It was an *SmartPhone* Moment

Caveat: I was planning to write about this experience, so when I got an email from juiceboxjungle saying they and Verizon would sponsor posts that share how much I use/rely on my smartphone in life as a parent, I thought heck, I actually have a perfect example! Because it was one of those experiences where I felt like I was in a commercial.

So there we were....all 4 of us driving home from a Costco run this weekend, and we witnessed the view below...which was pretty cool in itself,

But then as we approached the Sonoma Valley, it became this:

and slowly it became this:
to where we finally witnessed an entire rainbow! Not just half the arc, or a streak of part of the rainbow..but the entire dang thing from one side to the other! And it stretched out across the entire Sonoma Valley. It was like witnessing one of those wonders in life unfolding in front of our eyes.
So everyone and their mother (literally) was pulling over their cars and whippin' out their phone cameras to capture it (This is where I felt like an extra in a phone commercial, or an alien abduction movie). And what made the experience special was everyone around was affected. We all just stopped and took it in.
And my pictures came out okay, but I couldn't get the entire rainbow in one shot (dang it!). But at least I have the pics for me and the kids to look back on, and reminisce about the first time we all saw a full rainbow together. 

And it also got me excited for Hawaii and Lavaman in 7 weeks!;-) 


Maggs said…
7 weeks until Lavaman? Yikes!!
Teamarcia said…
But where's the pot of gold?
Julie said…
Hi Anne Marie,
Wow, those are great pictures!! I love beautiful rainbows but have never been able to snap a picture in time:)
teacherwoman said…
What an awesome experience!
That is so gorgeous!

I can't remember the last time I saw an entire rainbow!

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