A Few Friday Favs!

Okay, so I'm on an alliteration kick, but here are a few gems I discovered this week via blogs, or just out in my 'real' life. Ya ready....?

1. Using Beets for Dye to Make Red Velvet Cupcakes. 
Huh? Never thought of that, but teamarcia did and shared on her blog. You can find her recipe here.

2. Making Kale Chips
Yum! (Again, never thought of it, and it's another great way to trick get my kids to eat new veggies.) You can find it on Jill Costantino's blog here)

3. Getting my 2500 yd swim done on my 4th day of hard workouts.
 It was Thurs afternoon, and I REALLY didn't feel like it (do you know the feeling?) I was just tired from a more active week than normal. But thru the encouragement of my DH and his friend in the next lane over they said 'hey, just jump in! You'll feel better! You don't have to finish the workout, but just do something.' So I (somehow) jumped in. And proceeded to get the whole dang swim done. STOKED.

4. Reading new blogs and comments.
It's been fabulous and I love becoming connected with so many awesome mama reader/writer athletes out there.

What fav's did you find this week? Would love to know. Oh, and hope your team wins Sunday (I'll be watching for the commercials and the above mentioned snacks! ;-) 


JC said…
mmm going to try those red velvet cupcakes!
Anne said…
Hi! I noted your comment on Marcia's post and thought I'd come by and visit. I actually started blogging a day before you did, so I'm a fellow newbie at all this. Pretty addictive...as I talk about on my February 1st post :)
Julie said…
Hi Anne Marie,
I found many new blogs this week that I love:) I am always sifting through different ones to see if there is anything that looks intriguing! Just a few days ago I found two bloggers from Northern England! Sarah or AKA Running Bear B is a speedy girl and Running Fox is a 77 year old runner. I find them both extremely fascinating. They were so happy that their blogs were found by someone across the pond:) I will do a post on them both in the near future. Go check them out, I know that they would appreciate American blogger friends:) Have a great weekend!!!
Aimee said…
Yum...kale chips. I will definitely have to try that recipe!

Let's see...some of my favorite things this week were discovering a great new yoga class at my gym, making yummy sweet potato coconut soup, and watching the season premiere of LOST!

Have a great weekend! :)
Teamarcia said…
Anne Marie do you work for Athleta? I heart them more than life itself (almost) and could truly shop their catalog with my eyes shut and be thrilled with my purchase.
Here's something I'll be making (along w/the kale chips)for the big game this weekend:
Homemade wheat thins sans the sodium and crap

have an awesome weekend!
Maggs said…
I love Kale Chips. Yum. Salt!
AM! said…
Hey Marcia-I do work for Athleta as a 'try on' model. so that means I go there 1 or 2x/wk and try on their current lines or future inspiration pieces. It's pretty cool;-), and perfect for a part time SAHM.
Now, I'm gonna go make the kale chips w/the kiddos..
Unknown said…
I love that tank top, especially the higher neckline, very cute! I'm going to check those out for sure. Have a nice weekend!
AM! said…
Kale Chip update: just made em' and i love em! Can't believe I've never heard of these before. Thanks again Jill!
Hi, Anne Marie!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I love yours too!

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