Breathe Baby Breathe...

Don't know if you can tell what's going on the picture above, so lemme explain. I took this shot (there's my shadow in the lower right corner) before my 10k last Sunday in Aquatic Park, SF. From a distance it looks like a school of sea lions bathing in the sun. Well, no... it's actually a posse of tri swimmers being coached for an ocean swim. And what I found a bit odd was the coach had them do stomach crunches for a good 10 minutes before the swim. Huh? I've never heard of that, and I don't understand that philosophy other than it's gonna make them really hot and a higher likelyhood to overheat?

So as I was sort of on my tri high horse, thinking this grouped looked a lil' wacko doing planks and crunches in wetsuits. Then I heard the coach talking about the swimming basics, starting with breathing. He said the number one thing you want to remember is to breathe out under the water...In my head I thought 'omg, that's just soooo basic!'. His voiced tapered away as I went on my merry way to warm up/race and that was the end of that.

Until this afternoon when I was doing my own swim workout. I paid attention to my breathing and realized I don't do much breathing out under the water at all. Oh Nelly! Was this really true? I wasn't ever aware of this, and now paying attention, I realized I didn't breathe out nearly as much as I could/should. Uh oh. Then I started laugh breathing at myself while consciously trying to breathe out under the water. Oy. Good to know now before the race eh?

So next time I'm in my wetsuit for an open water race, I'll be the one whose doing PX90 style crunches in it beforehand.

And on a different breathing note, today's (I'll prob close the comments at ~10 pm PST) the last chance for the Athleta giveaway. I'm soo curious who the random number winner will be! I'm using I'll announce it tomorrow morning- that is if my kids give me the chance to write. Otherwise, it'll have to wait til the afternoon. Good luck!


misszippy said…
Ok--that's a really funny sight there, regardless of whether or not they were getting good advice! Yeah, swimming requires you to think of so many things. I've heard it said that it's best to just focus on one element of improvement at a time, fwiw.
so the one good thing I have going for me...I HATE getting water in my nose, so as long as I can remember I ALWAYS have blown water out my nose when swimming! This comes in really handy, because when I go for that breath of air, there's nothing left in my lungs, haha!
Maggs said…
That is odd to do that stuff in a wetsuit. But a lot of people do not breathe out all their air under water, and some actually hold their breathe until they turn their head to breathe.
teacherwoman said…
Interesting observation... I know for sure I breath out under water because at times I feel self consious about it and wonder if the lifeguards can tell how heaving I am exhaling! LOL
Beth said…
I love that picture. It reminds me of the first time I saw my son run a cross country meet. Right before the start, the whole team dropped to the ground and started doing crunches. I couldn't stop laughing! When I asked about it, they claimed that it was some sort of preventative measure against cramps. Maybe it was just a placebo, but the kids sure believed in it!
Hannah said…
That picture is awesome!

I have to love those moments...always learning, right? And hey, there's something fantastic you can work on and improve on. Everybody wins! (Says the person who can't swim for crap. I try breathing IN underwater. No good.)
AM! said…
Hey Beth,
You may be onto something. Maybe doing this does help with stomache cramps for the swim...hmmm...i'm gonna investigate..
Julie said…
Hi Anne Marie,
That is a great picture! You never know when you are going to get free advice about swimming:) Good luck with your breathing under water!
Melissa said…
Great picture!! Sometimes we have to remember the basics. :)
Crossing my fingers on the giveaway!!
Unknown said…
We are always learning, right? Not a day goes by when I don't learn something new from someone else! I can't wait to see who wins your give away, so exciting!
JC said…
They still look kind of funny! Oh the breathing so true. Also another hint longer smoother strokes are usually more efficient in a longer swim. I almost always have better swims when I am tired because my stroke is smoother and longer. Can't wait to hear/watch/see all of the happenings around Lavaman. So much FUN and so wish I was going!
Unknown said…
I didn't know you had to breath out under water! Mind you I'm certainly no swimmer, how do the crunches help you to breath out under wter?
OK, that totally made me extremely *JEALOUS*
Shelley said…
Yes, I was always taught to blow out under the water...then you're not breathing out and breathing in when you turn to get some air..:-)
RunToTheFinish said…
always good to get knocked down from our I know so much because I've been doing this so long pedistals!
Anonymous said…
I think it is cute that you took a picture of the group doing their crunches! It is always good to get a nice reminder about things we "think" are basic.
Alicia said…
Life has a way of giving us a piece of humble pie when we need it. :)

Can't wait to see who wins your awesome, spectacular giveaway!

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