GFTW 20: Don't Think About Crazy Tongue Faces!

So, whatcha thinking about right now?

How about now?
I really hope you're not thinkin' what I think you're thinking...not about crazy tongue faces!! uh, but WHY? I told you not to! Forget about em! Spend your energy on other more productive things.

This has been my thinking the past few days, but instead of crazy tongue faces, it's been about my...heel! I'm trying my darnest to not think/worry about it, but it's sorta hard when I'm either icing it, heating it, wearing compression socks, elevating it in my face, or simply feeling it with every step. 

But I'm still trying to put my energy to other things. But even those 'other' things are a bit up in the air. It's like everything is in a holding pattern until I figure out what the heck is up with the (don't wanna say the word, but starts with the letter H and ends with a L).

So my goals for the week are in a holding pattern too, til I know what I can/can't do physically. I have my primary care doc appt Mon am, who will most likely refer me to a specialist, who I PRAY I can see pronto. Like same day pronto. This is what I've got so far:

Mom: Set up a playdate for this week or next, with a potential program for the lil' ones to attend next year.

Wife: Finalize Napa Wine Train dinner, and if it doesn't work, make a date for Fri nit.

health and athlete: geesh, I'll an idea of those hopefully tomorrow. For now they are to RICE, and not eat so much rice til I'm training again.

Personal Growth: Be kind to myself. And it's okay to think about Crazy Tongue Faces the heel;-). Embrace it baby.

So send some warm fuzzy thoughts this way tomorrow and this week. I know you already have, and I SO appreciate it.  And tell me too, what are YOUR goals for the week?


Julie said…
Hi Anne Marie,
Here I am just sitting here getting bummed because tomorrow is Monday and it is back to work:( I click on your blog and I see these funny and adorable crazy tounge faces:) Thanks for cheering me up a bit! Your kids are so cute!

I hope that you will get good news from your primary doc and if you do see an Ortho doc...I hope that goes well too! Hang in there girl:)
Babbs said…
Hang in there... I love the crazy tongue faces!
Lindsay said…
I love the funny tongue faces way to cute! I hope you feel better soon!!! Better days are coming :)
JBM said…
so hard not to hyperfocus on the negative when it is in your face 24/7! always a lesson to be learned in our injuries, i have had sooooooo many lessons
misszippy said…
Good luck with it! I hope you get in to a specialist asap and get a diagnosis. Love the funny tongue faces!
Anonymous said…
can you say..."taco-tongue?"
Unknown said…
You seem to run a tight ship at your house and you both seem like very strict and serious parents. Please let your hair down and have a "little" fun...your pictures cracked me up! Puros payasos alli en tu casa.
PLEASE run SF, I'm dying to meet you!
Let me know if you need PF advice, it's still a daily commitment to keeping the body in one piece!
Get better and hugs,
XTB-XAVI said…
Funny pics....goals for this week...keep incfeasing my training level which has been very low lately!

Cheers from HK,

"XTB" Xavi.
Unknown said…
Hehehe love the silly faces, it's fun to be daft :-)

I'm thinking of you and hoping for good news about your heel!
Ewa said…
My goal for the week is not to go nuts without running. Not to drive my family nuts without running. Not to eat too much since I am not running. -- I think you understand.
Good luck with the dr. today.
I think I found a sports injury guy I would willing to talk to.
Hey, at least your pic with silly faces made me smile. Thanks.
Caratunk Girl said…
Love the faces - too funny!

Hang in there - I hope your injury heals quickly. Hope the Dr gives you some good news!
LMC said…
All the tongue faces were good and funny, but your crazy tongue face is my favorite! Thinking about you and hoping for some good news to go your way!
My mom is coming to town and my husband is going out of town. The 2 are not related, I promise. So, very little running this week for me and lot's of keeping Mom from getting bored to tears! Have a great week AM!!
Jenny Hinman said…
Good luck at the Dr.Your pics are fun. Call me to set up a play date. Wy would love to play. Have a good day.
Marci said…
Love the funny tounge face pics... hillarious!! Oh and my goals for the week... have a great birthday tomorrow and get through my training this week!
Unknown said…
Great photos! It really illustrates how difficult it is to try not to think about something that does not want to be ignored!!
My goals.....P90X and try to get at least 25 miles in so I am on track for my monthly goals. I would love to get more of a cushion of miles if possible.
Maggs said…
haha. your kids crack me up. Love the pictures. Hope the legs is feeling better.
Those pics brought a smile to my face, thanks

my goal is just survive this weeks training, then its taper week. soooo close I can smell it

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