Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

I was all tee'd up to write a review of the Moxie Running Skort from Sugoi for today's post. But I felt inclined to share what's been happening behind the scenes for me post Vineman. I feel like it's one of those 'Duh?' moments.

I read Cotter Crunch's most recent post, which started off with...'Two steps forward, one step back. Story of my life here.', and it really resonated with me. But I didn't know why. I chalked it up to just getting back to the routine of things after a HIM.

Then I read Paula, aka Adventure Junkie Mom's post on the depression that sets in after your first Ironman. I eagerly replied with a 'Oh! My DH had that after HIS first too! SO normal! You'll get it back soon!' and didn't think much more of it.

Well, starting Weds, the wave of wierdness slammed up against me, and I just felt blue. Like really blue. Like sad and didn't know why, or that I was 'actually sad' sort a blue.  And while I didn't necessarily feel like talking about it, I shared my thoughts with Ironman Dude.  And he said (caringly) "This is your Post race blues". It makes perfect sense. You had the first week high and adrenaline of the race, and now your body and mind are decompressing and you feel stuck. You've been putting all this energy towards this, and now it's over and your mind and body are at a loss'. 

At first I didn't believe him. I thought 'Yeah, but I left so much in my tank, I didn't do a freakin' Ironman, it didn't take THAT much out of me, did it?.' 

But I thought a bit more, and it DID make sense. Boo.

I AM dealing with the waves of post race mental/physical blues. 

But I definitely felt relief once I realized WHY I was feeling this way. Now, I'm just trusting the mind/body of going through it, and it all being part of the process. 

It also helped to take the kids out to the beach for the nite. To just play. And be okay to be.

And so here are my battered feet above. The ones I've been asking SO much of these past ~7 months. Thank you feet;-)  You look like hell at the moment, but I promise to get you all dolled up and lookin' pretty again- that'll help right?;-)


Regina said…
I got the total blues after a big weeklong high post my first HIM. It came again just recently with the NYC Tri. This was an important race for me being in my 'hometown' and the energy that you get from the crowds here, add a big PR for me and I was stoked for days afterwards....then a few day of funk about a week later.

But as you said, it passes and you pick yourself up, brush your self off and keep moving forward. I mean, what else is there to do?

I'm training now for my second HIM in Oct. so it begins again.
misszippy said…
I've been there is tough! I always find that taking some time to just be, as you said, helps quite a bit. Then pick your next event and begin focusing on it. You'll get there, hopefully sooner rather than later!
Aimee said…
I totally got the blues after my first HIM. I was pretty depressed, moody, and just not very happy with myself. It was pretty bad. Finally, I decided I needed a new goal. So I found a race, started training again, and pretty soon, the blues were gone. It is a weird experience, but so very common! Take the time to just be (like you did at the beach), and then get back out there. It will pass, I promise!
Teamarcia said…
Ugh the blues are no fun. You are wise to just go out, have fun, and just be for a bit. Hope this passes quickly for you!
Velma said…
A mani/pedi always helps. Feel better soon!
Jill said…
I don't think it matter what race you do, if it's something that's been on your horizon and you've worked hard for months to prepare, it's hard to suddenly have it gone and you're left with not training for something important. I've been there so many times but it just takes a few days and then a new plan is in place and the head starts spinning as to how you'd train and then it all is back to being good again :). ((hugs))
I got the blues after my first marathon. Then I learned that I need to have something planned for after a big race (not necessarily athletic), to give me a sense of purpose and direction when I need to let my body rest. This has been working great for me!
The Merry said…
I didn't know this was such a common occurrence. I hope it clears up soon.
And I think that your feet look beautiful. They were strong enough to carry you through all that hard work.
Clair said…
Hope the post-race blues clear up soon! I get them too sometimes, and I find setting new race goals or catching up on the socializing I missed while training really helps.
Unknown said…
Glad you are taking it easy and being kind to yourself :) Can't wait to see what you have in the works next!! That always helps with the blues too!
Caratunk Girl said…
Be good to yourself! The blues - I had them after my first marathon, I KNOW I will after my first HIM....kind of all this build up and then it is over. The GREAT news is that they go away, really they do.

You have awesome feet. You should see mine. I look like a hobbit. Without the hair ofcourse..
Unknown said…
I think I got them a bit after my half. I hope yours go away soon!
Kat said…
I can relate to this, but in a slightly different way. It's the same thing for me after a big concert performance with my school choirs. We work and work before/during/after school, going through all kinds of pain and suffering (usually the kids suffering because I'm so picky), all to build up to this great moment.....

....and then it's over. And we have to start all over again for the next performance. But we're still coming down from the LAST performance. But we have to shake it off and move forward eventually or we'll end up being all nostalgic about what we did instead of getting excited about what we're GOING to do.

Different, but similar. Ride the waves, you will eventually emerge and be ready for your next performance!
Christina said…
Looks like you need to start planning and training for a new race. :)
Maggs said…
I think the cure for it is to sign up for another race. What do you know? Honu is open? But seriously, hope it goes away soon.
LMC said…
Playing with your kids and just being sounds like exactly what you need. I hope you get past the blues soon. Take care of yourself!!
Unknown said…
Must be time to get out pencil and paper and start a rough sketch of what's to come next! Whenever I feel like that I roll in it a bit then I get out my piece of paper and start day dreaming about the next goal... that usually gets the juices flowing again and puts the pep back in my step! :D Knowing is half the battle! ha ha
sarah said…
FEEL YOU. I've had mini-post-race blues for two months now. I just haven't been ready to sign up for any new races, so the blues are turning into a funk! But these blues are not the bad kind - once I realized that I had so much more time and less pressure, I definitely felt a ton better.
Unknown said…
oh I hear ya. All that hard work and training and now what do you do? Sign up for another? Focus on another event? Or just enjoy the present. I vote for enjoying the present, but easier said than done. Great post!
Lisa said…
I love your healthy outlook about it, now that you know what it is! Take care of your feet and have fun with your kids! Focus on feeling good and being proud!

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