What's Workin' Wednesday: Nutrition!

As I've shared, I'm having the good fortune to work with Nutrition Gal to help me dial in my intakes for Vineman and beyond. So I wanted to share a what a day of intakes look for me when I have a ~40min swim/2hr ride. This was Tuesdays:

Breakfast: Sweet potato w/1 TBSP Almond Butter

1/2 hr b4 swim: 1/2 Raptor Bar (the shiny red/silver bar in pic)

btwn swim/bike: 1/2 Raptor Bar

On the Bike: 1 1/2 Scoop Amino Vital

1:30 hr into bike: 1/4 Raptor Bar

Lunch: 1/2 Bolani with 3 slices turkey meat, spinach, 1/8 cup of Cabot Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese + 10 cherries

Snack: ~10 Nibbler pretzels with 1 Lite String Cheese

Snack: 1 scoop Lean Dessert Protein Powder with water + 1 Cup Watermelon

Snack: veggies w/~2 TBSP Hummus

Dinner: Zucchini Tomato Pasta Recipe (1 1/2 cups of the dish) with wine

Dessert: Yoplait Parfait w/1TBSP Choc Chips.

1. It's ~4 weeks into the nutrition program and it took a while to acclimate having less quantity in general for snacks. I'm used to a bit more, but after the first 2 weeks, my body has adjusted (for the most part:)

2. I can now finally savor a  sweet potatoe with almond butter for breakfast! Because I'm used to my oats and fruit. But I have to say, I've come to enjoy this breakfast because I can tell it's fueling me for my ride, run, or swim (and I only have them ~3x's a week)

3. The Raptor Bars took a lil' bit of getting used to. I'm used to my realy GOOD Nugo Bars, etc. This is different. They're not quite as fun to eat, and they're hard to eat in the middle of a set on the bike! But I'm adjusting and I can tell they fuel me.

4. I love Amino Vital on the bike. I also love Bolani's for lunch. I've written about them before, but they're fab. And I also love the Yoplait Parfait's for dessert.

5.I'm still not following my intakes to the T (shhh!;-). Extra snack pretzels, chips, and dessert seem to be my culprit. 

This is the most I've ever relied on powders and bars for fuel/food. But I've never trained for a Half Ironman Distance either so makes sense. Also, I was not given any freebies to talk about my food. But hey, maybe I should look into that! Powders and bars ain't cheap;-)

Now, I'd love to hear, what works/not works for you in the nutrition world? I'm off to prepare my food for the day;-)


misszippy said…
Never would have thought of combining sweet potatoes with almond butter. But, those are a couple of my favorite things, so why not? I think you are doing great--it's only natural to sneak in a little somethin' extra, right?
KovasP said…
Sweet potatoes I like. Almond butter I like. Much like misszippy, I had never thought of combining them, thanks for the tip!
Unknown said…
Sounds like a really strict plan to follow, I'm more of an intuitive eater but I try to make sure I get everything I need!
Unknown said…
p.s. I just saw your comment on my blog, I was drinking rum and coke hehe the beer was Mike's!
Teamarcia said…
AM how many calories is that for the day?
I will echo the sentiments of the others and tell you I'd never considered a sweet potato for breakfast, let alone with almond butter. Worth a try though!
AM! said…
Hi all!
@teamarcia- it's about ~2000-2200 calories a day...i think. That's my target range in general.
Unknown said…
Since going gluten/casein/egg free I have found that anything goes for breakfast! I love sweet potatoes and I eat sunbutter so now I am thinking I might give this a shot. I eat potato salad often for breakfast. I add veggies to it.
I have never thought to have a sweet potatoe for breakfast but a great idea while heading out for a workout. I try not to have too many bars.....I have them on my big workout days because I need the refuel other than that I like to have "real" food....not that bars aren't real....you know what I mean ;)
Sounds like a great diet and glad you have got use to it.
Aimee said…
Like everyone else has pretty much said, I never would have thought to eat a sweet potato with almond butter either, but I might have to try it. How do you cook the sweet potato? Microwave? Oven?

