GFTW 23: A 10K Course- Yippee!

Naw, I didn't run a 10k this morning, but I had (almost) the next best thing. The Hit the Road Jack 10k goes right in front of our house. In fact, mile 5 is our house. How's that for a front row cheering section seat? Here's the marker sign (and my casa in the back) with our chairs lined up ready to watch. And watch with a big cowbell we did. I did the race last year and did well for myself (I blogged about it here), but it's not on my training schedule this year with Vineman, so I got to ring some cowbell with the kids.

And speaking kids and cowbells, here are my Goals for the Week:

Athlete: I'm working all day Mon thru Weds at Athleta (where they ring a cowbell when good ideas happen), which means less time to schedule training and more standing than normal. Sit when I can at work, and bike early style Mon-Weds- just do it am.

Health: In the same realm, I sort of half ass'd my intakes again, and I realize it's because of the uncertainty of my heel problem with Vineman looming, so this transcends to my intakes. Nutrition Gal said something though that helped. She said and I quote:  

I am here to help you achieve your goals, AM.  And w/ your heel injury it is even more important .... that you also eat cleanly/fuel appropriately in order to be back at the top of your game quicker once the heel heals!  This is so important.  I know life happens but let’s use this week to be focused!

It's what I needed to hear.

Mom: Create one play date or time where kiddos are separated for a few hours. They've been out of school for a week, where they normally get to drift apart and play with other kids. Well, this past week it's been just them, together, for the most part 24/7. I think they need a lil' separate time.

Personal Growth: Before I wake up each morning visualize my day. Start from the end of the day and work backwards. How do I feel at the end of the day? What did I do in the evening, afternoon, and then morning? This sorta helps me live into the final outcome of what I'd like my day to be.

As always, I write these lil' goals down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and attempt to read them each morning as a I plan my day. Here's what I got, and now I'd LOVE to know what you've got planned his week. Oh, and if you have some personal growth goal gems to share...please do!


Jill said…
I am 7 weeks away from San Francisco marathon and am going nowhere quickly with my training and nutrition. Your quote from nutrition gal is what I needed, too. Thanks, AM!! One day I will kick this funk and get a grip on my life....thanks for always inspiring me!!
Unknown said…
Cool front row seats for the race! Have a great week :-)
sarah said…
After two weeks of very liberal boozing and pizzaing, I made a very simple pledge to myself: EAT VEGETABLES. Eat plenty, and eat them early in the day. Silly, but it got them back into my routine.
Also...I love it when neighbors set up shop for local races! Although, in the last 10K I ran a little girl was SELLING lemonade for 5 cents a cup. Way to nickel and dime us poor racers! I demurred.
Jennifer said…
I wish a race went by my house! Sounds like fun and good goals for the week!
misszippy said…
I love watching races--how fun to have it go right in front of your house! I hope the heel is feeling better.
Jenny Hinman said…
It was a lot of fun to see you at mile 5. I hope your week goes well. I am oficially off starting Fri. so if you want, we would love to have one of the kids over for a playdate!!!
Tricia said…
so fun that its right in front of your house!
Rad Runner said…
That is so cool, I love it when races are THAT CLOSE to home!
KovasP said…
Awesome seats! Great that you didn't run but still got out to cheer others on, great example for your children.
They really ring a cowbell - that is awesome. I need to order some stuff from Athleta. I get the catalog but I've never bought anything. And who is this "Nutriton Gal" you speak of. I need to follow some of her advice!
I love your weekly goals! I have a to do notebook and every week I write down what I want to focus on professionally and personally. Fun to look back and also to stay accountable. I think it is hard to stay on track with nutrition when things get rough, or when dealing with an injury. I cut myself some slack in such situations, but try to plan my "treats"! Hope the heel feels better. What a pain!
JC said…
Your nutritional Gal seems pretty awesome - and I am reading this after I've eaten a bunch of crap all day:) Post race refuel is what I'm calling my food festivities today! I like the visualize your day backwards. Have a great week!
Aimee said…
That must have been so much fun to watch the race. And, I'm sure your kids loved ringing the cowbells! :)

I think your nutritionist sounds like a very smart and understanding person. It's so hard to stay focused on healthy eating when something goes wrong and all we want to do is eat icecream and chocolate! But, she's right, that's the time when it's essential to eat the best we can so our bodies can heal. It's easier said than done though! I hope your heel heals quickly!
LMC said…
That's awesome that you guys cheered for the runners, and from some great seats. You know how helpful it is to have spectator support! I love your Personal Growth goal. That's a great idea that I'm gonna have to try. You always have great ideas for us. Thanks for sharing! BTW, I hope your heel is getting better?!
Wow how great that a race went right past your house and you had a great time last year!
Julie said…
I would absolutely love to have a race go by my house! You are so lucky! Where did you get your cowbells? I would love to find a few of them for my own. I want to cheer the marathoners come into the finish at Grandma's!

Have a great week Anne Marie!
Sherri said…
That is absolutely awesome! What a great time for the kiddos! Love your goals...always do!
Anne said…
How cool that a race goes right by your house! I would love that :)
Unknown said…
Que linda esta tu casita, es blanca o amarilla? We once had a tri in front of our house and it was the best day of my life! SO fun. Love your goals, as always. Visualizing your day is a great one, I try to do that in the shower every morning!
Anonymous said…
your house is on my running route - how funny! I was in a bad place the day you saw me on 7th. I was at 2 hours and 15 min of my run and guess what my PF was bug'in me...and my hip...and my achilles.
Need to get the name of your nutrition gal. that is getting to be a big issue as I'm running longer. A. Mulligan, don't think I have a profile.

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