Goals for the Week 30: Let's Get This Party Started!

Friends, I've had a week of true debauchery, late nites, and free wheelin', and it's been great. But my muscles, body, and mind have been naggin' me a bit this morning. It's sounding sorta like...'Hey, AM...so ya ready to get back to it?'. And yeah, I'm ready. I'm soooo glad I took a COMPLETE week off, and now I'm ready to FIRE INTO ease into my goals for this week and beyond. 

I also thought I'd show a pic of my actual organizer I use to write my GFTW. Thar she is above in all her Glory! Ha! But really, it's what makes my boat float, and my world go round (more) smoothly...

So, here are my Goals for the Week:

Athlete: Decide what races I want to do for this last half of 2010. How fun is that?!;-)

Mom: Have family dinner 2x's this week

Personal Growth: Meditate on this: Be in a constant state of gratitude

Wife: Privado for here...but i got one;-)

Health: Back to daily food intakes. Write them out each morning to plan my day

Home: Me and kids make our beds each day. Develop the habit.

As always I write these down on a bookmark I keep in that organizer above, and attempt to read it each morning as I chug my coffee. 

On a different note,  I got to meet fellow bloggy gal/pal Jill at the Ferry Building yesterday. Me and the Fam did a Family Adventure to the city, so it worked to meet her! She, along with a few other bloggy gal pals I know are running the SF Marathon Sunday! Here we are:
 So, this is what I've got tee'd up for the week. I'm ready to get this party started! And now...I'd love to know what you party people have goin' on? Oh, and don't forget to enter my CSN Giveaway! Heck, maybe you'll win the $60 and have your own party pickin' out some goods!  


Pahla said…
I love your new header pic - awesome! Apparently my new goal for the week is to be as organized as you. :-) Making my bed every day is one of my favorite habits. I don't love doing it, but I'm ALWAYS happy it's done.
Raquelita said…
Picking races is always so fun!

I'm moving this week so a lot of my goals are sort of in limbo for a few days. However, I did just shred a lot of old documents and bills from five years ago, so that instantly made me feel more organized and accomplished.
ShutUpandRun said…
Sounds like a good plan for the week. Glad you got to meet Jill!!
christine said…
good post...me and my multiple personalities have conversations like this all the time...
your right about the marin tri swim... a friend and i swam there last week and the current was challenging...
Unknown said…
yeah ... race picking is always a blast!
Maggs said…
I really hope a race in Hawaii is on that 2010 schedule!
LMC said…
I love your new header pic!! I also just entered your CSN giveaway. I missed it while I was away. This week, I'll be looking forward to getting back to my training plan. Good luck with your week!!
Lisa said…
as always, love your goals! Have fun picking out your races for the rest of the year!
Unknown said…
Glad you had a nice week!
Thanks for reminding me to write down my goals too :)
Kat said…
Keeping an organizer like that is such a great idea; I'm gonna have to steal it for me! I need something to help hold myself accountable so I can reach my goals, something concrete that I can see. This should be just the thing! :-)
Unknown said…
I love looking for races... I have been spying some sprint triathlons which may be in the future after being inspired by your blog :-)
Christina said…
You have some good goals. I like how you dedicate a goal to each aspect of your life. :)
Regina said…
Good goals. I felt the jones to train again after a week of slacking and eating after my HIM.

I am so jealous looking at the pic of you wearing long sleeves!!! It has been so hot here. I'll soon be complaining how cold it is.
Velma said…
Crud~I need to make my bed. Great goals!! I love the pic at the top
Beth said…
Love your new picture at the top! Great goals for this week. On my list is also having family dinner at home... I've fallen out of the habit with busy summer schedules. Good luck with your list!
Unknown said…
Ha, ha! Loved the privado goal...I better get one of those together too. I hope you had an awesome time in SF, I'm so sorry we didn't meet for hugs!

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