#653- Race Day Nutrition Plan

 Don't know if I've mentioned it here before, but I'm doing a lil' triathlon called Vineman here this weekend. I haven't really talked about it that much, I guess because there's SO much else to talk about....HA! I'm killin' myself over here!

Anyway, wanted to start off this Triathlon Tuesday with sharing my drum roll please...
Race Day Nutrition Plan! This is putting all the pieces of the tri puzzle together:

~4:45am (IN CAR)- sweet potato w/almond butter + 8 oz water, coffee
(This is perfect fuel/timing for a 7am start!Takes about ~2hr for carbs from sweet potato to release ENERGY!)

6:15 am (T1 set up) 1/4 Scoop of LeanDessertProtein + 4 oz water
6:30am (watch pro's and have wet suit on) 1/2 Raptor Bar + 5oz water
Go PEE, even if I think I don't have to
7:00 am Swim Start!

Bike: (gels taped to bike)
At ~30' - Accel gel + 5oz water
At ~1:15' start sipping on Amino Vital w/water in my big water bottle. Take salt tablet
At ~1:45' - Accel gel + 5 oz water 
At 2:45- ½ Accel Gel

Out of T2- 1/2 Raptor Bar (in tri top) + 4oz water
30 min - 1/2 Accel gel (in tri top)  plus water
Take water at every aid station
At 1:15 into run- Accel Gel (in tri top)

Immed after Race
1 banana OR Pineapple or Watermelon
3/4 Ultramet (don’t have anything else), water

1:20 later- lunch (keep portions small EVEN THOUGH you may want to eat a lot)

2:15 later- Snack- 14 Pretzel Nibblers + Nectarine + ½ string cheese
OR Mocha Frappucino Light 

This is my Nutrition Plan so far. Still need to figure out when to take the other salt tablets, and if I need more on the run. But it helped writing the plan in a post, as I've never put this entire plan into action (nor have I raced a dang Half Ironman!). How's it look? Oh, and the picture above is how I'll look before the swim (that's Johnson's Beach behind me. The swim start).

And your next question may be if I have race time goals for each leg of the race? I do. And (I think) I'll post em' maybe later this week.;-)


Charisa said…
Good luck - have a fun race!!
Julie said…
Hi Anne Marie,
I have never thought of having a sweet potato for breakfast. What a great idea...must try sometime:) I would say that your nutrition is looking fantastic! I am sending you tons of good luck....you are going to do great:)
Maggs said…
I think you forgot...drink a LOT of wine with Maggs.
Interesting. So you think you will be able to digest the 2/3 raptor bar right before the run? Also, I heard that taking in 200 cals/hour for the bike is the minimum, so of course, its all individual. This is great info as I need to figure out nutrition for the race, too! Oh, and I am going to splurge after my HIM - icecream and whatever I want for the day:)That will get me to the finish line:)
misszippy said…
One question--have you practiced all this in training? Especially the bar right before the run. I hope it works perfectly for you. And yeah, I'd probably be going crazy with junk post-race--you are disciplined!
Nutrition Gal said…
Hi All:
Some helpful info for you:

This is what's so great about the Raptor Bar: it's superior to gels AND its digested rapidly, w/o the need for lots of water, required w/ gels. The only issue would be if you didn't like to "chew." But my response, "Get over it; it's only two bites. Focus on your race, not on your chewing!" :)
teacherwoman said…
That nutrition stuff is a lot of work, huh!? Looks good to me, but what do I know! LOL
Teamarcia said…
Looks good to me! Where do you buy the Raptor bars?
I need to try the SP/almond butter as I just brought a boatload of them home from the farmer's market!
Aimee said…
It's always nice to have a plan, but just be sure that you have back up ideas too with different options. Once you get out there racing, your stomach/taste buds may not like the taste of certain things and you just won't be able to get them down. So, having other options leaves some choice for the "what-ifs."
Sherri said…
Your going to ROCK!!!!!!!
Have fun drinking wine with Maggs after having a fantastic race! =)
Looks like a great plan, I am going to try the sweet potato some time. I do use boiled baby reds in sea salt on the bike, but haven't tried a sweet. Wonderful idea!
I am EXCITED for you! Cannot wait to hear about it. I am looking at Vineman for next year, and want to read your report. GOOD LUCK AM!!!!!
Christina said…
I love your nutrition plan. I cannot wait to hear about your race. Have a good time!
Jill said…
Looks good to me! I'm curious why you'd only take a half gel for the last bike nutrition!!??? You're going to do so great....GO AM, GOOOO!!
Anne said…
That looks so professional!! You are more than ready to rock this tri...Vineman, here she comes!
I can't wait to hear about your race! We will do great! And your nutritional plan sound great. Also can't wait to hear your time goals!
Kat said…
I'm no nutrition expert, but it certainly does look like you're well organized and ready for this one. Best of luck to you! I'm looking forward to reading all about it!
Unknown said…
I love that you post all this stuff! I am learning so much from reading about your journey :)
So excited for you!
Unknown said…
I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes to your plan..have fun!!!
Anne-Marie said…
GOOD LUCK at Vineman! I've heard that's a great race and would love to do it one day. It looks like your nutrition is very well thought out; it's good motivation for me to start putting some serious thought into my IM Louisville nutrition plan!

Also, thanks for the sweet potato/almond butter idea! I tried it and loved it (and never would've thought to put those two things together)!
Unknown said…
Woooo I'm so excited for you at Vineman! Your nutrition sounds really well planned out, I'm going to have to try the sweet potato for fuel before a run sometime!

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