I hope this isn't taken the wrong way, but I'm actually a little surprised that your day includes so many "energy" type products instead of actual food. Kind of like what Anabela said above. Can I ask why your nutrionist has you eating so many? Is it just a convenience thing? I would think that that could get a little pricey after awhile. Please know that I'm just trying to understand because I've struggled with nutrition too! :)
Marny said…
Sweet potatoes and almond butter...I'm going to try that combo! I am inspired to eat healthy the rest of this week. :) Thanks!
Caratunk Girl said…
Wow, like pretty much everyone else, I never thought of sweet potatoes and almond butter going together...I like them both a lot though so I will try it! I struggle with nutrition - thanks for posting! Sounds like it is working great for you!
Maggs said…
Guess what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow? A sweet potato. With almond butter. Sounds good.

I'm back on the gluten free thing. Makes it a lot harder to just snack on stuff.
Nutrition Gal ;) said…
Hey AM:
It's me, Nutrition Gal...1st: busted about not sticking to intakes! :) 2nd: To answer ??s about why so many bars/powders,etc: you only eat bars on long or brick workout days (>1:45)and even on those days you have max 1 bar and max 1 protein scoop/serving. Why? The bar is so much much better than the crappy yet popular gels/gu's so many triathletes/runners use. The protein I have you using is b/c it's the highest quality casein/whey blend for muscle recovery/repair after long or hard workouts...and, yes, a matter of great convenience for you. Whole foods are always best...however, ONLY in the right combinations and at the proper timing. Hope this helps everyone! :) Oh, the amino vital is used simply b/c you like it!
Nutrition Gal said…
OH...and most importantly:
Most individuals very rarely get proper nutrition from whole foods (even those who "think" they do, thus the need for supplementation. AND, athletes who deplete themselves of so many macronutrients/vit/min definitely benefit from the use of "PROPER" supplementation.
Anonymous said…
I learn so much every time I stop by here, AM! =) Thanks, hon, and continued good luck on the training -- you ROCK!
Lisa said…
I've taken to baking a sweet potato the night before a trip, cooling it, wrapping in tin foil and putting in the fridge before taking it to the airport with me! It works really well for a healthy airport breakfast. I've heard of putting almond or peanut butter on them, but haven't tried that yet. Maybe I will with the one I bought today at the farmers market!

It's great to see your plan and get ideas! Thanks for sharing!
teacherwoman said…
Girl, I am still trying to figure out what works/doesn't work for me. Hence the reason why I have decided to work with someone on this... more to come! :)

Thanks for sharing!
hmm... sweet potatoes? yuck~ really don't like them but sounds like it might be yummy for those that do. my favorite are lunabars... probably high in sugar- but they fill me up and taste good. I just can't eat them right before a workout. For powder drinks, I love my hammer nutrition melon Heed. It's easy on the stomach. For workouts that are really long, I add flavorless protein: sustained energy.

Good luck! Your diet looks way better than mine....
Jill said…
My old trainer had me doing the sweet potato and I just have to say: I hate them. Maybe with some almond butter I'd tolerate them more. I'll give it a try, thanks! I've been using Isopure protein powder for about 2 years now and it works well, it's an isolate protein powder and I like how more protein is absorbed. Thanks, AM!! :). And PLEASE, I welcome all your advice about my heel, nutrition, running....everything!!
Kelly said…
I found your blog today and love the motivation from one mom to another. I have 2 young kids and am currently training for my first Olympic tri. It's hard to find time, but it's also hard to fit in the proper nutrition. I've found myself bonking on some of my brick days, because I hadn't properly refueled. Two things that have been helping me come from the company that created P90X. They have a shake that is wonderful and SUPER healthy. It's called Shakeology and has 70 amazing ingredients. I also refuel with the Results and Recovery Formula. You can find all this over at: www.coloradofitmom.com
I love your "GOALS". What a great idea. I think through so much during the week, but I think I need to write them down from here on out!
Thanks for a great blog!
Julie said…
I love sweet potatoes and so do my kids:) They are packed with so much more nutrition for the normal potato. We have sweet potatoes at least once a week! Good stuff:)
Unknown said…
I think sweet potatoes and almond butter sound great BUT I've never tried them together. I like the name of that Raptor Bar! I do want to try one of those.
Sherri said…
Basically....my whole diet needs to change! I love all that stuff!
Unknown said…
Thanks AM, I am going to keep working the swim stuff...so my NEW goal is 3x a week for the month of July. Hugs and thanks for the inspiration and advice :) !
Lindsay said…
I love sweet potatoes! Figuring out nutrition is so hard. sounds like you have a good grip on it though! Have a great week!

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