Tik Tik, Tik Tik

I've written about my ah-ha running revelation before, and wanted to give a lil update on how it's all going with my cadence work. I'm still working on a 93-95 strides per minute, and I've done so mainly by counting to myself for 30 seconds every few minutes. So I'm hitting ~93 during those times, but I'm most likely slacking a bit during the rest of the run.

But this my friend, should all change soon. As I have become a believer in wearing this handy dandy gadget above. The tempo trainer. I know people have used it for counting their swim stroke (I haven't yet...), but I've been recommended to use it during my runs. And I still don't have one yet, but I finally borrowed my DH's and I liked what I was hearing.

It reminded me of my metronome back in the day when I played the piano. That consistent tik tok-ing, kept me on the right tempo and rhythm. And that's what this trainer did for my run. I actually found myself soothed by the constant beeping, knowing I just had to land my left foot with each beep.
So while I still want to groove with my shuffle now and then, I think I'll be listening a lot more to this lil' gadget.

And don't get me wrong,  I couldn't WAIT to shut the thing off when I was done, but it was fun to attempt to keep up with it during the run. Have you ever used one before?


-_- said…
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teacherwoman said…
I didn't know they made such a thing. Crazy!Thansk for sharing!
Anonymous said…
Very neat gadget! I'm wondering how long you need to use it in order to get that leg/brain connection going, permanently. I'm working with my PT on biomechanics; coordinating my right leg, knee lifting and direction of the knee lift and I do it while standing. He said it only takes a few weeks if I do it everyday. So interesting and scientific, right?!
megruns(I can't seem to post a comment today without it showing up as anonymous)!
Maggs said…
Hmmmm... I might have to check that out. I tend to do the counting thing too for 30-45 seconds and then I'm sure I slow down. Or i need to find music with the right beat. I'm know I change my cadence based on that.
Anonymous said…
Interesting post. I never really thought of counting my strides before. I may give it a try to test out.

Thanks for checking my blog out! I have been very sporatic with it lately.
hmmmmm.... too many details for me. i've heard of counting pedal strokes before. but now for running and swimming??? wow i'll never be able to keep up with all of this!
justme said…
i have never heard of counting steps while running..interesting. i would love it for swimming, i suck at keeping count....
Neil said…
Hi Anne Marie,

Thanks for the comments of encouragement on my blog... I smiled when I read your profile, as i'm a dad with a sugar coffee in one hand, and kids' snack bags in the other!

All the best, Morgana
Julie said…
Hi Anne Marie,
I absolutely love the picture of you crossing the finish line! The joy of finishing is evident on your face:) So, you are one of those triathlon rock stars!! I can't wait to follow you on your journey!

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