Whatcha Can Get for $40

 I was gonna wait til' Monday to write about this, but just had to share our day. I ran the local Carneros Firefighter 5k run this morning, as final prep for Lavaman. And for $40 we got:

1. The first school bus ride for my lil kiddos (them below)


 2. Pancake breakfast - which was enough food for the whole family.

 3. Firefighter hats, pencils and coloring books for the kids. 

 4. Unlimited cups of Starbucks coffee, and souveiner wine glass w/taste 

5. Artesa Winery bottle of 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve AND a MAGNUM of their Reserve Cab/Sauvignon. That's right folks a magnum!
6. Being a part of a running community and giving to the firefighters as a family.


For $40, you can get 1.7 tickets for Disney on Ice which we did as a family a few weekends ago. (This did NOT include the other 2.3 tickets, the $20 parking, the $60 for 2 cokes, 2 waters, 1 hot dog, and a popcorn, or the bizillion dollar merchandising stands that swarmed around each Section Entrance.)

Can ya tell which one I had more fun at? ;-)


Maggs said…
Awesome! I was supposed to go to Ohio to take my nephews to see Disney on Ice. I had an exam so my brother and sister in law had to take them instead. I think they all had fun, but my brother didn't really have too many nice things to say about the show.
Sherri said…
What a bargain!
I love it...your kids will remember that....FOREVER!
JC said…
WOW - I think even my husband would do that race for the WINE!!! You look fantastic and are going to ROCK next weekend at Lavaman.
Julie said…
Looks like a fun day! I would love to run for wine and a glass:) I like the medal too!
Unknown said…
That looks like a really fun day! I can't believe how expensive disney on ice was, $60 for a few cokes and a bit of food!! I'm not sure what's worse, that or the parking!
misszippy said…
Yeah, I think you had a nice little deal there! Love your skirt, btw. How was the race itself??
Teamarcia said…
Looks like a load of fun to me. I so hear you on the Disney On Ice ripoff, um I mean show.
Laura said…
Wow I want to do that race...or any race actually (if I could get over being sick!) You look amazing!
Anne said…
First, I love your running skirt - adorable! Second, what a great deal and what fun for the whole family :) Did you have a good race?
Dion said…
This is awesome! I bet the kids will remember this day much more than the Disney trip...
Unknown said…
It looks like you combined your fun day with a fun day for the family too and you can't beat that...even wtih Disney! I love the fire fighter hats on your kiddos, very sweet!
teacherwoman said…
Sounds like $40 well spent! Great!
Aimee said…
Woohoo! It looks like you all had a great time! How fun! That's a race my boys would love...firefighter hats and coloring books are the best!

Oh, and I love your skirt!! What brand is it? It is really cute and you look awesome!
LMC said…
I had no idea you could still get that much value out of $40. (Who needs Disney?) Those are cute pics of your kids. It looks like they're having lots of fun. I love that skirt you're wearing! Have a great week.
Unknown said…
Yay, Anne Marie! A magnum of wine! Wow! It would have been something if they made you run the 5k while carrying that magnum. Perhaps a new event for next year! You will rock lavaman. Go lavawoman!
I agree, money well spent
Megan said…
That does sound like found. That's why I love race in New Orleans. Tons of food and music.

Nice that they gave y'all got goodies too.

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