Now That's a Lot of Freakin' Shoe!

I’ve been reading a lot in blogs, forums, and magazines about the whole minimalist barefoot vs non barefoot running debate, and the opinions cross the spectrum as to which is the ‘best’ way to run. Well, I’m not gonna really go there (for the moment). But I do want to touch on the kid’s side of running. All this talk had me thinking about the natural gait, foot strength, and development that is critical for kid’s to develop between 1~6 yrs. So for shoes, I know there are ROBEEZ for toddlers, which my kids did use. Now they’re 4 and can wear a more Athletic type shoe.

But I’m surprised at the lack of minimalist style shoes available for kids. In fact, all the shoes out there seem quite the opposite. I mean, look at my son’s current pair of shoes above. Look at all that turbo cushion and support! Really? They almost look (and feel) like an orthopedic shoe-which my kid's don't need. And these are actually a pretty ‘popular’ kid brand, and I’m looking at them now and sorta shaking my head.

So where are there more minimalist shoes out there for my kids to wear? Do you know? Hmmm….I guess for now I’ll just make a concerted effort to have my kids fling off the shoes whenever appropriate and keep on the lookout...;-)


Unknown said…
That is a great question! Who is looking out for the little feet in this World? I always feel so sorry for the little kids at school who are trying to run in these shoes that have a two inch, hard platform under their feet. I hope you find some answers and when you do, please share!
AM! said…
I know Meg, I actually thought of you and all the runner teachers out there who probably shake their heads daily at the koo koo footwear the kids wear. I'm on the hunt though to find a shoe...;-)
Aimee said…
I totally agree! Why do they make kid shoes like that?! It's hard enough to get shoes on your child without having to deal with the rigidity of most shoes!!

Believe it or not I have gotten my 4 yr. old several pairs of sneakers that I found from Old Navy that are super flexible. They still have the tread on the bottom, but don't have all the cushioning and rigid support that are in most kid shoes. And, they actually last Also, REI carries a brand called Ahnu (I think I'm spelling that right!). Anyways, I got a pair of shoes for my son last year on clearance and they are great too!
AM! said…
@ Aimee-Thanks for the old navy suggestions. will look into those along with the Ahnu (sp?) shoe. thx!

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