What's Your Worst and Favorite Tri?

Worst Tri Experience: Stanford Treeathlon
I'm shaking my head as I'm typing this, b/c I frankly hated it! What suckerooo'd was the Bay water was so freakin' cold I thought my face was going to turn permanently blue. BRRRRR! And it was mainly for college triathletes, so my age group went dead last, about 40 minutes after everyone, so I was coming into T1, as everyone else was starting and finishing the run! (Just look at the pic above). Talk about de-motivating. ugh.

But that race was prep for my first Olympic Distance Tri which I absolutely LOVED...

My Favorite Tri Experience: Lavaman Triathlon in Hawaii.
It was heaven to race in Hawaii. It's my title picture for this here blog, and despite the super winds on half the bike and run, it was a fabulous race venue. And I mean c'mon, it's in Hawaii...

Now, I wanna know YOUR favorite and worst tri's!  What event just sorta sucked booty, and which one was a lil' slice of heaven (as much as racing a tri can be)? Please share and give me the 411! (p.s. I'm looking for a race in October/Nov of this year, and it's never too early think about races for 2011)


Jill said…
Last time I did a Tri, it was about a thousand years ago so I have no comment to give you on this subject - but I do want to get back into them again. I have a friend, age 26, doing her first Ironman in St. George this summer. You, like her, truly amaze and inspire me. Thanks!! I love your pictures :).
Julie said…
Hi Anne Marie,
Well you are a rock star for even attempting a Tri!! I am a terrible swimmer....most likely no Tri in my future but I wouldn't mind trying a Running/Biking race:)

Thanks for sharing the pictures and I hope that you have a great Wednesday:)
thus far my fav: gulf coast tri panama city, fl(great people/organized event) and the worst: mullet man tri orange beach, al (horrible organization-people were almost getting run over by cars!)
Marny said…
Fun post! My BEST was the 5430 Long Course in boulder. It was my first Half-Ironman distance tri. I don't even know that I was trained very well. I got a little advice about nutrition before the race from a pro triathlete that I know and I followed it. The race just flew by. I felt great the whole time. My 1/2 marathon time ended up being a PR for me at the time and I was floored! I finished in 5:45. I think I can go faster now but I wasn't in very good shape then so I was stoked to finish under 6 hrs. I kept thinking I had to have cut the course somehow. LOL.

My worst was the Danskin Sprint Tri in denver. This was before I knew you NEEDED a wetsuit to swim outside in CO. When I got in the water my body freaked and I couldn't breathe. I thought I was going to die. I was so scared and shaking so hard. Then the run was SO HOT with no shade. Probably my worst 5K time ever.
Julie said…
Hi Anne Marie,
I just wanted you to know that I saw that you were already tagged for the sunshine award...I would of tagged you if not:) Just wanted to make sure that you know that you are one of my favorite new blog friends:)
AM! said…
@Jill-right back at ya
@Marny- wow, that is a fab time for your half! nice. and it always seems the water can make or break a race.
@Julie-see what I mean??? You are just SO nice!;-) thx
Megan said…
I bought my first bike with the goal of my first duathalon this yr. Then when my girls are a little older, I'll have time to train for a tri. The swim part scares me, though. :)
Unknown said…
Oooh I've never done a triathalon, woudn't mind the running or the biking but swimming in a river freaks my wimpy ass out!

I'll post some info on the boxing terminology tonight, I forget that less than a year ago I had no clue what sparring was either!

P.S I'm sending a little sunshine award your way! Hope you're enjoying your day :-)
Velma said…
I only have done local tris around here, so I don't think I would be of much help. The Stanford race just sounds dumb!!
Shelley said…
The hardes tri was the one I DNF'd...had a bum knee after having the best Ironman time ever!! That was tough to quit.
Aimee said…
My worst tri:
Tri in July at Highlands Ranch. This was a very small, local tri, which is normally lots of fun. This one sucked though! It started with a pool swim where 5 people had to swim in each lane starting 5 seconds apart. It was mass chaos! People were swimming into each other, grabbing toes, arms, etc.. It just sucked! I was so frazzled from the swim that I never fully recovered from it and the bike and run were horrible. Lesson learned: NEVER do a tri with a pool swim again!

Favorite Tri:
Harvest Moon Half Ironman.
This was my first HIM and I was nervous, but excited about it. I had trained well for it and felt prepared for the distance. My goal was to do it in 6hrs, but I did it in 5:42...woohoo! I felt so good on all 3 legs of the race....it was just amazing! I kept thinking to myself the entire race, "I am actually doing this...I cannot believe I'm going to finish this alive!" Then the finish line came and it was pure joy! My parents, husband, and boys were there waiting for me and it was just awesome!

Way to rock your HIM in 5:45...that's awesome! :)
teacherwoman said…
I have only done 2 real triathlons and 1 indoor triathlon. So, it's not like I have a huge selection to choose my worst and favorite. However, the two that I did do, one was what I would describe as a horrible one, and the other was what made me stick with it and I am looking forward to doing again this year!
Beth said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog, Anne Marie. I love yours and will keep stopping by. The worst try I did was Buffalo (MN) only because the water was so cold. My favorite was Square Lake (Stillwater, MN) because it was the end of the season and I could see how much I had learned. This year I have some new ones on my schedule and I can't wait!
Anonymous said…
How could any tri in Hawaii be bad!! That really stinks about the Stanford one, 40 minutes later does stink. Hey but you finished and that is always an accomplishment.
Unknown said…
Gosh, I don't swim, I just sink so I've never done a tri but I LOVE to watch them. My most favorite is a rinky dink tri at Moonlight beach about two miles from my house. My husband and I ride bikes down to the beach and watch everyone. I can't believe how rigorous a tri is and how much fitness these athletes must have. I'm in awe. You are incredible, very inspiring!
Maggs said…
I think I have a thing for the big island. Lavaman, Honu and Kona are my favorites. I had a terrible experience at NOLA 70.3 last year. Mostly my fault for not grabbing water at one station on the bike and then missing the first aid station on the run, but the race director also made some major errors. He said they will be fixed this year, so I'll give it another go.
XTB-XAVI said…
My favorite (and only one)...Hong Kong Disney Triathlon everything went, as planned, and, even better, and my final time 2h34'.


"XTB" Xavi.
SurferWife said…
Hi Anne Marie!

Love your blog and I couldn't follow fast enough!

That Stanford one sounds horrible. I would NOT like to be the last heat. Ugh, I would be miserable the whole time knowing people were finished while I still had two events to go!!

I have only done local races here in San Diego, but my husband's favorite is the Nautica Malibu Triathlon. (Which i actually just mentioned in today's blog. Random.)

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