GFTW 13: Hawaii Part 3: But it's a LUCKY week!

Aloha friends...I did the race! And I have to tell you I was reading your comments on my iphone in transition/prerace this morning and that was so cool! Thank you.

And for the race,  I gotta be proud. It's always the ~5 hrs later when you start looking back and saying 'If I had only pushed myself harder on such and such'. blah. But I'm gonna hold off on my actual 'race report' til I have a lil' more energy to give it due attention. 

But I just had to share that I did it! And I'm happy with my result;) And also at mile 4 on the run I was swearing off triathlons forever. seriously. Like 'why the F$%% am I out here? I don't even care anymore...just pass me already'. now. Ahh, it's such a mental mind f! And I'm makin' my legit report (promise it won't be too long) later. But first, wanted to at least share these thoughts and pics.

Here's me and my real #1 fan/Ironman (above) back at transition after the race. He really is my number one fan and believes in me way more than I do myself.

And here's me finagling a pic with THE Macca. He was polite enough to remove his glasses, unlike myself. (uh...what was i thinkin'). He went on to ask chipperly 'hey! so how was the race for ya?' shucks. so sweet of him. I was impressed. He's going to the Team in Training post party tonite and already said he's partyin' his pants off. Can't wait to see all the internet/blog pics from that one;-)...

And here are the ladies in my age group (35-39) that took top five (there's Maggs, aka SunSafetyBarbie, second from left). I gotta say, the competition was fierce this year. Dang. And more than half of em' came from Alaska. What's in the water up there anyway that's producing podium finishers in every age group? 

Okay, and now my stats. Ya ready?...

Swim: ~29 min (don't know off my head what that is per ~100)

Bike: 1:10 min- (21.1 mph ave)

Run: ~47 min (7:37 mpm ave)

Over all time: 2:30:01

I came in  either 6th, 7th, or 8th in my age group (unofficial statement;-), as they didn't have them displayed. I'll find out later, but overall I was ~17 minutes faster than last year so am very happy with that. 
And now, here's Maggs and I post race. She gave me her winning Coffee (she doesn't drink it, and I SUCK it up each morning). She also gave us her winning Whale Watching Catarman Cruise ticks to use this week. my kids are stoked. thank you.

And finally, here's me with (more) celebratory beverage back at our condo kiddy pool. I thought I looked alert/perky...but uh, yah, guess not.

And for my goals this week...can ya guess? They are the same as last week. When I'm on the plane Thursday and needing to grapple my head around Easter, etc, I'll think then.
Again, bloggy friends can't wait to read about your races/lives again soon, but I know I'm in serious Aloha ville over here. Again, you're comments were awesome to get this morning and post race. thank you!!


Maggs said…
I'm so impressed. I can't wait to see how you do at Vineman and then next year. Again, thanks so much for Friday night. It was a blast :-)
I'm so happy for you, and extremely proud. Can't wait to hear all about the race. And perhaps, catch up in person. Love you, Hebbe
Teamarcia said…
Yay! WTG! So so happy for you, but not surprised at all! I'm heading to FL for spring break shortly, will catch up more later! Congrats!
Julie said…
Hi Anne Marie,
Congrats!!! You did so good:) I loved your race reports and wonderful pictures:) How awesome was it knocking off seventeen minutes off of last years time? That is a huge difference!! I am so proud of had great times for all three challenges:) Go you!!
Sherri said…
Your Amazing!
Love all the pictures....your always a hottie...even after a tough race like that!
I can't wait for more details!
Your times were ROCKIN'!!!!!
Anne said…
Congrats on a great race!!! Very cool pics once again :)
MarciaG said…
Congratulations!!! I got chills and a bit teary eyed reading this and seeing the images. Great TIMES!!!!!
I can't wait for the full recap- enjoy yourself and your family.
Wow, I am impressed! You rocked the course. That bike split is just amazing!
Congrats. You know, I have never been in a race where I didnt go "why the f@#% am I out here" yet I always come back for more.
Unknown said…
Yay congratulations! And so great to be top ten in your age group, that's brilliant :)

Loved the pics and can't wait for your full report
Velma said…
Holy cow - sounds like a great race. Sweet times!!
misszippy said…
Great job! A 2:30 is an awesome time. You rocked the bike split in particular!! Now...kick back and enjoy Hawaii.
Jenny Hinman said…
You did awesome. Love your pics and can't wait to see more when you get home. Enjoy the rest of you trip.
Unknown said…
You are my hero! I can't believe how strong you are...pulling through a hard spot and keeping on is challenging. Your postive thinking and goal-focus always wins in the end! You should be so proud of yourself!
Can't wait to hear the details, happy vacationing and celebrating!
Tracey Kite said…
WooHoo, you Rock! Love all the pic's and am looking forward to the race report, but first relax and enjoy Hawaii you deserve it!!!
JBM said…
Oh girl I took the silliest pictures with macca last night. Congrats you killed it out there!
AWESOME JOB!!! Way to Rock! You did great! Hope you are feeling good, and enjoying your vacay now. Relax. Can't wait to read your race report!
Aimee said…
Hooray! Congrats on an awesome race! You rocked! I can't wait to hear all about it! Now, relax, enjoy the time you have left there, and soak it all in! :)
RunningWhit said…
Congrats on an awesome race! I can't wait to read your race recap. Enjoy the rest of your vacation.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on a GREAT race!! 17 min. pr?!! That is awesome!!
Unknown said…
Congratulations!!! That is a big jump in your time! Good for you lady :)
Can't wait for the full report and have fun relaxing!
LMC said…
Congratulations! You did an awesome job all the way around. You didn't give up, you took 17 minutes off of your time and you finished among the top 10 in your AG. You rock! Enjoy your results and the rest of your vacation too.
Unknown said…
Hey lucky lady! Just trying to get a hold of you to let you know you won my chia seed giveaway! the lucky number was 3 and that was you! Email me at hoopataka at gmail dot com so we can get your info sent over to chia seed direct!
Congrats on the giveaway and on the Tri too!
Maureen said…
So proud of you my dear. Amazing! mb
Jill said…
Woohoooo, I am smiling so big for you right now!!! Congratulations, I am so impressed with your speed and! Can't wait for your report, now go enjoy more celebratory beverages and have a great last couple days in paradise, you deserved it!! Hugs to you!!!!
Anonymous said…
I did such and amazing job!!!! I can't wait to read the full race report. Enjoy Hawaii!!
Oh my gosh, I'm so inspired, and I haven't even read the full report!
Rad Runner said…
Great joB!
you look AMAZING!
Beth said…
Congratulations!! You did awesome! I love the pictures, too. You look fantastic and like a true triathlete. Very inspiring!
Charisa said…
Congrats on your race - super awesome!
congrats on the race sounds like you destroyed it out there! awesome time btw :)

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