GFTW 19: Pimp My Blog!

Ya like the new look? As you can see, I did a bit of a bloggy makeover. No, I didn't win a contest or was on a reality show, I've just been wanting to pimp my blog now for a while, and I'm happy with the new current look. There's still a few things I need to fix/correct, but it'll come right?  And I've had a pretty great Mama's Day too. I got my morning coffee, my ~2hr bike ride, lunch with the family at a grubbin' hamburger joint, a TWO hour nap, a late afternoon family bike ride, and now Ironman Dude is serving dinner and in charge of bedtime, so I get to indulge in bloggyville! nice.

So let's get right to it. Here are My Goals for the Week:

Health/Personal Growth: Follow my sample week of daily intakes from my nutritionist. Yipee! I hope to hop on board for a ~6 week nutrition plan with her and I'm excited. I've already bought a few of the new items she's recommended, and so far I'm digging them.  Like the cherries I finally scored above. They're not available in the market at the moment, but on the way back from my bike ride we passed by a stand...and I imbibed. Here they are above. Oh, and just a few notes I found about cherries. They're a 10 top food for a flat belly (uh...okay) as reported in Oxygen Mag. The component they have is anthocyanins (say that 10 times fast) that helps promote losing abdominal fat. It's the same compound that give cherries their red color.

Athlete: Continue my This or That
I wrote about it before, where I concluded that for at least for the next 12 weeks, my training workouts trump any extra work or social opp's. And I've been tested a few times. Work has asked if I can come in last minute for an extra shift, there was a forgotten book club...I said no, because I'm putting a lot of time and $ frankly, into these next 3 months, and I need to commit my kid coverage time to the training as much as possible. So, continue to remember that this week.

Personal Growth: Embrace the  Sprint Triathlon I'm doing this weekend. 
 It was put on my training schedule only 3 weeks ago, and I've had a LOT of resistance to put it mildly. Mainly b/c it's just more time, money, and energy I wasn't willing to shell out. But I had this relaxing weekend, and we decided I'd go down and do it solo: sans hubby and kids. So this is the first race I will have EVER done by myself. I've always had a friend/hubby along, but not this time. It's just me, my gear, and the race from Sat til Sunday. It'll be a good growing experience for me, right? and I'll have your voices in my head Sun am at the swim start;-)

Mom: In the spirit of my Jaime Oliver Food Revolution Crusade, put one new food item on my kid's food plate each day. 

That's it for me. Now how about YOU? What do you have goin' on for you and what goals have you set for yourself this week? Talk to me, talk to me baby!


RunningWhit said…
Interesting fact about cherries! I'm so excited for all the fruits and veggies to get back in season. One of my favorite things about summer is the farmer's market.
Unknown said…
hmmm. I think I need some cherries!!!
I want to get 30 miles ran this week. I have been slacking the last couple of weeks and not managing my time as well as I would like.
Productive but not well organized.
Best of luck on your Sprint Tri!!!
XTB-XAVI said…
Love cherries....yummy! and now about this new info I am looking to reduce my abs fat...

Cheers from HK!

"XTB" Xavi.
Maggs said…
Good luck on the tri :-) Sprints are fun. Hard but fun. I knew I loved cherries for a reason.
Caratunk Girl said…
Good luck in your tri this weekend! It is always good to get that first one in the season done!
Anne said…
I'm sure you'll rock that tri...enjoy the experience! Have a great week :)
Good luck with the sprint. They are hard, like 3X5K hard. But, you get 3Xspeed work benefit. And you are going to do great!
MCM Mama said…
What food is good for losing the thigh fat? LOL

Love your goals. I need to work on the food variety thing more. My goal this week though is to get through it without catching my son's cold, get as much sleep as possible, and get mentally ready for my marathon.

Have a great week!
Teamarcia said…
Wow another tri! You go girl! So it's the cherries that are making my abs ripped? Oh right, they're not. Must have been dreaming again.
Glad you had a nice Mother's Day!
Teamarcia said…
Wow another tri! You go girl! So it's the cherries that are making my abs ripped? Oh right, they're not. Must have been dreaming again.
Glad you had a nice Mother's Day!
AM! said…
thanks everyone. and for the's actually almost a full olympic distance tri. that's why I was also have the resistence. But I'm (virtually) over it;-0
Good luck at the next tri

There is a drink called cheribundi, a small 8 oz bottle has 40 cherries in it, taste like cherry pie in a bottle to me.

I like the new look
Jill said…
Cherries don't look like they have flat tummies to me, but if they help make mind flat, I'm in. Too bad you can't get them here in CO but a couple months of the year (like most fruit here). That Cheribundi drink may come in handy here! Glad you're getting your nutrition down with the new chick and that's awesome about the new TRI!! :)
Ewa said…
Love cherries, especially sour cherries. One can get them ever so often. They are very flavorful, a bit sour (hence the name) and they have to be really ripe to taste good.
I think it is good to do things solo once in a while. I always feel stronger when I do. Good luck with the Tri. I see it starts early. Good, because Morgan Hill can get a bit warm during the day.
Unknown said…
I like your mom goal! Good luck for your tri :-) Oooh and cherries just got even better, shame they're so expensive haha
Lindsay said…
LOVE cherries!!! Sounds like you had an awesome Mother's Day :)
ShutUpandRun said…
Goals for the week: to relish in my BQ accomplishment and sit on my butt!! Okay and maybe start thinking about my triathlon in three weeks and get on the bike and to the pool. Not going to worry too much about the running part though.
Aimee said…
I love cherries! Yum, yum, yum!
Good luck with your tri! You will do great! :)
Velma said…
I just love your blog and goals - such positive energy. You are going to rock the sprint!!
Sugar D said…
I am SO SO excited & impressed with your sprint tri SOLO!!! Think of me and Sarah with you in the swim all the way! I LOVE YOU & am so proud to be your friend!
Unknown said…
Eat more cherries? I'm in! I'm thinking that your tri this weekend will be a GOOD experience for you! I've done a few races alone and it was emotional but kind of liberating to be independent and self-reliant, even just emotionally! I'm excited for you!
LOVE it that you took a two hour nap, lovely.
Sherri said…
I love cherries!
Your blog looks great!
Sounds like you had a great mothers day!
Tricia said…
good luck this weekend!
Lisa said…
Great goals! Good luck on the race - you'll do great. Enjoy your time alone!!

I love, love, love cherries! I didn't realize cherry season in Cali is in the spring though, it's July in Michigan, where I grew up. I suppose our weather in July is sort of like yours in the spring! They are SO good and incredibly healthy!
Charisa said…
Have a great sprint tri!! Love how you will introduce new healthy foods too - what a great idea :)
NY Wolve said…
Love the new look. By the way, I see you referenced a food network type. I sat next to Tyler Florence last week in LA. Yikes, I think I am older than him...
Molly said…
I hope you have a great race! I keep reading more and more about cherries....last summer I threw some into a smoothie, and it was gooood.

I'm on day two of my marathon training! Only 18 weeks to go!

: )
JC said…
Happy Momma's Day! Sounds like you had a great one.
You will be FANTASTIC at the race on the weekend - looking forward to hearing all about it.
Caratunk Girl said…
Hey thank you so much for your generous donation and your kind words! :) Happy Training Weekend!

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