GFTW 8: Early Morning Run IS my Therapy

This morning as I ventured out for my long endurance run, I was reminded again on how therapeutic an outdoor long run can be. It was early, so it was just me, my Garmin above, and the open road. For ninety minutes, I was brought to a zone of meditation where I was alone with my breath and thoughts. It gave me uninterrupted 'Me' time. I processed ideas, had revelations, and questions, all while glancing at the scenery (and my pace watch;-). The run was like a true therapy session, except it was free and I had the high of the endorphin rush to carry me through the day. aahhh...

And now for my Goals for the Week:
Mom: write one blog post on the kid's blog. I created this blog ~1 yr ago for me to use as my form of a scrapbook. And uh....I've only put in maybe 5 entrees. I wanna start doing it again, so I'm starting with baby steps in getting 1 post done
Athlete: Complete all the yards for my 3 swims this week. I always seem to talk myself out of the last 2-500 yds of it...
Health: Our Hawaii trip and Lavaman tri is 4 weeks away, and I wouldn't mind feeling a lil' more svelte for the trip. Soo...want to carve a few of my daily calories and I'm seeing that with having seltzer water and eating my dessert s.l.o.w.l.w.y will help.
Wife: Plan a date nite this week
Personal Growth: Be mindful of my posture. Shoulders back and head up;-)

As always, I write these on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and attempt to read it each morning as I plan my day. Oh, and I've been asked if I get bummed if I don't meet my goals, and the short answer is No. I often come up a bit short with a few of them, but I create them as daily reminders for what I'm striving to be/or do here in this thing here we call life.;-)
Okay- I'd love to hear how you go about the week too! peace out!


SurferWife said…
ok, I love this blog. I wish I had found you earlier. And I can soooooooo relate to your swim issues. Though my mind is talking me out of the last meters somewhere in the middle. Towards the end I am in a nice, peaceful state where I could keep going and going. On average, what distance are you swimming each time?

OMG, are you addicted to your Garmin? Mine died midway through one of my runs last week and I felt like a lost puppy dog. Even though I run this same course all the time and know the mileage.
Anonymous said…
Nice inexpensive therapy session! Thanks for your GOALS inspiration and motivation! I totally tried it last week with some "risk" goals that were work related and I can't believe how much I was able to accomplish and reflect upon because I had a place to start! Pretty wild. YOU are changing peoples lives, you need to write a book! Thanks for the fun read too :) .
AM! said…
uh to both Monique and Meg- I think these are of the 2 highest compliments to get. wow. thanks!;-)
Alicia said…
You want to look svelte for the trip?! Have you looked in a mirror lately? You are svelte!

Yay for long run 'me' time!
Unknown said…
I have to agree with Alicia!

I love the 'me' time in long runs too, just me and my music it's really calming!
Julie said…
Good morning Anne Marie,
I really enjoy my runs too because it is a time for me to get in my zone, release stress and just think about things:) Good job on your long run!! I love date nights too:) We all need that alone and adult time!! I hope that you have a great day Anne Marie!!
Nice goals, I should make more goals that are not workout related.
justme said…
i sooo need an outside run ALONE
Shelley said…
You get to go to Hawaii??wahhhh have fun..:-)
misszippy said…
Sounds like a great is the best therapy! Love the posture goal; it's one I need to work on as well.
Megan said…
When I started doing long runs I had a 10mo old, a very talkative 3yr old, and I job I was still learning and not yet comfortable with. Having those hrs a week, where no want needed me for anything was heaven. My life is calmer now but I still love to be able to think my own thoughts.

My back and neck are bothering me today. I need to remember to sit up straight.
JC said…
Firstly - That is a great pic!
I really like your goals for the week. I read your posture one and I am now sitting up straighter in my desk. I'm sure by the end of the day I will be slouched but as for now I am sitting taller.
Have a fantastic week:)
Velma said…
Nice goals!! You must be so excited for Lavaman. I also love your outfit
Jill said…
Is that green grass I see? I have no idea because I haven't seen it in ages. ugh. I'm gonna do the posture goal, too, thanks for the reminder on that one! Hawaii in 4 weeks? Totally envious! Have a great week!!!
AM! said…
Jill- that is green grass, and again why I was so utterly in AWE of your ~20 mile TREADMILL run you had to do b/c it was all ICE outside for you!;-)
fist of all- wow you are organized! and yes i always talk myself out of 2-300 yrds too! (especially if i'm in a rush) Glad I'm not the only one! Good luck with your goals :)
NY Wolve said…
My long runs are similar... quiet time, where I can think, feel and run. And really when I get home I recall very little about what I thought about over the last two hours or so.

And I admire the other goals...I'd be taking a nap after a long run.
teacherwoman said…
I can't wait to start enjoying the outdoors for running. right now things are too snow compacted and icy! Not a good idea, for me!

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