Goals for the Week 11: My Lil' Slice of Heaven

Before I start drooling over my slice of Heaven above I want to say it's been so great *meeting* new bloggers with the Athleta Giveaway,! I've loved reading your profiles/blogs and seeing so many peeps with their special take on running, tri's, and livin' life. Bienvenidos to all new readers to the GFTW Express! Glad to have you on board.
Also wanted to say, I found myself noddin' my head like 'yeah', with all the comments on pushing through the valleys of training from my last post. I did wake up ready to roll the next day, and know the lows is all part of the journey.  Also, it's not that hard to push through the lows, when I've got the above view (from our room in Hawaii last year) to look forward to in  9 days, 7 hours, and 30 minutes.... But who's counting?;-)

But before I'm there, I've got things to do, places to see, and people to meet. So without further adieu here are my Goals for the Week:

Athlete: Design My Mental Game for the Lavaman Triathlon. I've written about this strategy before, and I'll share what I come up with later this week.

Mom: Get the kid's haircut before the trip (I mean they gotta look cute for Hawaii right?;-)

Health: Get a pedicure - again not a hard goal to do;-), but gotta have cute toes for the beach;-)

Personal Growth: Before I wake up each morning, take 1 minute to meditate on how I want my day to look like. Start with viewing the end of the day and work backwards on how I want my day to look like. 

Home: Make a check list of all the things I need to bring for myself and the kids for the big trip.

As always, I write these goals on a book mark I keep in my organizer and attempt to review them each morning as I plan my day. I'd love hear what you have on board for yourself for the week. Oh! And I'm so excited it's Daylight Savings. Bring on the light baby!


Momma Twitch said…
That's a cool way to write down your goals for the week. I like it! :) Lucky....I've never been to Hawaii, but it looks like SOOO much fun!
SurferWife said…
Ugh, I am so jealous!! You will do fantastic, I know you will! you have worked far too hard for it not to pay off.
misszippy said…
I really think you must have some extra room in your luggage for some bloggy friends, right? Glad you are out of the little valley. I'm looking forward to hearing about your mental game plan for lavaman.
Julie said…
Hawaii is going to be so much fun for you!! You must take losts of pictures to share:) I love the...must have cute toes for the beach...that sounds like something I would say:) Take care Anne Marie!

I did book a room at the Mission in Sonoma for my half marathon:) I looked on line and went back and forth between cheap and nice:) We went with nice:)
Unknown said…
I can't wait to hear about the Hawaii trip :)
Maggs said…
I always get pedicures before races. I will paint my own toes most of the time, but I get flowers on my toes for races. 2 weeks.
I LOVE the idea of meditating and visualizing the day before you get up. I'm going to try that. I bet it'll help get me motivated to get up each morning and work out.
Jill said…
I am SO going to start doing goals for the week b/c I feel like I'm scrambling everyday to squeeze everything and feel so frazzled. If I have it all set out for me, then it can all fall into place better!! Thanks for inspiriting me. I am glad you are feeling better...sometimes it IS hard to push through the lows if they hit too long. You're the best!!! :)
Excited for you! Nice view, and a great strategy for your day/week! Thanks for giving me a little push. I just got back from 2 1/2 wks in Costa Rica, and was having a hard time getting back on track. I sat this morning, thought about how I wanted my day to look, did some good meditation, and am off and running!
Good luck to you Anne Marie!
Margo said…
Hi Anne Marie, I read your story on Athleta. I love the idea of setting goals for the week. I also love that you categorize the goals by the different roles that we, as women, play in our lives. It certainly helps to stay balanced if we take a moment to consider all parts of ourselves when looking forward to our week. Good luck with your upcoming triathlon. I couldn't tell whether this is your first or what distance you'll be doing. Enjoy the accomplishment!!
Teamarcia said…
Good Lord woman I do Not do anywhere near 75 or 100 minutes of corework daily. I do 75 or 100 EACH crunches, planks or whatever.
That pic is glorious! I so need to make it back to Hawaii soon!
I will push the envelope a little with my running to try to get back on track.
Aimee said…
I'm so jealous that you're going to Hawaii! Have fun getting a pedicure...having cute toes is always fun! I can't wait for this summer to wear my flip-flops while sporting a new pedicure! :)

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