And the Super Sweet BROOKS Shoes and Short Winner Is.....????

Okay, before I reveal the winner, I have to tell ya how impressed I am with your BROOKS shoe knowledge. People who run in BROOKS truly LOVE their shoes. There's no messin' around. I got that loud and clear!

These are the shoes you all *heart*: The Trance, Addiction, Ghost, Cascadia 5, Defyance, Infinity, the lightweight Racer ST4 and Launch

But the TOP THREE Brooks shoes among this crew are...the Ravenna, the Glycerin 8, and the Adrenalines. Now...I have a lot of new Brooks shoes to try out down the road...

But this ain't purely about me...let's get to YOU! There were 246 comments, and using, the lucky winning number is 97!

Do you know who you are?

Your comment: I LOVE my Brooks Adrenaline's and can't wait for the new one to come out this fall!

Well, that narrows it down the the Adrenaline lovers...

The winner is Whitney from Running with Whit!

Congratulations Whitney! Email me and I'll get your address to send you your Brooks gift postcard so you can fill it out and send in!

Now, I'm off to fill in my gift postcard and get my feet in a new pair of BROOKS shoes. Can't wait to try em' out and review them. Thank you to everyone who entered! It's always so fun to host a great giveaway like this;-)


teacherwoman said…
Congrats to Whit! AWESOME! I am jealous!:)
KovasP said…
So jealous, I'm always wanting to try a new pair of shoes!
Emz said…
I'm with Kovas -- jealous.

YAY whitney!!
Unknown said…
BOOO.. I never win anything. ha ha j/k congrats Whitney!
misszippy said…
SO jealous! Congrats to Whitney!
RunningWhit said…
Thanks Anne is my birthday so you just made it an even better day!!!
Maggs said…
I'm jealous, even though I didn't enter. I have a little brooks news too for after Kona :-)
Unknown said…
Congrats and Happy Birthday Whitney!! Run fast :)
JC said…
Congrats to Whitney! Love the goals and great job on the 5KM! Woohoo!
LMC said…
I'm so jealous. I love Brooks Ravenas. Congrats and Happy Birthday to Whitney!!
BTW, awesome time on that 5K (so not surprised:). Good for you!!
Quinton J said…
Hey...thanks for stopping by. Glad you found me so I could find you.
Lisa said…
awww. so sad I didn't win, but congrats to Whitney!!

(Stop by my page tomorrow for another Chobani giveaway!!)
Megan said…
I just bought my first pair of brooks shoes last week.

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