You Know Your'e a Tri/Runner Freak When...

1. You return your fancy ceramic Christmas gift watch (above), because you just realize it's not worth it, unlike maybe a new Garmin pace watch! So you get the Garmin and would have no problem with it being your new dress up watch.

2. Your daughter wakes up sick ( this morning!) and your first thought is 'Dang! How am I gonna get my workouts in now?'

3. You're asked to work an extra day, and the first thing you think is 'Cool! That'll help buy my new running shoes!'

4. You see your post swim goggle marks and scrappy hair as badges of honor, as you walk in to order your morning sugar coffee

5. You meet your daughter's new friend named Cadence and you immediately think of your bike and run.

6. You'd way rather buy a Runner's World than a People magazine at the airport.

7. You plan a 10 day vacation to you and DH can do a triathlon.

I feel like I could probably go on, but this is what's popped up for me the past few weeks. Can ya relate to any of it? I hope so, and I wanna know what makes you a tri/run freak? I need to hear it. We freaks need to stick together;-)


I have done #1, I returned a $50 dress shirt for work cuz I thought it was too much, but I have no problem dropping $80 on a tri top
Julie said…
Hi Anne Marie,
From one run freak to another...funny list!! I can totally relate to most of them:) If being runners is what makes us happy then it is okay to spend a little money every now and then!!
Laura said…
#2 Oh yeah...I think that even when they aren't how does this fit around meals, naps, and bedtime...#3 Yes but then I think, hmmmm how will I fit my workout in on that day, but I just got the best option today...Work on my off day...hmmmm but I suppose that means I don't get my off day nap! #6 Runner's world totally blows People out ot the water any day!
XTB-XAVI said…
All of them...specially wakingup Saturdays morning at 5.00 am for a long bike ride...instead of keep hugging my wife in the bed...that is really freaking me out!!lol

Cheers from Tokyo,

"XTB" Xavi.
Teamarcia said…
Oh honey. I can relate to all of it! Momma that's a pretty watch. But I understand.
I drive around scoping potential running routes and road shoulder conditions. One always needs routes A, B, C, D, etc.
Hope your daughter is better. It was an ugly few days here. Didn't know the thermometer could go that high.
Marlene said…
Hi Anne Marie! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

I have to admit, I'm a bit obsessed with being FIRST!!!!!!!!! comment. :)

That's a great list and definitely made me smile. I will contribute: you know you are a running freak when you are willing to spend the afternoon at work with a red face and wet hair just to squeeze in that lunch time workout!
AM! said…
oooh, all these comments are good! so agree!
Shelley said…
I am a watch whore..I get it..hee hee
SurferWife said…
YES!! All of them. Minus #6. I need my gossip mags first and foremost. And I have yet to meet a Cadence but you can bet your booty I would think the same way.

(Love my Garmin. She is my baby.)
Marci said…
I can relate to that list and could add a whole bunch more to it!
Unknown said…
Nice post!! Agree with all of them, except #5 says music to me haha
Megan said…
Yep. I understand. I haven't slept in on a wkend in months. Gotta get in a run before everyone else is awake. I'd add that you don't buy new work pants so you can blow money at the race expo. (I'm doing that this weekend).
misszippy said…
Exellent. I totally relate and laughed at number 2--good for you for admitting what we all feel sometimes!
Velma said…
#5 is hillarious! I also catch myself looking at people with marathon or tri shirts. I always want to chat with them about running.
Melissa said…
I can totally relate to some of these. :) Definitely the second one.
Beth said…
That's a great list and I can relate to each and every one. I've been wanting to go to Hawaii for a 20th anniversary trip, and now I'm thinking about timing it with the marathon there. Luckily my husband is just as much of a nut and he thinks it's a great idea.
Sherri said…
I absolutely loved this post! I am with you on every single one of them. Infact, I were my sports watch to my sisters wedding...and they had to ask me to take it off for pictures! I feel naked without it!
"Cadence" Love it!!! The owner of the local Fleet Feet's dog's name is Miles, I think if we ever get a dog it will be Miles or Cadence and have to be a runner dog..

This list is Fun. I Love hawaii
Jill said…
That's a great list - haha! A Tri in Hawaii would be really cool...maybe the Kona Ironman??? :)

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