tri!)

Personal Growth: I'm in a holding pattern with my PG from last week. This week do 3 steps of change in the area I'm focusing on. I did it last week, and I want to establish the pattern.

Mom: Play soccer WITH my kids this week at least 3x's. I had an a-ha moment last week: I want my kids to play sports that we can enjoy together, so me just watching them on the sidelines won't cut it. Get out there already!

Wife: Plan an anniversary date of either Bikram yoga or master's swim this week. Surprise him (unless he reads this post) and get the sitter already!

That's it for me over here. As always, I write these goals down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and attempt to review them each morning as I chug my coffee.  Now, I'd LOVE to hear what's on your radar for the week. Talk to me!

And I'll leave ya with a DRATW moment above. We saw this one back in early Feb ~10 min from our house. It really was amazing. Happy Labor Day US bloggy friends;)


Christina said…
I really need to get serious with x-training. So, I am going to do either weights or yoga at least 1x this week.
Maggs said…
It's been a DRATW weekend here, yesterday I saw one on the way to Safeway, today I saw one out walking the dogs.

You should race in that suit. It's awesome!
Unknown said…
x training is a goal I could probably use! I kind of do it with boxing but there might be better ways for me really!
Marci said…
Cross Training is awesome! My goal for the week is to remember why I tri and run!
KovasP said…
Enjoy your Labor Day and your anniversary date this week!
Christy said…
I just found your blog today and I'm a new follower!
LMC said…
Good for you, sticking to your GFTW even through a crazy busy week. You are exactly right, those are the times when we need to stick to our goals the most. I'm not very good at sticking to goals in the face of chaos. I need to work on that and appreciate you reminding us of that! Hope you have a good week!!
BTW, thanks for encouraging my keen ability to steal ideas from great blogs!! :)
misszippy said…
Sounds like a good mix you have planned there! I love your thinking on sports with the kids--they will love you for it!
Teamarcia said…
Hooray for the splish suit! XT is so important and so easy to neglect!
Love the accountability and encouragement of sharing here. :-)

*School- CALM. Be it at all times with ALL that will surely go on during week 1 (especially the shrieking tomorrow morning, 6th graders agonizing over lockers, etc.)!

*Goals- rewrite mine and make plan for the school year.

*Food- make homemade granola tonight and get healthy-yum bag ready to go for school manana. (Also plan simple dinners for at school next week.... too many nights spend there!)

*Running- out there 3-5 times this week... and let go of the "guilt" I feel by leaving school on time to do so!

*Ultra plan- sketch it out so next summer's first is unbelievable! :-)

*Volunteer- WHM on Sat. and decide if Big Schloss or no at the end of the month.

*Writing- submit info requests so I know what is needed for the applications and when they are do. (Cross fingers/heart/etc. on the whole process!)

*Writing 2- Do it daily... and trust the process!

*Yoga- in the a.m. before school...'nuff said :-)

Best Wishes to all with their journeys!
Alison said…
I love the XT goal. I'd love to know what functional training you do..

I've not gotten as far as a list of goals for the week. My one for this week is to be more available to my friends. PhD and marathon is just swallowing me up!

Training goal is to get through a session without crying! :D
Anne-Marie said…
Awesome goal to play soccer with your kids... I remember how much I used to love when my parents would do stuff like that!

I feel like all of my goals right now are from the athlete perspective:
Set up meeting with my coach to discuss IM and plan out next year's races and goals; register for Columbia (MD) Triathlon (2011, can't believe I'm already registering for races for next year!); try to be patient with myself while I recover/ease back into training post-IM.
Christi said…
I am working on my goal to learn flip turns this week!

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